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MNS threat to have Shakil Siddiqui removed from TV Show

So which party do you support if you are ?
show me a perfect party which we can choose to rule india. Or do you prefer military rule ?

It is not the question of choosing a party.

It is the question of singling out a single party and calling it anti national.

In this case the record of MNS in case of rioting, killing innocents, looting, fraud, coruption is nothing compared to other parties.

In my town, MNS has helped many local youths get jobs in Raymond, Kirloskar and many other companies. Earlier people from bihar and UP were employed because they were ready to work on lower wages and doing 12 hour shifts. But MNS forced these companies to take local youth on the minimum prescribed wages in accordance with government and ILO laws and the 8 hour shift was restored. There is a law of state government, 80% jobs of low skilled should be given to locals in lieu of various incentives like land water, electricity, stamp duties from the government.

Hence if I have choose between MNS and RJD which is party of rapists goons , I would rather choose MNS because they have helped in many problems of the local here.
It is not the question of choosing a party.

It is the question of singling out a single party and calling it anti national.

In this case the record of MNS in case of rioting, killing innocents, looting, fraud, coruption is nothing compared to other parties.

In my town, MNS has helped many local youths get jobs in Raymond, Kirloskar and many other companies. Earlier people from bihar and UP were employed because they were ready to work on lower wages and doing 12 hour shifts. But MNS forced these companies to take local youth on the minimum prescribed wages in accordance with government and ILO laws and the 8 hour shift was restored. There is a law of state government, 80% jobs of low skilled should be given to locals in lieu of various incentives like land water, electricity, stamp duties from the government.

Hence if I have choose between MNS and RJD which is party of rapists goons , I would rather choose MNS because they have helped in many problems of the local here.

The problem is they are against people from other parts of the state.they want to stop migration of workers from other states.
they may seem to be solving local problems but in a wider perspective it will do only harm than any good.
MNS is not just opposing Pakistani artists but all foreign artists.
These foreign artist come on tourist visa , work here without any permit without any government authorization or permission, earn money, don't pay taxes and return to their homes.

This is completely illegal.

Come here on valid business visa , take working permit from the government pay your taxes . Nobody is stopping you.

I dont recollect MNS opposing artists from other country except Pakistan but nevertheless, you have made a valid point above.

A law should be introduced in this matter if it's not already there.
It is not the question of choosing a party.

It is the question of singling out a single party and calling it anti national.

In this case the record of MNS in case of rioting, killing innocents, looting, fraud, coruption is nothing compared to other parties.

In my town, MNS has helped many local youths get jobs in Raymond, Kirloskar and many other companies. Earlier people from bihar and UP were employed because they were ready to work on lower wages and doing 12 hour shifts. But MNS forced these companies to take local youth on the minimum prescribed wages in accordance with government and ILO laws and the 8 hour shift was restored. There is a law of state government, 80% jobs of low skilled should be given to locals in lieu of various incentives like land water, electricity, stamp duties from the government.

Hence if I have choose between MNS and RJD which is party of rapists goons , I would rather choose MNS because they have helped in many problems of the local here.

Dont even compare congress and bjp with a party like MNS ruled by thugs and goons,how came MNS became saint infront of other parties,when it main purpose itself is to run riots in Mumbai

all ur criteria is based on that,they thrown out people from u.p and bihar and created job for marathis,do u know how many marathis r working in Gujrat,in NCR,in M.P,in Andhra

what if the same is applied there,it never came to me as a surprise when some pakistanis and chines call for disintegration of this nation into 20,30 parts,mns can help them to achieve it very soon
If India can play Pakistan in cricket and hockey. If Pakistan cricketer Kamran Akmal can work together with Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar in an Indian film, than what's wrong in a Pakistani comedian appearing on Indian channels (irrespective of him being good or bad)?

If MNS wants to oppose Pakistan then they should do it all levels or just stop doing it.

Kamran Akmal in a movie:woot::woot:, which one??:pop:
Dont even compare congress and bjp with a party like MNS ruled by thugs and goons,how came MNS became saint infront of other parties,when it main purpose itself is to run riots in Mumbai

all ur criteria is based on that,they thrown out people from u.p and bihar and created job for marathis,do u know how many marathis r working in Gujrat,in NCR,in M.P,in Andhra

what if the same is applied there,it never came to me as a surprise when some pakistanis and chines call for disintegration of this nation into 20,30 parts,mns can help them to achieve it very soon

Lol if MNS is party of goons and thugs, then Congress and BJP are parties of nazi Fascist who did genocide. Congress killed 10000 innocent sikhs and BJP 5000 innocent muslims. I would rather vote for MNS than congress or BJP.

I totally support the opposition of MNS of migrant blue collar workers from other states.

The local farmers gave their farm land for peanuts to governmnet to set up industries so that their children can work in these industries instead of slogging as farmers. The state government provided these industries with all the incentives in water, electricity and stamp duties so that the industries could employ local youth. If people from Bihar and UP are going to come thousands of miles and snatch jobs from locals for which the locals provided their beloved land, then do hell with you. We don't want to suffer for the incompetencies of UP and Bihar. Employ your people in your state.

The law of land in Maharashtra is that the 80 % of semi skilled jobs are reserved for locals. Employing people from outside is illegal.

As far as Marathis working in other states is considered, they have no business to be in the jobs which are meant for the locals. The Marathis who are employed for the jobs meant for locals should be removed immediately. The Industry is for the employment of the local people who have sacrificed their land, water, electricity and environment.

Your argument is hollow. The problems today we see is because of this indifference towards problems faced by locals in the name of national integration. Take any Example Tamil Nadu, Andhra , Kerala, you will not find any hindi speaking blue collar worker in these states, they only employ locals.

And this phenomenon is global, take for example opposition in Eu countries for migrant labor.

In Spain the Baths don't see an eye to eye to other spanish.

In UK the fight between Scots and english is still there.

This Nation of India belongs to everyone and not just to UP and Biharis. Lol they call it Bihar Railway not Indian Railway.

So as long as you keep on insulting the locals in the name of National Integration, the parties Like MNS, DMK will be there to put forward the problems faced by the locals.

SO keep your National Integartion Crap bullshit to yourself.

MNS asks TV channel to remove Pak comedian
Headlines Today Bureau
Mumbai, June 17, 2010

The Cine Workers Association, a wing of Raj Thackeray's Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS), has threatened TV channel Sony of dire consequences if it did not take Pakistani comedian Shakeel Siddiqui off its laughter show immediately.

The association has sent a threat letter to the channel at its office in Malad. Demanding immediate removal of Siddiqui from its show the letter threatened the channel that it will be difficult for it to air its programmes in Maharahstra if it does not heed to the diktat.

This is not the first time that the MNS has taken law into their hands. The party has a notorious reputation of flouting laws and forcing its diktats in the state.
And this becomes a news in world affairs? Neither it has any relation to international politics, nor any military connection nor any nuclear related matter. Just because of some politician in India asks to do something, it becomes a news here?

I am surprised to see such regional, territorial news on world affairs forum. Sir, you are a moderator, you should know better.

PS: Out of Curiosity

Being a Pakistani (political rival of Indians as I gain from here), could you tell me why are Pakistani citizens working in a potentially enemy state? This in a way undoes all the word wars you have here and becomes kind of a strange sort of hypocrisy, isn't it?

I mean even in the most non-related threads I have seen Pakistani members and Indian members turning them all into war zones and yet people from your land work in your enemy's land?

This appears silly.
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U may not like him and it is due to the fact that u lack a funny bone.

When lisitening to Shakeel i hear more laughs than any one i Have seen so far.

So let the laughers be the judge.

` `well .......havent you heard Raaju srivastav????

in comedy circus laughter was because he was Paired with Shruti:partay:
It was him who have made that show famous and after him his style had been copied by Indian comedians including Krishna and his fellow comedian.

Anyway all Pakistani artists were banned by Indians after Mumbai episode.

ya........and I am Geogre Clooney:lol::lol:
looks like SONY is also very popular channel in pakistan with (in)famous STAR PLUS..so much for "I DONT WATCH INDIAN CHANNELS/MOVIES"..:lol::lol:
Lol if MNS is party of goons and thugs, then Congress and BJP are parties of nazi Fascist who did genocide. Congress killed 10000 innocent sikhs and BJP 5000 innocent muslims. I would rather vote for MNS than congress or BJP.

I totally support the opposition of MNS of migrant blue collar workers from other states.

The local farmers gave their farm land for peanuts to governmnet to set up industries so that their children can work in these industries instead of slogging as farmers. The state government provided these industries with all the incentives in water, electricity and stamp duties so that the industries could employ local youth. If people from Bihar and UP are going to come thousands of miles and snatch jobs from locals for which the locals provided their beloved land, then do hell with you. We don't want to suffer for the incompetencies of UP and Bihar. Employ your people in your state.

The law of land in Maharashtra is that the 80 % of semi skilled jobs are reserved for locals. Employing people from outside is illegal.

As far as Marathis working in other states is considered, they have no business to be in the jobs which are meant for the locals. The Marathis who are employed for the jobs meant for locals should be removed immediately. The Industry is for the employment of the local people who have sacrificed their land, water, electricity and environment.

Your argument is hollow. The problems today we see is because of this indifference towards problems faced by locals in the name of national integration. Take any Example Tamil Nadu, Andhra , Kerala, you will not find any hindi speaking blue collar worker in these states, they only employ locals.

And this phenomenon is global, take for example opposition in Eu countries for migrant labor.

In Spain the Baths don't see an eye to eye to other spanish.

In UK the fight between Scots and english is still there.

This Nation of India belongs to everyone and not just to UP and Biharis. Lol they call it Bihar Railway not Indian Railway.

So as long as you keep on insulting the locals in the name of National Integration, the parties Like MNS, DMK will be there to put forward the problems faced by the locals.

SO keep your National Integartion Crap bullshit to yourself.


LOL every Indian is well within his rights to migrate to Mumbai or any other part of India to work and make a living, that is why we are one country isn't it?

Migration is a global phenomenon and happens all round the planet, it's not something that happens in Mumbai only. Migration is good it stimulates economy creates jobs etc

Nobody is stopping any local to take up jobs, if your argument is that somebody from UP/Bihar comes to Mumbai and can land a job or drive a taxi what is stopping somebody local to do the same

44% of migration to Mumbai is from other parts of Maharashtra and only 14% from North India, I hope you have similar hatred for people from Konkan, Ratnagiri, Jalgaon.......etc

If foul mouthing somebody's culture, threatening them, beating them up, stopping them from giving entrance exams is what you think is appropriate, please go back to your school and ask for a refund
Lol if MNS is party of goons and thugs, then Congress and BJP are parties of nazi Fascist who did genocide. Congress killed 10000 innocent sikhs and BJP 5000 innocent muslims. I would rather vote for MNS than congress or BJP.

That's because the MNS has been in existence for only a few years. Give them enough time and they'll become butchers. Also don't forget, the MNS consists of basically Shiv Sena lunatics who killed god-knows-how-many during the Bombay riots.

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