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China-India Geopolitics: News & Discussions

The views as of today in MoD , New Delhi is .

Its just not the fighter jet. But
1. The Aircraft on offer should be capable and safe for India to operate. Now you know , for every high end technology sold , they need to know where and how is it being used , each minute ! Now whatever the media may try to paint , India and USA bilateral relations are not the best. And God Forbid , if Indian Intersts lies in opposing America on a certain issue critical to their War on Terror Policy , boom and we are embargoed !

2. The manufacturer needs to build the aircraft in India , and Indian Raw materials in the aircraft should be comparable to that of Su30MKI production , where the only thing outside some avionics and Titanium parts of Engine is built from Indian Raw Materials ! This is one big requirement, which at the moment only Russia and France are offering.

3. Not 100% ToT of Aircraft. But technology infusion in Indian Industry and capabilities, basically creating your competitor in India. Again only Russia , France and to some extent UK and Germany are interested.

4. PAF already has F16s . INDIA will not want to induct a fighter jet in 2025 when Pakistan would be replacing the same!
A good answer.
"ARMS RACE" is bull crap.
India will modernize its forces, as the previous Govt has only looted the tax payers money.

US defense spending - $622.3 billion
China - $191.75 billion (Cant compare with USA)
India - $50.6 billion (Cant compare with China)

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Modi doing same thing with demonitisation
NaMo will be the last person to do anything near to such crap.
But u see India is a democratic country and all dogs keep barking 24/7.
You wont understand "democracy" u see.
China Inducts First Stealth Fighter Into Air Force, India Still To Build One
World| Written byVishnu Som|Updated: December 14, 2016 15:33 IST


The first Chinese J-20 stealth fighter being inducted into service.


Images have appeared on restricted Chinese social media platforms that show the country's first stealth fighter, the J-20, in Air Force markings with serial numbers which indicate the jet is now entering squadron service with the Chinese Air Force.

The jets bear the serial numbers 78271 and 78274 and are likely being inducted into the 176th Brigade at the Dingxin Air Force base in North Central China, a base where the PLAAF (People Liberation Army Air Force) is known to carry out a great deal of flight-testing of its military aircraft. According to the Chinese aviation expert Dafeng Cao who posts under the Twitter handle @xinfengcao, 6 J-20 stealth fighters will be inducted at a formal ceremony later this month.

J-20s spotted at Dingxin Air Force base in North Central China.

Just last month, the J-20 fightermade its public debut at the Zhuhai International Air Showthough online images of the aircraft were available since 2010. In September this year, the J-20 was spotted being tested at the Daocheng Yading airportin the high-altitude Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture that lies to the east of Arunachal Pradesh.

Last month, the J-20 fighter made its public debut at the Zhuhai International Air Show.

Featuring a radar-evading stealth design, the supersonic J-20 has an internal weapons bay where air to air missiles are stored. Unlike conventional fighters which have bulky weapons slung under their wings, the 'clean' design of the J-20 guarantees a low radar profile making it extremely difficult for enemy fighters or ground based surface to air missile systems to track and lock on to the aircraft. Few other technical details of the J-20 have been disclosed in public though Western observers have expressed doubts on the engines of the J-20. According to Dave Majumdar, the Defence Editor of The National Interest who monitors Chinese military developments, "While the current configuration of the J-20 externally resembles a genuine fifth-generation fighter in several respects, China remains woefully lacking in engine and mission systems avionics technology."

The serial numbers indicate the Chinese J-20 fighter jet is now entering squadron service.

However, the speed with which China has developed the J-20 has astonished international observers.

In January 2011, the first images of the J-20 in fight tests emerged just ahead of a visit by the US Defence Secretary Robert Gates to China, where he met then Chinese President Hu Jintao. The timing of the release of the images was not likely to have been a coincidence - the J-20 has been designed as a counter to the Boeing F-22, the most advanced air superiority fighter in service with the US Air Force, a strategic rival of China.

The stealth fighter was one of Beijing's most closely guarded military projects.

Over the last decade, the PLAAF has made tremendous strides in developing and inducting an array of new home-grown fighter aircraft including the J-10 and J-11 which is a variant of the Russian Sukhoi-27. Other than the 'fifth generation' J-20, China continues to test a smaller stealth fighter, designated the J-31, the size of the US F-35 now entering service in partner air forces around the world.

The J-20 is a twin engine stealth fighter which can sometimes go undetected by radar.

The Indian Air Force continues to observe aerospace developments in China very closely but is still years away from inducting its first radar-evading stealth fighter, the FGFA (Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft) being built in collaboration with Sukhoi in Russia. India's plans of fielding its own indigenous stealth fighter, the Hindustan Aeronautics designed Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) is still years away from being realised. As China inducts the J-20 into service, the design of the AMCA is still not off the drawing board.
If India and China are not comparable, why are the chinese trolls queuing up in India related threads, instead of keeping quite and watch India rise ?
If India and China are not comparable, why are the chinese trolls queuing up in India related threads, instead of keeping quite and watch India rise ?
They are afraid to compare US & Russia with their rented blueprint..
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