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Indian RAW's Kulbhushan S Jadhav sentenced to death for espionage & sabotage against Pakistan

I think the pak establishment is confusing BJP with Congress.
Anyways, if this goes through the fallout will be "unique".
Frankly, no one cares in Pakistan if its BJP or congress. Are you gonna release Ek tha Tiger 2 which will show yadav taking down the whole brigade before getting caught?

India on Tuesday warned Pakistan that the execution of the death sentence of Kulbushan Jadhav by a military court would be taken as “pre-meditated murder” and Islamabad should consider its consequences on bilateral relations.

“There is no evidence of wrongdoing by Jadhav. If anything, he is the victim of a plan that seeks to cast aspersions on India to deflect international attention from Pakistan’s well known record of sponsoring and supporting terrorism,” External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said in an identical statement in both Houses of Parliament.

“Under these circumstances, we have no choice but to regard the sentence, if carried out, as an act of pre-meditated murder,” she said. The sentence by a Pakistani military court was based on “concocted charges”.

“Let me state clearly that the government and the people of India would view very seriously the possibility that an innocent Indian citizen is facing death sentence in Pakistan without due process and in violation of basic norms of law, justice and international relations. I would caution the Pakistan government to consider the consequences of our bilateral relationship if they proceed on this matter,” Ms. Swaraj said categorically.

The process adopted by the military court to award the death sentence “tells us a lot about the farcical nature of the alleged proceedings, which have led to indefensible verdict against an innocent kidnapped Indian,” she said.

Replying to a suggestion by Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad, Ms. Swaraj said the government would not only ensure that Jadhav is provided with the best of lawyers in the Supreme Court of Pakistan, but will take up it with the President of Pakistan also.

“Whatever is necessary, we will do,” she said, adding that Jadhav was “not only the son of his parents, but is the son of India.”

Ms. Swaraj said Jadhav was doing business in Iran and was kidnapped and taken to Pakistan. “The exact circumstances are unclear and can only be ascertained if we have consular access to him”, which has been denied by the Pakistani authorities.

“It is extraordinary that yesterday, a decision is suddenly announced awarding the death sentence in this case when previous exchanges with India iteslf underlines the insufficiency of evidence,” the Minister said.

Pak. has ignored all norms of law and justice: Rajnath
Earlier, Home Minister Rajnath Singh said in the Lok Sabha that the government would do everything possible to get justice for Jadhav.

While condemning the action, Mr. Singh said that Pakistan had ignored all norms of law and justice.

“The government strongly condemns it. All norms of law and justice were ignored. I want to assure the House that the government will do everything possible to get justice for Jadhav. He will get justice,” he said.


Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh today accused Pakistan of attempting a "pre-planned murder" of former Navy officer Kulbhushan Jadhav and asserted India will do "whatever it takes" to ensure his release.

"Pakistan is attempting a pre-planned murder of Kulbhushan Jadhav," he said, striking an aggressive posture against Islamabad over the death penalty awarded to the Indian national by a military court in the neighbouring country.

"Jadhav is not a spy and should be released," Singh said while speaking at the Lokmat Maharashtrian of the Year Awards here tonight.

"He went out of India for business. Pakistan agencies kidnapped him. He was carrying an Indian passport. Do spies carry passports?" he asked, seeking to trash Islamabad's claim that the 46-year-old was involved in "espionage and sabotage activities".

"We will do whatever it takes to ensure Jadhav's release. If needed we will take the issue to international fora," the Home Minister asserted. Speaking during an interactive session at the event, Singh maintained India won't hesitate to take "strong steps" to secure Jadhav's release. However, he did not disclose what "strong steps" New Delhi was contemplating.

Jadhav, who hails from Maharashtra, was "arrested" on March 3 last year by Pakistan security officials allegedly in Balochistan which, they said, he entered from Iran. He was sentenced to death by a military court in a secret trial and the Pakistan's army chief yesterday approved his execution.
Don't worry mate..Pakistan will not dare to hang him..Indian is not some tiny nation to play around with...They very well know the consequences of irking India..I challenged everyone here that if kulbhishan is hanged ,I would permanently quit PDF .

Hahaha Dude you better start comic writing ...
Irking India as if we care..
What is India a toilet less illiterate nation that we divided first in 47 to carve out beautiful Pakistan and in 48 took half of Kashmir if you didnt get irk by that what hanging a mere Doval supported terrorist can achieve?

Smell the coffee and get out of the reach of this Indian media that has poisoned your brains making you delusional.
Dude, every single one of your "alleged spies" that we have released admitted to be spies once they reached bharat. That in itself is quite telling. Let me be clear, no one outside bharat cares about this guy. The fact that we have a history of catching your guys and then they admit to being spies once released is enough for us to know that our intel services know what the f*ck they are doing. Now please f*ck off and sulk on BR forum about conspiracy theories.
Thank you for the unsolicited advice. The only history you have is of sham trials, hanging PMs, certifying coups, giving refuge to terrorists, letting actual killers go scot-free and generally being the laughing stock of the world. So I'd rather stay here and amuse myself with your antics.
Thank you for the unsolicited advice. The only history you have is of sham trials, hanging PMs, certifying coups, giving refuge to terrorists, letting actual killers go scot-free and generally being the laughing stock of the world. So I'd rather stay here and amuse myself with your antics.

We have a history of catching RAW agents who admit to being RAW agents as soon as they land in Bharat. It's usually the first sentence that comes out of their mouth. I don't think anyone cares about threats coming out of Bharat. You guys are overestimating your influence, but feel free to keep doing that.
although the Indians are putting allegations that Kulbushan didn't get a chance to prove himself in court of law, Aamir Liaquat tells that he did
although the Indians are putting allegations that Kulbushan didn't get a chance to prove himself in court of law, Aamir Liaquat tells that he did
It does not work that way.

What I am hearing is that he might have been killed already during the torcher and this exercise is just to cover up the death due to torcher, he is already dead.
Good decision, anyone who will try to conspire and work against Pakistan's interest will meet the same fate. lets see how can they will go "Out of way" to save him. :lol:
It does not work that way.
Look Bozo Jadhav was under trail for 3 months and Indian Gov never provided him any lawyer, now he has 60 day to appeal tell your Gov to come forward and provide him an attorney instead of just laying empty threats for their personal political gains. Why would Pakistan not give him access to attorney India should come forward he is a terrorists and we want India to openly claim him, we want Modi to do it and tell the world India is a terrorist nation.
Hang him.... If you can.....
You will find that out very soon, never question the intentions of a Pakistani.

It does not work that way.

What I am hearing is that he might have been killed already during the torcher and this exercise is just to cover up the death due to torcher, he is already dead.
But your fellow Indians think, He is alive and kicking and will be eating "Chapatis and Idly Dhosa" back home very soon.
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