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China renames 6 places in Arunachal, takes its claim over state to whole new level

I Do not waste time trolling on such childish behaviour
First hord your own fate in your country,then we can talk about holding Indias fate.you can stop our water and kill BD or we bring democracy to you only time will tell.:-),hey you still need visa if you want to visit those 6 places and you still need to tell the names they have now to get a ticket.

What is the big deal to visit this parts when we're busy to milk India with trade surplus. Only if BD can stop India from diverting their water otherwise they will have nothing to say unless if they want to play double standard game, you see now the ball is in your course :lol:
LOL - is that what is written in the Little Red Book of Mao?
Now, read up some real history books. China crossed the border - occupied territory briefly and returned back to China. At the same time the Cuban Missile Crisis ended and Kennedy shipped weapons to India. So instead of getting into a war where they would actually have to fight - China decided to score some diplomatic brownie points and unilaterally withdrew.
LOL - Communist education! No wonder China is considered a clown in the civilized world.
I wonder how much real history is a country with a low -HDI or a low literacy rate
1950-1953 in the Korean War, China and the United States led the United Nations combat, the successful occupy of Seoul. Do you think it takes more time for China to occupy Delhi than to occupy Seoul?

Oh, you really should thank Mao. He saved India.
What I read from the Chinese forums is that China's strategy is to make India feel the heat and the breath of the dragon behind their neck constantly, keep Indians on their toes and drain their valuable funds and resources away from economic development, considerable troops and resources of India will be pinned down along the border . China will reap much benefits in the long run staging this worry strategy.
In my honest realistic opinion, the reason for this CHina move on "South Tibet" AND SCS is about one thing- more resources and space for a huge population. I already read that Chinese govt knows that CHina mainland cant host all chinese people, and this is partly why China has strong activities/migration to other continents including Africa. So for me this South tibet thing is less about real sovereignty, because why NOW that China is getting aggresssive with INdia about Tawang and AP? China's govt will continue to claim any land they can snatch from weak neighbours because CHina needs those lands,resources, access to provide for all her citizens for them to be happier. Not saying it is right, but that seems to be the motive. On the other hand, i agree 1962 India is long gone and the days of a passive, non-aggressive India is gone. If there is one country/neighbour that CHina cant bully in the ong run, i think its INdia because INdia is building up to be a huge nation in all ways. Might not be there yet, but we have to realize that developing nations of today develop faster than developing nations in old times like 60s, 70s, 80s. India is also in a tough neighbourhood and she proves she's not able and ready to fight for her rights and sovereignty, other countries(no need to mention more names)will test her and snatch her crap. Its just how humans are. You think INdia is importing and buying TONS of weapons for nothing? Weapons eventually get used.
Don't make light of the rape problem in India. But stay on topic.
English should not be a problem to comprehend for a guy who claims to be taiwanes,post like a chinese and claimed lives in US and never posts on threads related to his own country.
dont you see my emotions in the post,i was saying sorry on behalf of all the Indians.
I wonder how much real history is a country with a low -HDI or a low literacy rate
1950-1953 in the Korean War, China and the United States led the United Nations combat, the successful occupy of Seoul. Do you think it takes more time for China to occupy Delhi than to occupy Seoul?

Oh, you really should thank Mao. He saved India.

Yes, Mao made mistakes that cause many death. But they all pale in comparison with his withdrawal from India. That was his biggest mistake. He should have pressed on to take New Dehli and liberate the Indian masses.

English should not be a problem to comprehend for a guy who claims to be taiwanes,post like a chinese and claimed lives in US and never posts on threads related to his own country.
dont you see my emotions in the post,i was saying sorry on behalf of all the Indians.

Nothing is as interesting as posting about India.
My friend, economy benefit is not mean that we will give away our land. the day Indian mean nothing to China, we can always use water as bargain :azn:. As I said before pen is mightier than sword :lol: just by changing few names, Indian medias are crying about China's retaliation, that's best humiliation we could get. :rofl:

As for water issue, if you think we can't shut the valve, well I will leave that to our water expert, I think they just have a small plan for it :lol:

The minister of water need to do it quickly or fire his ***
What is the big deal to visit this parts when we're busy to milk India with trade surplus. Only if BD can stop India from diverting their water otherwise they will have nothing to say unless if they want to play double standard game, you see now the ball is in your course :lol:
Thers is no big deal,i was just saying you wont get even a ticket if you use the names as per the CCP.
you know parrots can say few words,they can come in different colours and sizes,it is as out of topic as the rest of your post.:-)
Why we need Indian visa when Indian need our water, we can set a good bargain and see who will have the last laugh :lol:, India hold our land and we hold the fate of India. :azn:

Then do it .
Only BD will suffer ,our tributaries would be enough for our people.

Lol kow tows :rofl: when we earn annually a trade surplus of 56 billions with India, it's more than CPEC project investment, we just try to please our customer :lol:, and nothing prevent China to shut the valve later on:D

So ?
It will work only for us in future if we need .
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