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Tips for men's styling

@Hell hound a style which has a mid-western look ie jeans with jean jacket or leather jacket would go well as he has quite a rugged alpha look about him.Kudos
quite a good idea my whole wardrobe consists of only shorts, jeans and Ts as because of my skinny physic i can't wear shawlar qamiz
you had to go there:( :rofl:

Troll , from personal experience, with women talk slowly with a slight smile and look them lazer sharp in the eye with deep focus and alternate your focus from right eye to left eye with a glance to her lips, works wonders for me.;)Kudos
aham aham bro this is going to get locked if we keeping going this way:p:
quite a good idea my whole wardrobe consists of only jeans and Ts as because of my skinny physic i can't wear shawlar qamiz

you had to go there:( :rofl:
I was just about to write to you about that, you beat me to it, you have a alpha look however your body is quite slim, what I would suggest is for you to go on a training regime where their is a heavy emphasis on heavy squats which is essential for bulking up as the legs contain the largest muscles in your body, which in turn release the most growth hormone which will help the rest of your body bulk up, and try to get plenty of protein (chicken, fish etc) and protein shakes down you, also your face will also become more filled out with the extra protein, making you look like a real gangster.Kudos

aham aham bro this is going to get locked if we keeping going this way:p:
:o::o::o::o: Shall I delete????
I was just about to write to you about that, you beat me to it, you have a alpha look however your body is quite slim, what I would suggest is for you to go on a training regime where their is a heavy emphasis on heavy squats which is essential for bulking up as the legs contain the largest muscles in your body, which in turn release the most growth hormone which will help the rest of your body bulk up, and try to get plenty of protein (chicken, fish etc) and protein shakes down you, also your face will also become more filled out with the extra protein, making you look like a real gangster.Kudos
thanks for the compliment and advise bro.i have been trying to negotiate a deal with my skinny lazy *** for ages now but it is not willing to go to the gym for more then a month:angry:

My dear chap I can assure you myself and @friendly_troll96 @Hell hound @Nilgiri are all 100% HETRO
he can confirm it in tharki thread:p:
It is all about carrying yourself with confidence, and if I certain style makes you feel good, then by all means embrace it, even if you look nothing like the chap you are emulating, as long as you have good posture and body language, with @Hell hound a style which has a mid-western look ie jeans with jean jacket or leather jacket would go well as he has quite a rugged alpha look about him.Kudos

Kudos to that.Kudos
you can't pull confidence out of thin air, you need something to build up on. actually you have to be confident that you have the bare minimum of what it takes to have confidence in a given setting.
khuda jab husn deta hai nazakat aa e jati hai. :rofl:
thanks for the compliment and advise bro.i have been trying to negotiate a deal with my skinny lazy *** for ages now but it is not willing to go to the gym for more then a month:angry:

he can confirm it in tharki thread:p:
Bro you are a young guy, you will get quick results as your body will produce a lot of growth hormone if you do a lot of squatting this will make you bigger and even more confident and alpha,,,,another tip I would suggest but by no means is it compulsory, try some boxing or some boxing workouts, great for building confidence, try to learn the technique then try some light sparring, you may well love it, and it makes you feel really sure of yourself, once you master the basics you can kick *** if the need is required or even knowing that you can kick *** is a great feeling.Kudos Hound

thanks for the compliment and advise bro.i have been trying to negotiate a deal with my skinny lazy *** for ages now but it is not willing to go to the gym for more then a month:angry:

he can confirm it in tharki thread:p:

you can't pull confidence out of thin air, you need something to build up on. actually you have to be confident that you have the bare minimum of what it takes to have confidence in a given setting.
khuda jab husn deta hai nazakat aa e jati hai. :rofl:
You build your confidence by improving yourself which in turn makes you more sure of yourself ie confident.Kudos troll

You guys sound like you wear tight pink t shirts and check out young boys at the bazaar.
thanks for the compliment and advise bro.i have been trying to negotiate a deal with my skinny lazy *** for ages now but it is not willing to go to the gym for more then a month

you know if yer a bit lazy/lacking time, you can accomplish quite a lot if you invest in just a good quality set of dumbbells. I can give you a routine that worked for me to bulk up pretty easy.
you know if yer a bit lazy/lacking time, you can accomplish quite a lot if you invest in just a good quality set of dumbbells. I can give you a routine that worked for me to bulk up pretty easy.

You sound like you want to spot for him too. Gay boy body lifting thread.
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