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North Korea US Tension - News & Discussion

I think North Korea is a great country with all those restrictions and no connection from the outer world these guys are still making progress, of course they are having help from other countries but still better than pakistan -,-

Wow you saying North Korea is better than Pakistan? That is shocking! Shocking!
I think North Korea is a great country with all those restrictions and no connection from the outer world these guys are still making progress, of course they are having help from other countries but still better than pakistan -,-
Dude, North Korea is in no position to be on par with Pakistan.
North Korean people are not aliens and they have to follow the basic principles of our universe.
Things are not what you watched on the surface sometimes.
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China & U.S Alliance to restrain North Korea’s Nuclear ambition?
Global Village Space |

M. K. Bhadrakumar |

The suspense over the possibility of North Korea conducting another nuclear test has dissipated. Almost exactly as Chinese commentators had advised in recent weeks, North Korea finally decided to be content with a flexing of its muscles through a spectacular military parade that demonstrated its capabilities and power of deterrence against foreign aggression instead of indulging in provocative acts.

Why would I call China a currency manipulator when they are working with us on the North Korean problem? We will see what happens!

This becomes a turning point, in turn, in the US-China relationship. In a nutshell, the Chinese leadership has lived up to US President Donald Trump’s expectations. Astonishingly enough, Trump acknowledged this new reality publicly today with yet another tweet: “Why would I call China a currency manipulator when they are working with us on the North Korean problem? We will see what happens!”

Trump’s National security Advisor HN McMaster was more explicit when he told the ABC today,

Read more: North Korea vows strong response to ‘reckless’ US naval move

We’re working together with our allies and partners, and with the Chinese leadership, to develop a range of options… And so it’s time for us to undertake all actions we can, short of a military option, to try to resolve this peacefully… And so we’re going to rely on our allies like we always do, but we’re also going to have to rely on Chinese leadership. I mean, North Korea is very vulnerable to pressure from the Chinese. Eighty percent of North Korea’s trade comes from China. All of their energy requirements are fulfilled by China. So in the coming weeks, months, I think there’s a great opportunity for all of us — all of us who are really the threat now of this unpredictable regime — to take action short of armed conflict, so we can avoid the worst.

This level of Sino-American cooperation over the North Korean issue is unprecedented. From McMaster’s words, it appears that the Trump administration is looking for Chinese help to kick start diplomatic negotiations. Of course, that is something China has consistently recommended too. We cannot overlook the reality that Trump has succeeded in encouraging a significant shift in the Chinese stance. Even sections of the American media acknowledge this. Washington Post, which has been viscerally opposed to Trump, has begun admiring him. (WaPo)

Read more: Korean Crisis: Another chapter of the CIA & NSA’s “national security” drama

China threatens to cut off its oil supplies
China has virtually threatened to cut off its oil supplies as part of its efforts to pressure the North Koreans to see the light of reason.

It is extraordinary that China has virtually threatened to cut off its oil supplies as part of its efforts to pressure the North Koreans to see the light of reason. In essence, China has shown willingness to cut the North Korean regime adrift unless it moderated its policies with regard to the nuclear tests and developing ballistic missiles. On the other hand, Trump also abandoned the Obama administration’s era of accommodation or ‘strategic patience’ and resorted to a display of ‘smart power’. In the final analysis, Trump’s combined approach – coercive diplomacy plus getting the Chinese on board – worked, as the latest developments testify.

Read full article:

China & U.S Alliance to restrain North Korea’s Nuclear ambition?
It is nothing more than a coincidence, that China and the USA's "interests" have happened to converge on the North Korean issue. Neither one is happy with a nuclear standoff in the Korean Peninsula.

But be very sure, that the decision makers in American politics understand very well, and they see very clearly, that China is the true long-term strategic rival to the USA.

American politicians simply find it easier to harp up the threat of "Islamic extremism" and the coming "Russian nuclear apocalypse", as well as Iran and North Korea. These are much more efficient when causing general fear in the American public, which they convert into political support. But they aren't stupid, they know the country that is most likely to actually become a true near-peer competitor to the sole superpower is China, it's just a less immediate and less visceral type of fear. But in the end, it is the bigger long-term threat.
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It is nothing more than a coincidence, that China and the USA's "interests" have happened to converge on the North Korean issue. Neither one is happy with a nuclear standoff in the Korean Peninsula.

But be very sure, that the decision makers in American politics understand very well, and they see very clearly, that China is the true long-term strategic rival to the USA.

American politicians simply find it easier to harp up the threat of "Islamic extremism" and the coming "Russian nuclear apocalypse", as well as Iran and North Korea. These are much more efficient when causing general fear in the American public, which they convert into political support. But they aren't stupid, they know the country that is most likely to actually become a true near-peer competitor to the sole superpower is China, it's just a less immediate and less visceral type of fear. But in the end, it is the bigger long-term threat.

Your assessment is quite realistic but instead of China I think the US takes Russia as the bigger threat for the time being. China's turn hasn't come yet.
Trump Takes the Cake: That Awful Moment When It Really Hits You That the World's Most Powerful Country Is Run by the World's Stupidest Man

Americans, you have to prevent your President from being given any more chocolate cake!

Rob Slane
Thu, Apr 13, 2017

I am rarely lost for words. I am close to it now. If you haven’t already seen the exchange between the man posing as a President, and a woman posing as a journalist asking “tough questions” over his Syrian bombing adventure, you need to see it. It is beyond parody. It is beyond jaw-dropping. It is beyond embarrassing.

You need to see it to know the calibre of the man who is now sending an armada to the Korean peninsula, who bombed Syria before any facts had been established, and who is now the prisoner of the Deep State that he promised to stand up to. I have posted the video at the bottom, but here is a transcript of the exchange that took place after the woman posing as a journalist asked the man posing as a President what happened in the run up to his Tomahawk tantrum:

“I was sitting at the table. We had finished dinner. We’re now having dessert. And we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you’ve ever seen, and President Xi was enjoying it. And I was given the message from the generals that the ships are locked and loaded, what do you do? And we made a determination to do it, so the missiles were on the way. And I said ‘Mr. President, let me explain something to you.’ This is during dessert. ‘We’ve just fired 59 missiles,’ all of which hit by the way, unbelievable, from you know, hundreds of miles away, all of which hit, amazing.”


“So incredible. It’s brilliant. It’s genius. Our technology, our equipment is better than anybody by a factor of five. What we have in terms of technology, nobody can even come close to competing… So what happened is I said, ‘We’ve just launched 59 missiles, heading to Iraq.”

At this point the woman posing as a journalist interjected by noting the strikes were launched against a country called Syria, and not the one called Iraq. And so Mr Trump continued:

“Yes. Heading toward Syria. And I want you to know that, because I didn’t want him to go home. We were almost finished. It was a full day in Palm Beach. We’re almost finished, and I — what does he do, finish his dessert and go home and then they say, ‘You know, the guy you just had dinner with just attacked a country?'”

“How did he react?”

“So he paused for 10 seconds and then he asked the interpreter to please say it again. I didn’t think that was a good sign. And he said to me, ‘Anybody that uses gases … but anybody that was so brutal and uses gases to do that young children and babies, it’s OK.’ He was OK with it. He was OK.”

If I had written that as satire, you wouldn’t believe it, would you? He just bombed Syria before an investigation had taken place, before any proper evidence could possibly have been collected, and he’s talking about “beautiful chocolate cake”? He just bombed a country which is allied with a country armed with 8,000 odd nuclear weapons and he’s waxing lyrical about cake? Aaaggghhh! What was in that cake? Americans, I beg you to launch an immediate petition to prevent your President from being given any more chocolate cake! I mean think what might happen if he gets his chops around a gateau! Boom!

The award for the dumbest moment is too close to call. Was it the moment where the woman posing as a journalist expresses amazement that Tomahawks can hit their targets “unmanned”? Wow, bet you didn’t know that other countries rely on kamikaze soldiers to ride their missiles to their destination? Just shows their disdain for human rights, doesn’t it? Or was the dumbest moment when the man posing as President seems to think he had bombed Iraq? Iraq? Iran? Syria? It’s all the same to me.

As for the most revolting part of this nauseating show, what do you think? The bragging about the cake? The bragging about the missiles and how superior US technology is? That’s almost funny. He said that the missiles all hit their target. Well, if they did, then they can’t be all that powerful can they? The military airport they hit was fully functioning again within 24 hours. But of course he knows that they didn’t all hit their target. Only 23 of them did. Or perhaps he doesn’t yet know this because his generals are wondering how to relay this information to this arrogant braggart without him having another hissy fit.

Perhaps the most nauseating moment was the attempt to make out that the Chinese President was OK with it? Not according to Chinese State media in the days after he wasn’t, but he probably didn’t want to spoil that “beautiful chocolate cake” moment they were having by being rude.

For me, the most nauseating thing about it all is the sight of this unhinged imbecile treating the most dangerous ratcheting up of tensions in the world like it was an after-dinner party game:

“Oh Melania it was wonderful. We had such a wonderful time. After the main course they brought in the most delicious chocolate cake that you ever did see. And then after that we all sat around playing charades — sorry I meant bombing a sovereign state on highly spurious grounds. You really should have been there.”

I had suspected as much already. Now my suspicions have been confirmed. The most powerful nation in the world is now being run by the stupidest man on the planet. I only wish it had been a fruitcake!

Source: TheBlogMire

@Dungeness , @terranMarine , @Jlaw
How do you expect to get any info except it exploded? Unless the North Koreans are willing to share why it exploded just right after launch.

North Korea's middle finger exploded thats for sure.
Whether it failed or not is not the point. The point is NK is upping the ante. All in. What is US' response?
It is a lot easier since the ocean and ground cannot contain such explosion. When you see the bomb explode underground it displace alot of dirt and blow it into the air along with radiation. Same for water. Can't contain blast wave that goes miles in all direction.


This pic of the Baker test in Bikini Atoll just showed how ignorant they were about testing parameters at the time. This one was hung under a barge and barely caused any damage to the ships, other than contaminate the heck out of them and the entire reef area. To think they tested 23 detonations there including several air burst is insane. In a sense the water acts as a decontaminate, to a certain extent. The Nevada tests were performed as deep as 5000ft. I think containment of radiation is much greater with those depths but I'm sure there's residual spreading. You would think they would also select the ideal, weather conditions to run tests. Let's hope NK's nuke tests are very deep and yield the lowest kilotons if they decide to run the 6th test.


Hard to believe that China doesn't have a bigger issue with these tests, considering their location and proximity to its border. Even Russia. Typically they're detected like I suspected, by seismic detection. If they actually run the 6th test, I doubt the US will need proof from those nuclear sniffers to strike. Tomohawks, MOAB's, a slew of PGBU's. They'll have to take out all command and control structures as well as launch sites. Question is, are all launch sites known and visible or prone to be destroyed? Scary stuff.
I think North Korea is a great country with all those restrictions and no connection from the outer world these guys are still making progress, of course they are having help from other countries but still better than pakistan -,-
This is a win win situation of face saving for both NK and USA. If Kim back down and not Fire a missile test. It will seem as sight of Kim weakness. By firing a missile test with failure.

Trump will also have some face saving even no action taken against Kim provocation. Trump can give the excuse of only action taken if the missile test is a success after warning issue. As NK missile is still no threat to US.
It appears that the second strongest nation is doomed to be suppressed and contained by the No1 according to histroy.
But the stategy and tactic really matters .
When Bismarck was in charge of German Empire, it was France the secondest largest colonist which's was the biggest rival of Great Britain, altought German Empire was obviously stronger than France in industry.

Bismarck took full advantage of contradictions among European powers and designed a sophisticated system made of a series agreements and treaties and resolutions that put Germany on a very advantageous position that's needed by each power except Franch.

In millitary field, Bismarck focused on building the strongest army and kept a small navy compared to France's which's the second next to Royal navy.

The advantageous position that made the German Empire become the second strongest industrial country next to US, was lost after Bismarck was drove off the stage by Kaiser Wilhelm II who's proud and arrogant and so ashamed of the diplomatic strategy and the direction of millitary development . Then Germany Empire replaced the France as the No1 rival of Great Britain, meanwhile the good relationship with Russian Empire was sabotaged , which meant two combat fronts composed of the east flank with Russia and west flank with France in future .

In the end, Germany was destined to fight against Britain which used to the traditional ally of Prussia for a few centuries.

The above narrative about Germany history is to tell those Chinese who beat the drum for wars between China and US or whatever other nation that war is not a game which you could restart again and again but a gamble with your nation's future and million's human's lives ,even the whole human civilisation if it's between two nuclear powers.
So please don't make fun of war.
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Russia warns US against unilateral strike on North Korea

“This is a very risky path,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at a news conference in Moscow.

“We do not accept the reckless nuclear missile actions of Pyongyang that breach UN resolutions, but that does not mean that you can break international law,” he said.

“I hope that there will not be any unilateral actions like the one we saw recently in Syria.”
This pic of the Baker test in Bikini Atoll just showed how ignorant they were about testing parameters at the time. This one was hung under a barge and barely caused any damage to the ships, other than contaminate the heck out of them and the entire reef area. To think they tested 23 detonations there including several air burst is insane. In a sense the water acts as a decontaminate, to a certain extent. The Nevada tests were performed as deep as 5000ft. I think containment of radiation is much greater with those depths but I'm sure there's residual spreading. You would think they would also select the ideal, weather conditions to run tests. Let's hope NK's nuke tests are very deep and yield the lowest kilotons if they decide to run the 6th test.


Hard to believe that China doesn't have a bigger issue with these tests, considering their location and proximity to its border. Even Russia. Typically they're detected like I suspected, by seismic detection. If they actually run the 6th test, I doubt the US will need proof from those nuclear sniffers to strike. Tomohawks, MOAB's, a slew of PGBU's. They'll have to take out all command and control structures as well as launch sites. Question is, are all launch sites known and visible or prone to be destroyed? Scary stuff.
China do have issues about these nukes tests.
To be honest, most of Chinese netizens were extremely upset by nukes of DPRK , some of them even got angry when they saw the test pod was so chose to China's border. In addition, China's national media also had a negative oppion towards nuke test too.

But i really do not know why on PDF so many people with a China flag ignored the substantial threats of DPRK's nukes and talked about some geopolitics craps ,sounding like they knew better than leaders.
China do have issues about these nukes tests.
To be honest, most of Chinese netizens were extremely upset by nukes of DPRK , some of them even got angry when they saw the test pod was so chose to China's border. In addition, China's national media also had a negative oppion towards nuke test too.

But i really do not know why on PDF so many people with a China flag ignored the substantial threats of DPRK's nukes and talked about some geopolitics craps ,sounding like they knew better than leaders.

Well most of them do not live in China... Therefore do not feel the direct threat of such action... neither the feeling of such problems...
North Korea will carry out 'more missile tests' on a weekly basis official tells BBC

Tensions have been escalating with the US as Mike Pence warns 'strategic patience was over'.

A senior North Korean official has stated that his country will continue to test missiles in spite of worldwide condemnation.

"We'll be conducting more missile tests on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis," Vice Foreign Minister Han Song-Ryol told the BBC's John Sudworth in Pyongyang.

An "all-out war" would be the result of the continuing military tensions with the US and warned North America about being "reckless enough to use military means".

US Vice-President Mike Pence had said earlier that his country's "era of strategic patience" with North Korea was over. "North Korea would do well not to test his resolve or the strength of the armed forces of the United States in this region," he added.

More to follow.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated regularly as new information and developments become available.


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