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After Fatwas by Ulema Imran khan Apoligizes

Okay, so he slipped up in one speech. And he apologised.

But you're missing the elephant in the room, he was declared wajib-ul-qatal, and therein lies the real insanity.
I'd like to have seen him call this out:

Talking to Daily Pakistan, Pir Muhammad Afzal Qadri said that if the leader doesn’t render an open apology, the organisation will formally issue a religious edict, declaring him a ‘Wajib-ul-Qatal’ (liable to death).

“If the state fails to execute Imran Khan, it wouldn’t be a crime if any ‘aashiq-e-Rasool’ (lover of prophet P.B.U.H) kills him. He will be exempt from Qisas and Diyat (blood money),” Qadri told Daily Pakistan, adding the blood of blasphemer – in this case, Imran Khan’s – has no worth compared to Prophet (PBUH).

Just recently, Qadri had also issued a ‘Kufr’ fatwa against Shaan Taseer, son of the slain Governor Salman Taseer, for allegedly committing blasphemy in his ‘Christmas special’ video message.

In any sane country, anyone inciting violence like this would be kept on a leash.
ULEMA shows their power and Imran surrenders. Ulema's are really very powerful in Pakistan.
We are an Islamic ideological state.

Why these ulamas don't give fatwa aganist corrupt Politicians?
corruption is not an extreme kind of crime as blasphemy. But Ulema can not give fatwa to kill someone on corruption. They can only create awareness.
Why these ulamas don't give fatwa aganist corrupt Politicians?

It's all power of Authority.

I hope someone will register FIR against this pagal mullah for giving a death threat..
But pagal charsi khan must respect sentiments of people of Pakistan.

Fat man with a beard and no education handing out death threats to people because of what they say. What is this mullah, Robocop?

Hunt these Lal masjid type mullahs and kill them all. Pakistan will never progress with these types corrupting society.
Lal Masjid op conduct upon Chinese request or complaint so i am not gona buy that....even after that mullah in hijab laughing over the deaths of school children of APS but no action was taken since chinese were safe.

Kill them all is the only option if they avail on time.

even mullah on this forum objecting my DP and forced me to crop it down with professional ID what else you can expect.

is this porno or offensive?
View attachment 365704

Totally irrelevant to the thread.

Nobody should be allowed to make death threats in a country. Yes free speech should mean not agreeing with someone and that is perfectly okay but to issue a fatwa and death threat is not tolerated in any civilized society.

Anyone who feels they can do this is an anti state terrorist and a goon and should be hunted down. There are plenty in Pakistan who think they can kill because they have taken offense over something. These people are mentally unstable and killer minded. If Pakistan is to mentally progress these mullahs need to be eradicated like a deadly virus.
I strongly believe, he realized himself, He was not correct in one of the word selection, Therefore, He has apologized, Love to IK.
Kudos to IK and respect for him and please don't insult the word ''ulema'' by calling those retards as ulema.
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