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China nears military parity with West; India watchful


Sep 26, 2016
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China nears military parity with West; India watchful

China is reaching near-parity with the West in military technology and its progress highlights that western dominance in advanced weapons systems can no longer be taken for granted, an influential London-based think-tank said in a new assessment released on Tuesday.

Beijing’s growing dominance in military technology and its exports to countries that cannot afford western hardware has major implications for New Delhi and its security, London-based sources told Hindustan Times, adding India remained watchful.

Releasing the annual Military Balance 2017, International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) director John Chipman said the balance of global military spending continued to shift towards Asia, where defence expenditure rose by 5% to 6% from 2012 to 2016, as the total global spending on military fell by 0.4%.

China featured prominently in the launch event of the publication, which, over the decades, has come to be considered one of the most definitive references for state and non-state stakeholders, including policy-makers.

Rahul Roy-Chaudhury, IISS senior fellow, told Hindustan Times: “China’s real-term increase in defence spending matched by its militarily technological advances has enabled it to reach near parity with the West in aspects of air power.

“In contrast, India’s decrease in defence spending in terms of GDP in the absence of a boost in the acquisition or development of advanced military technology results in a widening gap between Indian and Chinese military capabilities.”

According to him, an activist Trump politico-military policy in the region could provide strategic opportunities amidst potential pitfalls for India’s military diplomacy.

Referring to the September 2016 contract for Rafale jets and the “prolonged and ultimately futile negotiations" over the Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft, IISS said that given the existing security concerns related to China and Pakistan, India is likely to quickly acquire an F-16 or F/A-18 derivative to help cover the shortfall.

“Past performance, however, suggests that the IAF still faces a considerable challenge in meeting its mid-2020s target for combat aircraft squadron numbers,” the publication said, noting the “Make in India” policy to strengthen the indigenous defence-industrial base.

However, the assessment cautioned that though the Indian armed forces were capable of internal deployment for stabilisation operations, it was “not clear if they can rapidly mobilise and deploy in strength to either the border with Pakistan or with China”.

It added, “The lack of joint command and control may militate against effective tactical-level inter-service cooperation.”

IISS noted that China had recently introduced into service a short-range missile in a class only a handful of leading aerospace nations are able to develop. Called PL -10, the weapon reflects the sustained and continuing investment in air-launched guided weapons.

"Beijing will almost certainly be able to add increasingly capable air-to-air weapons to its inventory in the next few years. These systems will be close to parity with similar western weapons, while one of China's air-to-air missiles has no western equivalent," the publication noted.
China needs to increase defense expenditure.

Also building allies and military relations with countries is a cost effective way to boost power and influence. China has 5 documented allies while the US has 54.
China is too strong. China itself if without US ,can take on whole Europe. Bragging of allies is useless. Let me ask you. Can the 54 allies take on USA?
Let me ask you a question , when was the last time that China had a military confrontation with any one? 79?
Let me ask you a question , when was the last time that China had a military confrontation with any one? 79?

So what?No war would end just in one day or two!Are you saying India is more experienced in war and has better chance to win a war with China? You must be nuts to think in this way!
So what?No war would end just in one day or two!Are you saying India is more experienced in war and has better chance to win a war with China? You must be nuts to think in this way!
Any battle harden army has a better chance of winning then one which hasen't. India has been involved in coin ops since the late 80s,but then feel free to draw your own conclusions.
Any battle harden army has a better chance of winning then one which hasen't. India has been involved in coin ops since the late 80s,but then feel free to draw your own conclusions.

Of course you could bluff your war experience or even that of US army. But all of you had never had anything of a major war between power-matching rivals. It's not much of anything to invade Afghanistan or to fight a Kagil war.
Of course you could bluff your war experience or even that of US army. But all of you had never had anything of a major war between power-matching rivals. It's not much of anything to invade Afghanistan or to fight a Kagil war.
I always love the logic of the young! :)
india is already superior to the west....

they have shupershonic brahmos mijjile
A "China threat" theory

China is still a developing country and we are still behind the developed countries.
Hope that the developed countries to ignore China, don't pay too much attention to China.

We will pose no threat to you.
the biggest problem is the nature of your government. Outsiders have no insight into how your government works. We have no insight into your long term intentions. It makes for a lot of threat theories.
the biggest problem is the nature of your government. Outsiders have no insight into how your government works. We have no insight into your long term intentions. It makes for a lot of threat theories.

To be fair the only threat theories from china are coming out of Western mass media and self appointed "experts" in India
To be fair the only threat theories from china are coming out of Western mass media and self appointed "experts" in India

I judge states by their actions. South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Mynamar, Bhutan and even Russia remain cautious of China.
I judge states by their actions. South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Mynamar, Bhutan and even Russia remain cautious of China.

Everyone has self interests, More so when a behemoth is a next door neighbor, Why do you think all of India's immediate neighbors have apprehensions about it ? You can argue about Bhutan but then again Bhutan is independent only in namesake

Especially given China as rightly mentioned in this thread has achieved military parity with the West and most probably will be the most powerful nation by three decades
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