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Pak will not compromise itself to make peace with India: Sartaj

Pakistan sits at cross roads of many political fault lines..It will never come to be respected unless it packs enough punch to impose its will..Pakistani geo-political situation is very similar to Germany...once it crosses the power threshold...everyone will respect it...the question is not if we will ever cross that threshold..rather...when we will cross it?? Like Germany, Pakistan will have to limit its fault lines and stabilize its borders by annexing foreign territories which are responsible for destructive intrusion into its local politics..It will have to take an offensive posture and annex certain parts of IOK. Certain parts of Afghanistan to achieve a more natural and inclusive border...

A coordinated Sino-Pak pincer movement launched simultaneously from Tibet and Azad Kashmir cutting away IOK from the region marked with orange line can isolate large part of Kashmiri territory and military formations...



Germany can and did this has it was the regional economic and military superpower over Europe.

Take a look at Pakistans GDP forex reserves defence budget air force and navy and compare to your giant neighbour who just tested a icbm last week.

Then explain on how with 10% of India overall might you will annex Indian land.
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