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Friendship Between Turkey And Russia Could Destroy NATO

Mutual interests makes you friends in international political arena.
We shall see. I personally like NATO. They've done more good than harm to us.

Why are you getting your panties in a knot when replying to pakistanis on a pakistani forum? At the current rate, turkey will soon surpass pakistan in terms of the number of terrorist attacks with all your great friends Aleppo and Azerbaijan protecting you. :azn:

@nightRider was only putting forth his humble opinion with no hint of offense towards turkey in it and you went full retard for no apparent reason.
Turkey's and Pakistan's fault for the terrorism, lets not blame countries miles away from us. And I never said America is a great friend, I was just questioning how great would a friendship with Russia and China be. Pakistan can see India not care for China and Russia and shoot at your school kids.
But hey. yeah lets all pretend China and Russia are great friends lol

We don't want any one to protect us and yes we are almost terrorist free
and turkey is in NATO for more then 60 years and you are still seeking new friends who are your enemies or anti turkey who don't even want to see you in EU
NATO is good for us long term than being allied with Russia, that is all I am saying. And I don't want my country anywhere near this EU mess. No complaints from me there.

NATO is useless and obsolete. Dissolve it
NATO is great. Look how many Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians all desperate to live in NATO countries instead of Russia and China lol
Funny how you forget to mention that Russia helped the Brits and co to get those lands of Palestine for the Zionist a century ago.
But now the Russians are the good guys?
Turkey needs stability. We need to improve our economy and fight terrorism. We face no threat whatsoever right now, nothing we cannot handle ourselves anyway.
Now , we depend a lot on Russian tourists, and I have a soft spot for them because of it. That's about it though. I wouldn't say we are friends.
NATO is here to stay.
Russia helped Zionists get the Holy Land? What? Have some links? This is news to me!
Yes I have links

Google. com
I was hoping for something more specific.
From my readings, the Orthodx Tsar and Orthodox Russia did not approve of a Jewish national home in the Holy Land as this land was made forbidden to them by the Lord God. However after the Bolshevik coup, the Soviets were entirely different in their outlook.

Basically my understanding is that for an Imposter Israel to come into existence, the two powers that needed to be eroded were the Ottoman Empire (became the secular republic of Turkey that was first Muslim majority nation to recognize Israel) and Orthodox Russia (became the Godless USSR that was the first country to recognize Israel de jure).

And WW I basically did this. You will find Zionist links with the Bolsheviks and the Young Turk movement.
Basically my understanding is that for an Imposter Israel to come into existence, the two powers that needed to be eroded were the Ottoman Empire (became the secular republic of Turkey that was first Muslim majority nation to recognize Israel) and Orthodox Russia (became the Godless USSR that was the first country to recognize Israel de jure).

This is pretty spot on. Anyways, NATO is here to stay for many more years to come.
Turkiye needs to just grow economically and militarily there's no immediate threat to us, except terrorism. Which we are dealing with it in our own way . We don't need any outside help for this.
Turkey's and Pakistan's fault for the terrorism, lets not blame countries miles away from us. And I never said America is a great friend, I was just questioning how great would a friendship with Russia and China be. Pakistan can see India not care for China and Russia and shoot at your school kids.
But hey. yeah lets all pretend China and Russia are great friends lol
WTF are you babbling about farthead? :blah::blah::blah:
All I said is watch your mouth when replying to pakistanis on a pakistani forum especially when they said nothing to tick you off in the first place.
This is pretty spot on. Anyways, NATO is here to stay for many more years to come.
Turkiye needs to just grow economically and militarily there's no immediate threat to us, except terrorism. Which we are dealing with it in our own way . We don't need any outside help for this.
NATO is Zionism's military! She basically fights Israel's messianic wars on her behalf. And Turkey is part of this tyrant!
WTF are you babbling about farthead? :blah::blah::blah:
All I said is watch your mouth when replying to pakistanis on a pakistani forum especially when they said nothing to tick you off in the first place.
:lol: you should maybe calm down. I am in no way ticked off. lol

NATO is Zionism's military! She basically fights Israel's messianic wars on her behalf. And Turkey is part of this tyrant!
Turkiye is looking out for her own interests now. It's in our interest to remain in NATO.
Middle East is no concern for us anymore.
:lol: you should maybe calm down. I am in no way ticked off. lol

Turkiye is looking out for her own interests now. It's in our interest to remain in NATO.
Middle East is no concern for us anymore.
Turkey will suffer for this in the future...when Constantinople is conquered...
The Lord God removed the Children of Israel from the Holy Land twice before; he can do it again.
The same can be said on the "Palestinians" that were removed from Israel, don't you think?

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