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Indian RAW kidnaps retired Pakistan Army officer from Nepal

Or he has been framed by your kangaroo security state, forced to make a video and then denied consular access and now being hanged in a fake trial that you also know never took place to cover tracks.

In any case, pakistani yahoo state will start stuff they cant finish as always. I remember the glee pakistanis could hardly hide after mumbai, but they have forgotten what transpired in pakistan after that.
Even India recognised him officially as a RAW agent, so what are you blubbering about?
Mumbai or not, there were groups hitting inside Pakistan too, so why blame the government?
Even India recognised him officially as a RAW agent, so what are you blubbering about?
Mumbai or not, there were groups hitting inside Pakistan too, so why blame the government?

Dont peddle lies. India does not recognise him as a RAW agent.

Why blame the government? You live in Canada right? So how do Canadian authorities ban a terrorist organisation? Just change the name plate and allow the same people to run it in the same compound? Like what was done by your government or deep state or whoever runs that parriah state at Muridke?????

Have you ANY shred of honesty in discussing the wrongdoings of your state?
Its the other way around, pakistan wants to get back their man as soon as possible. If not can you please explain why pakistan took this decision immediately after finding that colonel was missing? Why now but not earlier?

More ever pakistan does not even know whether he (remember dr shakil afridi ) defected to other countries like US or it is a case of some local crime.
It deliberately jumped to the conclusion that he must be with raw. But instead of coming out with details it puts out cock & bull stories in media. Pakistan is not only hiding a lot of details about kulbushan yadav but also of its own colonel. Its pakistan which has got itself in a twist, the decision looks more of a desperation rather than delivering justice.
I am thinking on same lines, It looks wired to me that out of nowhere suddenly this sentence news came out. It looks like they just met in person to declare this so that stage can be set for exchange or they killed him during the torture and now it is cover up.
Dont peddle lies. India does not recognise him as a RAW agent.

Why blame the government? You live in Canada right? So how do Canadian authorities ban a terrorist organisation? Just change the name plate and allow the same people to run it in the same compound? Like what was done by your government or deep state or whoever runs that parriah state at Muridke?????

Have you ANY shred of honesty in discussing the wrongdoings of your state?
In Canada too, Organized crime changes the names of their business operations very often, so does the terrorist groups all over their operating areas, but not in Canada, here we do not have them..And I am being honest in telling you that the Indian spy was caught red handed, while the disappearance of an ex-Pakistani army officer who responded to a phone traced to India, had obviously nothing to do with the espionage world, he was vulnerable in looking for a better civilian job.. this is what is known up to date, so let's wait and see..
Considering that India accused Pakistan of kidnapping its spy in Iran, it is quite probable that they have kidnapped this senior Pakistani officer, in hope for an exchange of prisoners, which means that their spy caught by Pakistan was a high value asset..

based on intel he provided after interrogations an entire network of BLA, BSO and other militant or pro secessionist/sabateur groups was shut down so yes Pakistan did bag a huge catch and the reaction, fury and azz-burning from across the border is commensurate with how important he was

he'll meet his maker soon, like Sarabjit Singh and these other scum bag indian spies did.......indian government can prepare to make a state funeral with honors for him when we send the bloody ashes to Race Course Road, New Dully
In Canada too, Organized crime changes the names of their business operations very often, so does the terrorist groups all over their operating areas, but not in Canada, here we do not have them..And I am being honest in telling you that the Indian spy was caught red handed, while the disappearance of an ex-Pakistani army officer who responded to a phone traced to India, had obviously nothing to do with the espionage world, he was vulnerable in looking for a better civilian job.. this is what is known up to date, so let's wait and see..

Muridke, same huge compound, same people, different name plate very next day. You are being honest when you say THAT happens in Canada? Does not even happen in India.

If Kulbhushan was in Pakistan why was he carrying his passport? I mean such a senior experienced Indian spy operating deep in pak territory carries his passport? What imaginary world do you live in?
And I am being honest in telling you that the Indian spy was caught red handed, while the disappearance of an ex-Pakistani army officer who responded to a phone traced to India, had obviously nothing to do with the espionage world, he was vulnerable in looking for a better civilian job.. this is what is known up to date, so let's wait and see..

I genuinely do believe he was just looking for a job but it was still pretty sloppy of him; he should have known that he could put himself in a position where he plays right into the enemy's hand.......we'll find out in the next few days, maybe week or so if the enemy really has him in their custody. There's more I/we dont know so I cant be in a position to judge him or his decision-making but "due diligence" would have been in order, even if he had friends/contacts and people he knew in Nepal.

I do believe Pakistan does need to send a strong message....no prisoner swaps. Jadhav WILL be hanged and will die in Pakistan for his sins. You wage war against Pakistan, you will die.

History dsnt prove that,check out the map from 47 till date,world has changed around you old man,you dont seem to realise it.

If religion is the strength of a soldier we know exactly how to use it,not only him anyone who has religion over nation is our toy.thats not even a strength

For us it is. We share nothing in common with you. We die for our country and for our deen. The concept of shahadat is very dear to us. You wouldnt understand and it's not my job to teach you.

I have a Pakistani friend when even we talk and if Pakistan comes up as topic,he only has negative things to say,

the stupidest way to divert an argument....i can point to thousands of dissidents who are embarassed that their parents were born in india and ashamed to even be called hindustani but that would detract from the subject at hand

not crapy enough when compared to BD by your country i guess,manipur is still with us and half of manipuries spread accross India till the southern tip.

not my problem....that's a problem you lot will have to deal with. I do recall stumbling randomly upon a video in which a young (semi attractive) Manipuri lady gave quite an earful to your self-declared "army spokesperson" Lt. Gen GD Bakshi. I ought to dig it out sometime, it was quite an entertainment actually

Do something ,go out make friends,your hate and frustration is killing you slowly.

im successful (Alhamdolillah), happy and enjoying life to the fullest but thanks for the advice, little man :meeting:

Yes we know one Pakistani soldier is equivalent to 10 Indian soldiers :D :D :D :D :D

I'm pretty sure one meal from a Pakistani soldier could feed 10 indian soldiers but that's a whole other debate for another day.... (i dont want to rub salt in the wounds, I know Jadhav going to the gallows is enough to digest for now)
I now think the entire story is fabricated a ploy to divert attention!
While Indian members are gloating about this, RAW and other Indian agencies are clueless.

This is a ploy to set right the case of already "Dead" Kulbhusan Yadav!
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Dont peddle lies. India does not recognise him as a RAW agent.

Right so we should go by the indian version....he's a former navy officer who suddenly realized he wants to buy a boat and start fishing and be a "businessmen" just hardly a few clicks from the border between Iran and Southwest Pakistan which just HAPPENS to have areas that are sensitive --areas which some paindu peasant looking man by the name of Ajit Doval professes to have in its cross-hairs as a region to harm Pakistan and its CPEC initiative.

this poor businessman -who changed his name to Hussain Mubarek Patel (IIRC) with fake ID papers and an array of different currencies not to mention maps (of areas in Pakistan) and incriminating cell phone records and chats in Marathi which we intercepted - was doing just that - innocent business and no harm....he confessed to his crimes but a confession (something one Ajmal Kasab did too) is just not enough, in and of itself

i think deep down the indians who actually have some sign of intelligence realize how fuckin stupid and ridiculous that sounds
Right so we should go by the indian version....he's a former navy officer who suddenly realized he wants to buy a boat and start fishing and be a "businessmen" just hardly a few clicks from the border between Iran and Southwest Pakistan which just HAPPENS to have areas that are sensitive --areas which some paindu peasant looking man by the name of Ajit Doval professes to have in its cross-hairs as a region to harm Pakistan and its CPEC initiative.

this poor businessman -who changed his name to Hussain Mubarek Patel (IIRC) with fake ID papers and an array of different currencies not to mention maps (of areas in Pakistan) and incriminating cell phone records and chats in Marathi which we intercepted - was doing just that - innocent business and no harm....he confessed to his crimes but a confession (something one Ajmal Kasab did too) is just not enough, in and of itself

i think deep down the indians who actually have some sign of intelligence realize how fuckin stupid and ridiculous that sounds

Interesting you mentioned intelligence. May be you can show some signs of that too and explain what was a senior spy doing deep in balochistan with his passport? Duh?

And your severely limited intellect thinks ajmal kasab was hanged because of his confession video? How ignorant are you? He was not even hanged because he was filmed shooting people on live tv. He was hanged because he was proven guily of mass murder in an open public trial where pakistan was offered consular access (including hiring own legal aid). Do you understand the difference? Or is your intellect limited to making fun of peoples appearance?
he's still considered missing.
Simple question , if pakistan doesnt get to know what happened to its colonel in next 3 days or 3 months. What would be its next step?

I am thinking on same lines, It looks wired to me that out of nowhere suddenly this sentence news came out. It looks like they just met in person to declare this so that stage can be set for exchange or they killed him during the torture and now it is cover up.
look espionage is a shady business, there are lot many things that can happen. here are the scenarios that can play out.
1) He is with RAW but they never acknowledge inspite of KB's execution.
Pakistan thinks it might be India and does not want him to divulge info. They want their man out before he spills the beans.
Then pakistans bluff will be called out and they will not gain anything. KB is neither useful for pakistan nor for India.

2) He simply defected to some other country like US. After some 5-6 years he might be found in US drinking chai and making mockery of pakistan's claim.
3) Its a simple case of local crime , which might or not come out later. If so we will know some thing about it later.
4) He is a double agent who got setup and bumped off by their own agency.
Agency decides hes expendable , does away with him and also gets an excuse to execute KB as he no longer has any useful info.
5) He is never found , vanishes into thin air.

Simply put pakistan revealed its card too early and they will have to keep stretching it. If they execute KB then they have nothing to bargain with.
‘Missing’ Pakistan operative was in team that kidnapped Kulbhushan Jadhav
I.E. News Desk| MUMBAI |
Updated: April 12, 2017 5:17 Am
Muhammad Habib Zahir, the retired Lt Colonel of the Pakistan Army who disappeared from Lumbini near Nepal’s border with India and now suspected to be in Indian custody, was in the team that nabbed Kulbhushan Jadhav in March 2016.
Sources in the security establishment have told The Indian Express that Indian agencies had been on Zahir’s trail for long. He was last seen in Lumbini. Monday’s announcement of the Pakistan military court’s decision to award the death penalty to Jadhav, sources said, was tied to the disappearance of Zahir.
“Zahir was at the Indo-Nepal border last week. He was in the team that had trailed Jadhav. There is definitely a connection between the two cases,” an officer said.
“No sooner did the Pakistani authorities learn of Zahir’s disappearance, Jadhav was pronounced guilty of being a spy. The purpose is clear. They didn’t want any Indian agency to go public,” the officer said.
Zahir retired from the Pakistan Army on in 2014 but was said to have been engaged thereafter by the ISI for its covert operations. In 2015, he picked up conversations between Jadhav and his family members and started tracking him, sources said.
“Jadhav used an Indian passport issued in the name of Hussein Mubarak Patel to carry out his dhow business in Iran. Pakistani agencies heard him speaking to his family members in Marathi. Zahir started trailing Jadhav. A trap was laid and Jadhav was apprehended in March 2016,” the officer said.
Sources said Zahir was lured to Nepal with the promise of a “big catch”. The man who turned in Zahir connected with him through a UK phone number to pass “information on a mole”. He met Zahir a couple of times in Oman.
Zahir arrived in Oman on April 2 and reached Kathmandu the next day. On his arrival in Nepal, he was handed over a SIM card at Bhairawa. Zahir was told that this was to facilitate his communication with a point person. From there, he was made to travel to Lumbini near the border,” the officer said.
Zahir’s family also told the press in Pakistan that he was likely picked by an “enemy spy” agency. A PTI report from Islamabad Monday said Zahir’s son Saad lodged an FIR with Rawat police station near Rawalpindi, saying his father was received in Nepal by one Javed Ansari who took him to Lumbini.
“We suspect that my father has been abducted and enemy spy agencies might be responsible for it,” a police officer quoted Saad as saying. “Enemy” word is often used for India in Pakistani security circles. Zahir last contacted his family on Thursday afternoon and since then his phone numbers have not been reachable.
I genuinely do believe he was just looking for a job but it was still pretty sloppy of him; he should have known that he could put himself in a position where he plays right into the enemy's hand.......we'll find out in the next few days, maybe week or so if the enemy really has him in their custody. There's more I/we dont know so I cant be in a position to judge him or his decision-making but "due diligence" would have been in order, even if he had friends/contacts and people he knew in Nepal.
The fact is the world is full of ex-army officers working or seeking better jobs and conditions all over the world..

‘Missing’ Pakistan operative was in team that kidnapped Kulbhushan Jadhav
I.E. News Desk| MUMBAI |
Updated: April 12, 2017 5:17 Am
Muhammad Habib Zahir, the retired Lt Colonel of the Pakistan Army who disappeared from Lumbini near Nepal’s border with India and now suspected to be in Indian custody, was in the team that nabbed Kulbhushan Jadhav in March 2016.
Sources in the security establishment have told The Indian Express that Indian agencies had been on Zahir’s trail for long. He was last seen in Lumbini. Monday’s announcement of the Pakistan military court’s decision to award the death penalty to Jadhav, sources said, was tied to the disappearance of Zahir.
“Zahir was at the Indo-Nepal border last week. He was in the team that had trailed Jadhav. There is definitely a connection between the two cases,” an officer said.
“No sooner did the Pakistani authorities learn of Zahir’s disappearance, Jadhav was pronounced guilty of being a spy. The purpose is clear. They didn’t want any Indian agency to go public,” the officer said.
Zahir retired from the Pakistan Army on in 2014 but was said to have been engaged thereafter by the ISI for its covert operations. In 2015, he picked up conversations between Jadhav and his family members and started tracking him, sources said.
“Jadhav used an Indian passport issued in the name of Hussein Mubarak Patel to carry out his dhow business in Iran. Pakistani agencies heard him speaking to his family members in Marathi. Zahir started trailing Jadhav. A trap was laid and Jadhav was apprehended in March 2016,” the officer said.
Sources said Zahir was lured to Nepal with the promise of a “big catch”. The man who turned in Zahir connected with him through a UK phone number to pass “information on a mole”. He met Zahir a couple of times in Oman.
Zahir arrived in Oman on April 2 and reached Kathmandu the next day. On his arrival in Nepal, he was handed over a SIM card at Bhairawa. Zahir was told that this was to facilitate his communication with a point person. From there, he was made to travel to Lumbini near the border,” the officer said.
Zahir’s family also told the press in Pakistan that he was likely picked by an “enemy spy” agency. A PTI report from Islamabad Monday said Zahir’s son Saad lodged an FIR with Rawat police station near Rawalpindi, saying his father was received in Nepal by one Javed Ansari who took him to Lumbini.
“We suspect that my father has been abducted and enemy spy agencies might be responsible for it,” a police officer quoted Saad as saying. “Enemy” word is often used for India in Pakistani security circles. Zahir last contacted his family on Thursday afternoon and since then his phone numbers have not been reachable.

If it was true that he worked for ISI, don't you think that the phone number that was based in India would have been traced before he got the permission to live to Nepal? this sounds very fishy.. Also from where India knew that he was the one who had tracked its spy? if they knew, then how come they have not saved their spy? .. and lastly this is a recognition by India that their Spy was a real spy, they have just blown out his cover.. what a brilliant speculation!!!?

Muridke, same huge compound, same people, different name plate very next day. You are being honest when you say THAT happens in Canada? Does not even happen in India.

If Kulbhushan was in Pakistan why was he carrying his passport? I mean such a senior experienced Indian spy operating deep in pak territory carries his passport? What imaginary world do you live in?
You do not even take the time to read post and you run to conclusions, this just shows that you are the one not being realistic.. and live in your own imagination.. read what I wrote about Canada, there are no terrorist groups here.. And yes Spies carry false passports on them..
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The fact is the world is full of ex-army officers working or seeking better jobs and conditions all over the world..

If it was true that he worked for ISI, don't you think that the phone number that was based in India would have been traced before he got the permission to live to Nepal? this sounds very fishy.. Also from where India knew that he was the one who had tracked its spy? if they knew, then how come they have not saved their spy? .. and lastly this is a recognition by India that their Spy was a real spy, they have just blown out his cover.. what a brilliant speculation!!!?

You do not even take the time to read post and you run to conclusions, this just shows that you are the one not being realistic.. and live in your own imagination.. read what I wrote about Canada, there are no terrorist groups here.. And yes Spies carry false passports on them..

Fake Indian passport to enter pakistan?

Now I have heard everything. Your and your abusive friend are very intelligent and are not letting your hatred cloud your quest for finding the truth.

I know there are no terrorist groups in canada. I asked u if there was an organisation they wanted banned is that how they will do it (like pak banned LET) ? At first I thought you were acting dumb so as not to admit to your governments protection to terrorists. I am not sure anymore.
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