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Pakistan's Ballistic Missle Defence Systems?

Pakistan needs BMDS

  • Yes my life is precious

    Votes: 48 70.6%
  • No I like to be nuked

    Votes: 20 29.4%

  • Total voters


May 26, 2016
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Can we upgrade the Chini Hq-9 anti access denial to something more like S-400 systems.
This thing is probably deployed around GHQ :P
We need something like the A-135 anti-ballistic missile system deployed in major cities like Islamabad ,Rawalpindi lahoris and Karachis
Now that Pakistan has got MIRV Tech ,Can we start freakin launching our own satellites in space now?
Why do we need the russian cosmodrones and launch sites ,we should go for more home-grown approach or don't do anything at all.
Can we launch somthing like a STSS system in orbit to aid and identify.

Huge money has to be pumped into SUPARCO ,these guys are a dead horse.
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No. We need to rather invest in offensive warhead delivery technology like the hypersonic glide vehicles and MIRV which render enemy's ABMDS worth billions of dollars useless and therefore create deterrence. Pakistan will not survive a nuclear war due to its geographic limitations, therefore our first priority ought to be to retain the capability to attack and annihilate India. Our best defense is to make sure our nuclear forces can bypass any ABMDS India puts into action.
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Or we should do what Russia does.
They built underground bunkers which can host 40 million people.

We should build those in the main cities. Majority of our population lives in these cities and around the Indus river.
After a Nuclear war we can wait a few decades until the radiation is all gone and rebuild the country after that.

Make sure the bunkers have railways to balochistan so we can live there temporarily during that time because that place wont be nuked.

In India's case doing something like this is impossible.

So Pakistan's nuclear policy should be to leave no square metre of India Un-nuked.
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A nuc war between the two countries is the end of the world---.

The shocking news of nuc strike will plunder the world stock markets---and the rest would be done by the fallout---.

When the Fukushima reactor was damaged---I talked about serious radiation consequences---and some super duper member over here made fun of me---. Just look at what is happenging with Fukushima---a benign reactor---how serious the radiation is after so many years.

And just imagine the spread of radiation from surface strikes---.

Nucs won't save pakistan---.
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The fallacy of MIRVs and hyper-sonic gliders: we will have the opportunity to use them.

With 100% guarantee, India doesn't have the resources to monitor our nuclear facilities, warheads, missile launchers.

With 100% guarantee, the America+Israel+Britain+France nexus has the ability to monitor us, and ARE monitoring us.

With 100% guarantee, the America+Israel+Britain+France nexus feels the world is an unsafe place because Pakistan has nukes.

With 100% guarantee, India will strike with a solid backing of, and with intelligence from, the America+Israel+Britain+France nexus.

Now that we have changed the goal posts with MIRVs, we have changed the face of war. India would be foolish to give us the opportunity to use them. The 'Indian Cold Start' should not be viewed as a massive tank assault across our Eastern border. The Indian cold start will come in the form of a massive, acute, and completely surprise attack after months and years of careful intelligence gathering by the world's best intelligence agencies. India will simply be a front for the war. The full technological prowess of major powers will be utilized against us.

The first phase of the attack will disable our EW and radar capabilities. And with all of our AD infrastructure bought from foreign vendors, this will be literally a piece of cake. What the West sells, the West fears not.

The second phase attacks will be from B-2 Spirit Bombers, F-22 raptors, missile strikes. It will be a saturation attack to take out our nuclear facilities, our mobile launchers, and sites of warhead storage.

Once the claws are taken out, we would be left at Indian mercy.

Those who think MIRVs and hypersonic vehicles will save us, live in a fool's paradise. We need comprehensive Air Defence capabilities that we can actually rely upon.
If only wishes were horses...
What about systems such as HQ9? We were interested in the system never the less to fill a large gap we have In high altitude air defence. Since this system is originally based on Russian s300, can it be used for limited ABM roles on important installations? I read that HQ9 possess this capability albeit In limited capacity.
Russian S400 BMD is way too expensive for Pakistan at this time. I think we should go for S300 which Iran recently acquired from Russia. For our country its best to complete and fully implement our nuclear triad and strenghten our second strike capability thus preventing India to get emboldened and getting tempted to even think of nuclear attack.
Russian S400 BMD is way too expensive for Pakistan at this time. I think we should go for S300 which Iran recently acquired from Russia. For our country its best to complete and fully implement our nuclear triad and strenghten our second strike capability thus preventing India to get emboldened and getting tempted to even think of nuclear attack.

S-300 is useless considering India has S-400.

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