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BREAKING NEWS: Senegal invades Gambia

I feel sorry for Gambia,
Why that country even exist? Its like a country controlling a river or road in straight line :D

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One word, colonialism. Senegal was a French colony. Gambia a British. Same people, same religion on both sides but in one English today is the official language and in the other French. They have a reason for existence due to this twist in history, but at the same time they are likely to be overshadowed by big brother Senegal always.

So another muslim leader to be removed by force.

Adama Barrow too is Muslim. There is no religious angle in this whole story.
Exactly. You are on point. Mixed race girls(black/white, Arabian/black) are the most beautiful in the world. In fact I have yet to see a mixed race chic that is not beautiful or at least average. They are also usually blessed not just with beauty but also curves in all the right places. Something I have said before on here , Arabic girls as I mentioned a while ago on here as well are lucky just like black/Latinos/mixed race girls to be blessed with guitar shape figures.:smitten: A real woman to me gifts have not just beautifl face but even more so a gorgeous figure.:man_in_love:

It's good that you mentioned CONGO Kinshasa out of all countries. This country is in fact the most naturally endowed In not just Africa (which is an achievement by itself) but even the world. The country is vast and diverse, and has basically almost every major natural resources you can find out there. It used to be called by a French historian a " natural resource miracle" since he couldn't believe how a county can be blessed with so many different types of resources sometimes close to each other. From cobalt to coal, to oil to gold to. Diamond to timber etc etc you name it Congo Kinshasa has it all . However the the country is among the top 10most poorest nations on earth, due to incompetent corrupt leadership, despotism, corruption, civil wars(has claimed over 4-5million lives already and counting, the bloodiest since WWII), tribalism, ethnic favouratism etc etc. It's sad, but common in Africa and other countries even in the middle East. I have been to Congo Kinshasa and the landscape is mind boggling, you only have to see for yourself to believe can't even describe it. However, I didn't go as far as the far eastern side of the country which has more gorillas and wildlife some there is still Rebel groups and warlords who reign there uncontested. It's a shame.
I have been to Kenya and Tanzania but not Mozambique yet(maybe because of language barrier since it's a former Portuguese colony).
All in all, Africa is by far the most beautiful and blessed continent I have been to, and i have been to all four(or if you want) continents on earth. :)

You are quite right. However African, Arab and Latino girls (most of them at least) tend to be blessed from nature when it comes to their figures. If you prefer women the way they were created that is. All the right shapes, curves etc. That's the way forward, lol.

That's very interesting. I thought that DR Congo was a country that foreigners tended to avoid due to the security situation. However you are right as I have heard similar stories about its natural beauty hence why I mentioned it originally. I have heard similar about nearby Rwanda and Uganda.

There is also a very tragic legacy of Belgian colonization in the country. There is a quite big Congolese community in Belgium as well.

Yes, those problems are unfortunately common in parts of the Middle East as well.

Mozambique is probably a much less discovered country by tourists than Kenya and Tanzania but I believe that it has a lot to offer. I have heard that the beaches are even more beautiful than the ones in Tanzania (that is saying someting) and obviously more isolated and less prone to tourists. Anyway Mozambique has suffered from civil wars historically too.

Africa is definitely a very beautiful continent. As far as "most beautiful" (if such a thing even exists) I tend to think that Asia tops that due to the sheer size and diversity but every continent has a lot to offer obviously.

Anyway I also have an interest in Africa due to the business angle as it remains an largely uncovered continent on this front. I guess you just need to learn how to navigate in such societies and hook up with the right people on the ground. At least there are tons of opportunities if you have the capital and the connections and are willing to take some risks.

@mike2000 is back

Silverback mountain gorillas in DR Congo:

Also have you seen that excellent documentary with that Brit in his 30's (don't recall the name right now) who walked across the Nile from its beginning somewhere in Uganda/Rwanda all the way to Northern Egypt? Really beautiful landscapes. I saw it on BBC 1 year ago.


All borders and all countries are by default artificial but talk about a strange, strange border. Hilarious. Whoever created this country seems to have carved some land next to the Gambia River. A tiny strip to be exact. Absurd. Talk about being sandwiched. No wonder that Senegal found/finds it easy to invade poor Gambia, lol.

ECOWAS was created long before the AU, and many other regional Economic Unions in Africa actually. The AU like the EU stems from economic organization(s). It's easier for the smaller units be it in Economic or Political corridors to function than the larger AU. AU is just an attempt to appear unified and to enable better bargaining, but not really.

The modern African States are some of the youngest in the world. And after their respective independence they realized the necessity to economically integrate, some nations took it further with political and military cooperation. Many of these blocs are build on shared colonial powers or cross border tribal affiliations, more the former.

ECOWAS is one of the more well established organizations from the 70s. And tends to act in their neighborhood rather than inviting other African nations from outside.

So in other words, ECOWAS seems to be the only regional Muslim political/economic bloc alongside the GCC that actually works somewhat? That's very positive and I wish them all the best of luck.
Yahya does not want to go because of the atrocities which he could be made to stand for; i suspect, he will go to Morocco and stay there. Just grand standing for now. So many people have disappeared under his watch for speaking up.

As far as Ecowas force, they are a bunch of thugs. I want democracy but not at the spear of a gun.

we should help gambia militery and atack senegal
Please stop writing stupid posts.
By the way I don't like the idea of invading other countries which has become an accepted norm in the international community to loosen every single knot,conflict and political turmoil by tooth not hand and it narrows down your options just to one that is military option...in any war whether you are on the right side of war or not its ordinary people whom suffer the most at the end of day ...
I think there should be a better approach to deal with these kind of situations ...
Ok genius. Can you tell us how we can peacfully without violence or force remove greedy dictators who refuse to give up power over their death body like Yaya Jameh of Gambia , Paul biya of Cameroon, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria, Bashar ASSAD and before them laurent Mbagbo of ivory coast, Housni Moubarak of Egypt, Gadaffi, Saddam, etc etc?
Tell me how these people can be reason with to leave power after their long rule. If you got a solution for this then I believe you must be the greatest genius ever.:enjoy:

Iwant democracy but not at the spear of a gun.
Well, ideally you are right, every country should have a peaceful democratic transition and freedom for the people. However, that's just officially/dream world in most cases unfortunately. We live in the real world things are very often different from the ideal.
If so, tell me using your logic how Yaya Jameh CAN be convinced to give up power and for a peaceful transition. You think African Union and regional countries haven't tried everything possible to convince him to leave power? Lol
. If you have been to many African countries and see the conditions in which the poor people there live and the fear these dictators have spread around their country against anybody who challenges their rule(Some just disappear r are executed),then you will not make such a statement. The People are poor(ruled by despots who accumulate all the country's wealth for themselves, their family and their inner circle)defenceless, and powerless. Why won't they revolt or why force shouldn't be used since they have nothing to lose anyway?
Ok genius. Can you tell us how we can peacfully without violence or force remove greedy dictators who refuse to give up power over their death body like Yaya Jameh of Gambia , Paul biya of Cameroon, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria, Bashar ASSAD and before them laurent Mbagbo of ivory coast, Housni Moubarak of Egypt, Gadaffi, Saddam, etc etc?
Tell me how these people can be reason with to leave power after their long rule. If you got a solution for this then I believe you must be the greatest genius ever.:enjoy:

Well, ideally you are right, every country should have a peaceful democratic transition and freedom for the people. However, that's just officially/dream world in most cases unfortunately. We live in the real world things are very often different from the ideal.
If so, tell me using your logic how Yaya Jameh CAN be convinced to give up power and for a peaceful transition. You think African Union and regional countries haven't tried everything possible to convince him to leave power? Lol
. If you have been to many African countries and see the conditions in which the poor people there live and the fear these dictators have spread around their country against anybody who challenges their rule(Some just disappear r are executed),then you will not make such a statement. The People are poor(ruled by despots who accumulate all the country's wealth for themselves, their family and their inner circle)defenceless, and powerless. Why won't they revolt or why force shouldn't be used since they have nothing to lose anyway?
friend, i have travelled all countries by road and train from south africa right up to egypt - first hand experience in what it is like in our continent.
dictators just dont go; i agree - we have uncle tim next door who will be carried out with his casket. I am referring to ecowas - they are bad bad news; i have seen the atrocities they committed in liberia and other places they went to. unfortunately we are cursed by the curse of african management.
for now transition of power in southern africa minus zims has been good.
At least he will go now. that is good. Gambians are very peaceful people and regretfully their leaders have been terrible.
You are quite right. However African, Arab and Latino girls (most of them at least) tend to be blessed from nature when it comes to their figures. If you prefer women the way they were created that is. All the right shapes, curves etc. That's the way forward, lol.

That's very interesting. I thought that DR Congo was a country that foreigners tended to avoid due to the security situation. However you are right as I have heard similar stories about its natural beauty hence why I mentioned it originally. I have heard similar about nearby Rwanda and Uganda.

There is also a very tragic legacy of Belgian colonization in the country. There is a quite big Congolese community in Belgium as well.

Yes, those problems are unfortunately common in parts of the Middle East as well.

Mozambique is probably a much less discovered country by tourists than Kenya and Tanzania but I believe that it has a lot to offer. I have heard that the beaches are even more beautiful than the ones in Tanzania (that is saying someting) and obviously more isolated and less prone to tourists. Anyway Mozambique has suffered from civil wars historically too.

Africa is definitely a very beautiful continent. As far as "most beautiful" (if such a thing even exists) I tend to think that Asia tops that due to the sheer size and diversity but every continent has a lot to offer obviously.

Anyway I also have an interest in Africa due to the business angle as it remains an largely uncovered continent on this front. I guess you just need to learn how to navigate in such societies and hook up with the right people on the ground. At least there are tons of opportunities if you have the capital and the connections and are willing to take some risks.

@mike2000 is back

Silverback mountain gorillas in DR Congo:

Also have you seen that excellent documentary with that Brit in his 30's (don't recall the name right now) who walked across the Nile from its beginning somewhere in Uganda/Rwanda all the way to Northern Egypt? Really beautiful landscapes. I saw it on BBC 1 year ago.

All borders and all countries are by default artificial but talk about a strange, strange border. Hilarious. Whoever created this country seems to have carved some land next to the Gambia River. A tiny strip to be exact. Absurd. Talk about being sandwiched. No wonder that Senegal found/finds it easy to invade poor Gambia, lol.

So in other words, ECOWAS seems to be the only regional Muslim political/economic bloc alongside the GCC that actually works somewhat? That's very positive and I wish them all the best of luck.
GO and visit XaiXai or Pemba. just beautiful; be prepared to haul your own fuel around 150litres+ of diesel. Just beautiful is northern moz; Tanzania - especially southern side is spectacular.
Ok genius. Can you tell us how we can peacfully without violence or force remove greedy dictators who refuse to give up power over their death body like Yaya Jameh of Gambia , Paul biya of Cameroon, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria, Bashar ASSAD and before them laurent Mbagbo of ivory coast, Housni Moubarak of Egypt, Gadaffi, Saddam, etc etc?
Tell me how these people can be reason with to leave power after their long rule. If you got a solution for this then I believe you must be the greatest genius ever.:enjoy:

Well, ideally you are right, every country should have a peaceful democratic transition and freedom for the people. However, that's just officially/dream world in most cases unfortunately. We live in the real world things are very often different from the ideal.
If so, tell me using your logic how Yaya Jameh CAN be convinced to give up power and for a peaceful transition. You think African Union and regional countries haven't tried everything possible to convince him to leave power? Lol
. If you have been to many African countries and see the conditions in which the poor people there live and the fear these dictators have spread around their country against anybody who challenges their rule(Some just disappear r are executed),then you will not make such a statement. The People are poor(ruled by despots who accumulate all the country's wealth for themselves, their family and their inner circle)defenceless, and powerless. Why won't they revolt or why force shouldn't be used since they have nothing to lose anyway?

Ok genius, first tell me in which cases (that such a notion implemented at least in middle east) like Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya military intervention has brought shiny and promising outcomes then we could proceed to the next level which is taking down this greedy dictators... in all of the aforementioned countries military options just pushed the country to the edge of collapse and more crisis not in the better position .... people opt it 'cause it could be fast but the results ain't long lasting .... this prescription has not healed no one so far why you wanna give it to other patients?
it's look like a knock-knock joke ...

knock-knock ..
who is it?
democracy with love ....

Surly if people of these countries knew that there is no chess game without pawns then this dictators wouldn't have any chance to rule ...
Ok genius, first tell me in which cases (that such a notion implemented at least in middle east) like Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya military intervention has brought shiny and promising outcomes then we could proceed to the next level which is taking down this greedy dictators... in all of the aforementioned countries military options just pushed the country to the edge of collapse and more crisis not in the better position .... people opt it 'cause it could be fast but the results ain't long lasting .... this prescription has not healed no one so far why you wanna give it to other patients?
it's look like a knock-knock joke ...

knock-knock ..
who is it?
democracy with love ....

Surly if people of these countries knew that there is no chess game without pawns then this dictators wouldn't have any chance to rule ...
Coincidentally, what you just said is exactly the reason why there would be popular revolts by the people or use of force when necessary to topple such despostic Dictators. The thing is, it's true that the use of force/revolts to topple tyrants often leads to instability. However, there is no revolution/overhaul of a status quo system without sacrifices/pain. Most countries have had to go through such transitions to transform themselves. You can take a look at Rwanda for example, where after going through a bloody civil war/genocide the country picked itself up and the people learned from his experience to build up their country. Today Rwanda is one of the fastest growing contries in Africa and the world, it's also the least corrupt country in Africa recently, and Africa's most friendless place to do business (it even comes ahead of some European countries in this regard. ). Travelling around Rwanda, one can see the country is really moving ahead, it's people livelihood are improving very fast and most of all it's youth are very optimistic about their future(something you hardly see in many corrupt backward developing countries). This is just an example.
So at the end of the day, if the people want change for the better, they will be ready to make sacrifices (it might take longer in some cases) for a better future, instead of living under a backward corrupt poor status quo system enforced by one man and his close confidants. So it's Linda like having a choice between sacrificing yourself and taking the risk to change your country so even if you don't see the immediate changes right now, then a least you have hope your children will live a better life in a better system. There is hardly any country who hadn't witnessed bloodshed when transitioning to a better system/rule(including the west). :)
Coincidentally, what you just said is exactly the reason why there would be popular revolts by the people or use of force when necessary to topple such despostic Dictators. The thing is, it's true that the use of force/revolts to topple tyrants often leads to instability. However, there is no revolution/overhaul of a status quo system without sacrifices/pain. Most countries have had to go through such transitions to transform themselves. You can take a look at Rwanda for example, where after going through a bloody civil war/genocide the country picked itself up and the people learned from his experience to build up their country. Today Rwanda is one of the fastest growing contries in Africa and the world, it's also the least corrupt country in Africa recently, and Africa's most friendless place to do business (it even comes ahead of some European countries in this regard. ). Travelling around Rwanda, one can see the country is really moving ahead, it's people livelihood are improving very fast and most of all it's youth are very optimistic about their future(something you hardly see in many corrupt backward developing countries). This is just an example.
So at the end of the day, if the people want change for the better, they will be ready to make sacrifices (it might take longer in some cases) for a better future, instead of living under a backward corrupt poor status quo system enforced by one man and his close confidants. So it's Linda like having a choice between sacrificing yourself and taking the risk to change your country so even if you don't see the immediate changes right now, then a least you have hope your children will live a better life in a better system. There is hardly any country who hadn't witnessed bloodshed when transitioning to a better system/rule(including the west). :)

I see democracy as a process not a over-night popped up phenomena .. I doubt democracy values like respecting your rival ideas and ballot boxes would be instilled and grasped through a military intervene all the sudden ... furthermore I think the process of democracy should be initiated and proceeded internally otherwise once the external trigger gone the previous status quo would snap back ...and I agree to some extend that military intervene if be called by the people might provide a situation which in democracy would have chances to bloom.

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