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Abu Zolfiqar has passed away. RIP

RIP. May God bless his soul. He was very active in bike thread

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Sad :(




Only those who share the passion can understand. I always urged him to be careful in the pursuit of that adrenaline rush.
May Allah rest him in peace
May he be in best of places.
After seeing his posts, first impression i had about him was, man he is so calm even in heated debates. And that he was soft spoken. And that he was true Pakistani patriot.

Extremely saddened by this news. Lots of prayers for him and his family.
I met Abu Z. when he first joined Iran Defense back in 2009 or 2010 and ever since then. He spoke excellent Arabic because he went to the same school I did in Egypt, but he went there many years after I had graduated. So we had that terrific connection right off the start, a great online friendship. He had asked me to join PDF and I finally did last October. I just looked him up last week on his profile page to say hello and he responded a few days ago, again in Arabic. I am quite devastated by this sudden, horrific news. I don't think I ever heard anyone utter a single negative thing about that man, ever. He had such a likable and personable demeanor and all his interactions with me and the ones I witnessed were nothing but kind, friendly, passionate and enjoyable. He will be greatly missed and I hope this experience only benefits us all who knew him at any level. I'm grateful I got to at least say hello to him before this devastating tragedy.

May he rest in peace and my sincerest condolences to his family and friends. RIP, brother.
I request from administration to create video of his favourite comments and patriotic ideas and post on Facebook page for learning of the public. It is kind of tribute from pdf to a true patriot. I also request from members to remember him in your prayers. May Allah grant him highest place in heaven

That is a good idea, if someone is good with video editing. It will be appreciated.
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

Very tragic news. I did not know him too well here but the few times that I did interact with him, it was always a pleasant experience and to my great surprise he spoke Arabic very well. It is only a few days ago that we participated in the same thread in the Arab section. Last Friday if I recall.

Such unfortunate news is yet another reminder of how fragile life is. One moment you are enjoying life and in the next moment your life can be taken from you. As a bit of a adrenaline junkie myself (fast cars) this tragic accident and similar ones makes one wonder if it is worth to even take such risks to begin with.

Is it known yet what exactly caused this tragic accident?

Somebody actually caused the accident and the police are looking for him.

Hopefully they catch him/her. Too many accidents remain unsolved due to this reason.
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إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

Very tragic news. I did not know him too well here but the few times that I did interact with him, it was always a pleasant experience and to my great surprise he spoke Arabic very well. It is only a few days ago that we participated in the same thread in the Arab section. Last Friday if I recall.

Such unfortunate news is yet another reminder of how fragile life is. One moment you are enjoying life and in the next moment your life can be taken from you. As a bit of a adrenaline junkie myself (fast cars) this tragic accident and similar ones makes one wonder if it is worth to even take such risks to begin with.

Is it known yet what exactly caused this tragic accident?

Hopefully they catch him/her. Too many accidents remain unsolved due to this reason.

He always had a really great sense of humor.
Check these videos of his:

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