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Hafiz Saeed under Exit Control List

All it took for them to submit was a visa ban threat .
By the same term, read and lesson to BJP election campaigns, political gatherings and all that NaMO & Co never miss chance to issue threats to Pakistan. Whether it is good or not but this action is not under influence or wish of India at all nor has any relation with China concerns with Pakistan over this issue. The thing is so different.

Dude everyone issues threats to everyone. The point is no one in RSS sent a set of people into Pakistan to bomb/kill people.
Dude everyone issues threats to everyone. The point is no one in RSS sent a set of people into Pakistan to bomb/kill people.

Read posts #6 and #13..... He is not proven as such by the court as well and rest are all blames by India.
Whatever floats your boat dude.

Bottom line is, you aint getting anything out of Pakistan in this regard, except following the rule and law of the land. Anything silly other then that will be counter productive, hope the likes of Doval understand this.

Of course, 'you ain't getting anything out of this because I loudly said so'

Read posts #6 and #13..... He is not proven as such by the court as well and rest are all blames by India.

State is bigger than court.

the establishment might finally have realized the folly of its ways. lets hope this goes on.

I don't know if it occurs to people- once people like him are out of the picture, you can at least talk continuously. It will take time but you'll reach somewhere.
Dude everyone issues threats to everyone. The point is no one in RSS sent a set of people into Pakistan to bomb/kill people.
Just last month HS was toting in his rally how they sent militants to attack indian base and killed indian soldiers , yet these Pakistani "courts" want proof.
US etc did not challenge the verdict of Court that left HS to go free but the pain is something different that has nothing to do with China in this detention. He is not convicted in Mumbai Attacks case. Read post #6.
Why would US need to challenge the verdict? Did UN SC asked for any legal verdicts against Jesh before China saved the day using Veto? And why would we expect any verdict against him from the courts especially given robust protection by the "state"? Missing persons case is an example of how courts are subdued to "state" when it comes to "Matters of national interest" I mean this is so not 1900s. Reaction to 9/11 didn't start after after OBL's conviction by a US court
Just last month HS was toting in his rally how they sent militants to attack indian base and killed indian soldiers , yet these Pakistani "courts" want proof.
I'll bomb the shit out of you and blow India to bits my ancestral land.
Does that mean I will be charged for anything by that goes wrong in India because I made a ludicrous statement ?

dawood is s underworld kingpin , he has enough money & influence to hide in plain sight.
Um didn't he bomb Indians ? S you mean to say he can buy RAW operatives ?
And you concluded that with your puny sized brain ?

Fan of arnab swamy ? No ?
So after 11 years Pakistani government out of good will arrested him , even though he was given a green slip by china? Are you kidding me? This is because of trump , nothing more nothing less.
So after 11 years Pakistani government out of good will arrested him , even though he was given a green slip by china? Are you kidding me? This is because of trump , nothing more nothing less.
FYI. He is under house arrest. Go check how big that palace is where he is confined.

You could spend years without actually going out. That's how big it is
Um didn't he bomb Indians ? S you mean to say he can buy RAW operatives ?

Intelligence agency don't do the ground work they buy the intel from local middle men through their agents , dowood is influential enough to keep his identity secret in some tightly sealed mansion .
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