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12 dead and 14 hurt in cross-border Afghan shelling in Chaman

Latest: The stand off still remains and no solution reached in Pak-Afghan border talks. there are no solutions achieved in the flag meeting and Afghan forces are not allowing census to take place in the disputed village. Pakistan has started evacuating the border villages and Heavy units and military build up is taking place on the Pak-Afghan border. I think if the deal is not reached Pakistan might launch an offensive.
Last October a JF 17 crashed on its maiden flight. Does not mean it is an unproven technology.
Heck Core i3 processors even fail to this date. Does not mean they are faulty by design.

Seriously, cut the off topic rent already.
Latest: The stand off still remains and no solution reached in Pak-Afghan border talks. there are no solutions achieved in the flag meeting and Afghan forces are not allowing census to take place in the disputed village. Pakistan has started evacuating the border villages and Heavy units and military build up is taking place on the Pak-Afghan border. I think if the deal is not reached Pakistan might launch an offensive.
You have been saying that from yesterday.
Nothings going to happen. Pakistan will realize its mistake and cancel the census.
Latest: The stand off still remains and no solution reached in Pak-Afghan border talks. there are no solutions achieved in the flag meeting and Afghan forces are not allowing census to take place in the disputed village. Pakistan has started evacuating the border villages and Heavy units and military build up is taking place on the Pak-Afghan border. I think if the deal is not reached Pakistan might launch an offensive.

Thanks for the updates. Last I heard they were moving type-59M2s and evacuating the villages. So far, all signs indicate that army is all set for a cross broder limited offensive.

However, the possibility of it being a trap for an ambush is also there.
@Ulla this is what happened the whole story.
Chaman Attack Details:

2 day before Afghanistan forces launched the assault on border villages Afghan forces threaten the local population not to be part of the census.

5th May 4 am Afghan forces started firing mortars and heavy weapons on the local population. The attack continued and the Pakistani post in the area was also targeted. The attack continued for several hours huge explosions rocked the villages and injured 4 FC soldiers. Pakistan contacted the Afghan authorities and asked them to stop the violation of border but the Afghan offensive continued. Pakistan issued the troops to launch the offensive and retaliate with few minutes the offensive was launched and Afghan posts were targeted. PAF was alerted and PA reinforcements were dispatched. Chamman border crossing was closed immediately. Afghan post which were firing at Pakistani villages were destroyed and Afghan surviving troops took refuge in the houses of Afghan population. Afghan have an ammo depot in the area and Afghan chose the location of the attack very wisely. Afghan would had continuous supply of ammo from the nearby depot. PA knew the strategic depot and availability of ammo as soon as the depot was hit post destroyed multiple soldiers lost and heavy casualties sustained the remaining afghan troops were stuck in the afghan village and cut of from the supply line. Soon there were Pakistani gunships hovering on their heads and injured started losing lives. Afghan called Pakistani forces and asked for a cease fire. Afghan-Pak field meeting was held and Afghan admitted their fault and retreated with their fallen and wounded. 37 Afghan troops lost their lives and more than 100 were injured. Pakistan lost 12 lives and multiple injured.

Then Afghan forces started firing at Torkham border post at night and as soon as Pakistan replied with reply fire the Afghan posts went silent.

Today more troops artillery units and Gunship helicopters were deployed to the area and Afghan are not available at their posts.


Tanks, Artillery, and Cobras you are right are direct near the Afghan border and are battle ready!

Thanks for the updates. Last I heard they were moving type-59M2s and evacuating the villages. So far, all signs indicate that army is all set for a cross broder limited offensive.

However, the possibility of it being a trap for an ambush is also there.
Its open territory , with no place to hide.
India maybe can send some anti tank guns to Afghanistan.
You have been saying that from yesterday.
Nothings going to happen. Pakistan will realize its mistake and cancel the census.
I am telling what is the current situation. I don't know the future. Gunships Tanks artillery has been deployed to the border. Now what happens next is just assumption. Flag talks are a standoff currently and census will happen no one can stop that. Pakistan even conducted census on LOC.
Last October a JF 17 crashed on its maiden flight. Does not mean it is an unproven technology.
Heck Core i3 processors even fail to this date. Does not mean they are faulty by design.

They called the customer service. They said did you try turning it on and off again?

How did the topic derail from Afghan vs Pak border clash to this. But seems logical as we now live in the age of computer games and war is just a cool animation.

As khawaja Asif said it's Delhi Kabul nexus. Currently i think Pakistan authority is busy in evacuating the area in order to prevent furthur casualties after they would be done they will start counter attack.
sure, but make sure to teach them how to operate them first. And not to use them over fellow ANA members in panic once heavy pounding starts falling.

Troll my friend who I am sure on twitter is shouting abuses to dead and came over here to enjoy his Sunday with trolling. Truly the previous week must be filled with miseries if one trolls like this. Anyhow

Hundreds of Afghan families are desperately fleeing armed conflict in Kunduz Province. Many are accommodated with extended families elsewhere, but some have had to sleep in the open,” said Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Country Director in Afghanistan, Kate O'Rourke.

“Taliban fighters were shooting from one side of our house and the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) from the other side. A rocket landed in my garden. My wife told me that if I didn’t flee, she would leave the house alone with our two daughters. We fled. We left everything behind. I’m afraid it will be looted,” Rahman Gerdi (29), a civilian from Aq-tapa, told NRC emergency response staff in Kunduz.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), also known as the Taliban, captured one of Kunduz Province’s seven districts, Qala-e Zal, on 6 May, and are launching attacks on ANSF checkpoints along the main road to Khanabad district. Civilians are fleeing from both locations. The intensity of armed conflict in northern Afghanistan has increased over the past week, following the announcement of the IEA's spring offensive on 28 April.

Abdul Karim (31) from Qala-e Zal, fled with his family to Kunduz City, where he is staying in a compound with four other families.

“Around 2.30 am Taliban fighters came to our houses and asked us to evacuate. They told us not to make any sound. We were all afraid,” he told NRC staff in Kunduz City on Saturday.

Preliminary reports from families who fled, local authorities, and aid groups indicate that thousands of people have been displaced.

“Around 180 families from my neighbourhood in Qala-e Zal have been displaced into Kunduz City. But those with no money, like widows, are in Qala-e Zal desert, as they couldn’t make it as far as the city. They are now living in the open,” said Abdul Karim.

A rapid humanitarian assessment is currently being undertaken in Kunduz, to identify immediate needs of families displaced by the recent fighting. NRC is ready to provide emergency shelter, water, food, sanitation and hygiene articles and other essential supplies.

“All armed actors must respect International Humanitarian Law, avoiding civilian casualties and allowing fleeing civilians safe passage. We request security assurances from all parties to the conflict for safe humanitarian access to respond to those in need,” said O’Rourke.


• The security situation continues to deteriorate in Afghanistan. Up to half of the country is no longer under Afghan government control. More than 600,000 Afghans were internally displaced due to conflict over 2016; taking the total number of IDPs in the country to more than 1.7 million. This year, IDP numbers are expected to rise further.

• Between 1 January and 20 April 2017, 75,000 Afghan girls, boys, women and men were displaced due to conflict—an average of 680 people per day. People fled from 27 out of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces; 115 out of its 399 districts.

• On Friday 28 April, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) issued their annual spring offensive announcement.

• Kunduz Province was captured by the IEA in September and October 2015 and in October 2016, resulting in mass displacement on both occasions. Afghan and international security forces responded. On 3 October 2015, during the campaign to recapture Kunduz City, the MSF trauma centre in Kunduz was attacked by international military aircraft, killing 42 people.

• Kunduz Province is one of the main destinations of registered Afghan refugees who have reportedly felt forced to return from Pakistan in high numbers since mid-2016.

• In total, over 2016, NRC directly assisted 300,000 displaced persons in Afghanistan, through programming, which includes legal assistance, shelter, and education in emergencies. NRC maintains ten offices across Afghanistan, including in Kunduz. From the Kunduz office, NRC directly implements humanitarian shelter, legal protection, and education in emergencies programming, as well as maintaining an emergency response capacity.

• NRC is a leading partner of the Emergency Response Mechanism (ERM) in Afghanistan, a partnership of seven international, humanitarian NGOs, which provide rapid, emergency assistance to women, boys, girls, and men displaced by conflict or affected by natural disasters. NRC is grateful to the European Commission’s humanitarian financing of the ERM.


This is what's happening in Afghanistan since the border attack began and they focused their military over there. Rather than immediately call peace and resolve the issue, the afghans are ignoring the ever growing advance of Taliban in a district where they had no presence in 1996 and it seems the capital is being surrounded from all sides as highways are falling yet all Afghanistan cares about is census.

The villages of killi luqman and other bordering villages have been evacuated. The houses have been severely damaged by afghan firing who were maliciously targeting civilians. If afghans don't compromise in the talks then a limited fight is in its way.
Till the last Afghan it is then.

Just hope whatever they're getting in return for being someone's b**** is worth it because the price will be heavy.
Noora woke up from his coma?
LOL Noora still on life support. COAS met will tribal leader in Balochistan and they have shown support to Pak Army and will fight with Afghan if the Afghan force continue the aggression. Afghan elders have asked Pakistan not to use the tribal rift but I think the decision has been taken.

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