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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

You require a MIRV capable missile to stop a MIRV warhead as you require multiple interceptors to stop an incoming MIRV. And the interceptor carrier jacket of MIRV can be used for target detection sensors.

Your interceptors just got outdated need to spend billions more for just detecting the missile war-head.
Remind me of the "Star Wars" mania during the Reagan years. Every Tom and Jerry in all engineering/science faculties made some bucks out of it!!!

what's so special is that now india has to worry about MIRVs. first, india had to worry about 1 missile coming at 1 city at the untrackable speed of mach 18 or more. now india has to worry about 1 missile coming at the untrackable speed of mach 18 while shooting at least 3 MIRVs at 3 indian cities at a speed greater than mach 18. 3 cities for the price of 1 missile while the s400s that india hasn't even received yet helplessly sits by and does nothing. frankly modi should fire doval as his every single strategy has royally backfired.
Doval is like Devil!! Strong against weak minds, and flee the scene when the brave folks arrive!!!!

Brother I wait for your comments on threads like these. Mashallah. You have a way with words.
Kardeshim!! This is a very common conservative Turkish way of expression. Nothing special at all!!
Cannot say for now but it looks larger than shaheen 3. less info about missile is available.
Only the third stage is extra but the first two stages are same as Shaheen 3 as i guess so IMO its range is ~3000KM and has atleast 3 - 4 warheads.
Going by visual similarities as Indians always do, their Agni-1 , 2 and 4 are Chinese copies too. This is a picture of DF-15 or 21 (can't remember). Warhead has striking similarities with Agni

Going by visual similarities as Indians always do, their Agni-1 , 2 and 4 are Chinese copies too. This is a picture of DF-15 or 21 (can't remember). Warhead has striking similarities with Agni

View attachment 371639

This isn't a problem for us as it is for you!
Your allies are selling us missiles...not the other way around.
Seems the Chinese have mastered the Kansas City shuffle!
They are all there in Missile chest, waiting for opportune time for announcement.
Pakistan's missile policy is "need to show Basis"
Pak missile folks look like Apple - every year they obsessive compulsively need to come up with some "bombastic" launching ceremonies!!! Who is Samsung???!!??
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Both Babur 3 and this missile are at initial development stages and these missiles take years to mature.

Pakistan makes tall claims, simple as that.

Uhh, no. These weapons have been in "development" for years now. Their systems and sub systems have been tested again and again, trailed and what not. So these systems are very mature since they aren't build from scratch. They are built upon exiting indigenous technologies Pakistan has.

Just like Agni 5 was built upon a base, and hence a very mature system even though just tested couple of times.

For example, Babur SLCM was tested MULTIPLE times before the first "public" test reveal of the system.

Nevertheless, Pakistan has take a giant leap in its existing missile capabilities with SLCM and now MIRVed missile system.
Also let's not forget the Chinese gift of anti satellite missiles! :china::pakistan:

Oops, there goes all the indian hopes down the tube! :lol:
Ssshhh don't spoil the game my friend. Just like how India invested in BMD systems only for Pakistan to make MIRV capable ones, let them first spend billions on this satellite based BMD. Then Pak can barge in with a satellite missile and troll them some more. I love this never ending trolling game.

Also @Mrc is being extraordinarily silent on this thread now. I was expecting a non sense rebuttal that he would post quickly without thinking.
Only the third stage is extra but the first two stages are same as Shaheen 3 as i guess so IMO its range is ~3000KM and has atleast 3 - 4 warheads.
These all are assessments but first two stages are confirmed shaheen 2 or 3 but the range is less even with extra third stage that means more war-heads or large warheads.
No success in finding news report from Indian news channels so far

Would love to know if it was colour change, chinese copy, fake video, diesel engine blah blah

yeah, nothing at all. Meanwhile they "Satellite Imagery Expert" of India



Even if Pakistan magically acquires something like that, do you have any idea what a single Ohio-class SSBN has the capability to do in return?

Most important point sir, we know where to take "Panga"

Also we are very efficient with our spending and surely this cold war fever India has is going to put a big strain on their economy

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