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I’m looking for an artist / CG designer for my next book-project


Nov 9, 2014
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Guys, I need some help: I’m looking for an artist, who would be willing and able to provide some artworks for my next book-project. Maybe You know my first two books I made with Harpia-Publishing:

Flashpoint-China (2016):


Modern Chinese Warplanes (2012):


… and again similar to these two I’m again looking for aircraft-profiles for the front and rear covers, so overall four aircraft. Maybe – and that’s right now too early to decide – additional artworks will be required.

Harpia FPC cover sample.jpg

So If You are an artist and interested, please feel free to contact.

All the best,

To provide some specific needs, the necessary elements of the cover, image size and text, time node, etc., PM me~

Let me try it~:-)

P.S:The maps of the first two books are obviously wrong:what:
Yes how dare Andreas excluded Taiwan :nono:
If can't include the Taiwan Island then better drop the map altogether if care not to antagonize anyone :P there are way more UNIFIED China supporters than an independent renegade island, and an improper map will affect sale opportunity IMO.
If you need a sketch artist you should contact Pakistan Air Force. They have one.
Yes how dare Andreas excluded Taiwan :nono:

To admit, by now Taiwan is at least not yet under official political and military control of the PR of China. So I don't see any reason to add it as Chinese / PRC territory.

Concerning the political correctness of the map - aka Taiwan and/or Tibet - it was a decision we jointly made within the team. We finally decided after long negotiations to show the borders of the respective countries within their current political status, which means Taiwan is yet not part of the PRC's sphere of control while Tibet is.

If you need a sketch artist you should contact Pakistan Air Force. They have one.

Yes, but I need more something like this:

Bai Wei J-15 554.jpg
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If You think so, then YES ! To admit the correct German translated term of artist/graphic artist is varying.

Sorry if I was misleading.

It's a stupid map even German government don't dare to publish this kind of map.
much better

Why ??? The whole SCS section is by now not an ADIZ nor China's territory. So even if surely a favourable design for the Chinese market, it would for sure be a no-go on the international one.
Why ??? The whole SCS section is by now not an ADIZ nor China's territory. So even if surely a favourable design for the Chinese market, it would for sure be a no-go on the international one.
Do you disapprove this design? :p:
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