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Parrikar in Dhaka to boost defence ties

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That is a picture of shipbuilding, not scrapping. :lol: And yep, that shows the quality workmanship.

Same way, don't criticize of our aerospace/naval shipbuilding/missile programs if you cannot develop a fcking autorickshaw.

With a pathetic industry, you cannot even make spares for textile manufacturing machines, let alone defence products.

I hope you can get here in the next 100 years :lol:

Looks like entire sea caught on fire. What did you use in it, charcoal?

Here is the real thing. Learn Indian learn. Dont follow.

Looks like entire sea caught on fire. What did you use in it, charcoal?

Here is the real thing. Learn Indian learn. Dont follow.

Sea caught fire ? Another retarded claim like 'Bangladeshi nukes within 5 years'. :lol:
Beta, it is the Indian K-4 SLBM. Bangladesh can build such a weapon system in 100 years, maybe.
Sea caught fire ? Another retarded claim like 'Bangladeshi nukes within 5 years'. :lol:
Beta, it is the Indian K-4 SLBM. Bangladesh can build such a weapon system in 100 years, maybe.

Only two submarine gave you people so much heartburn, SLBM going to make you die of heart seizure.
Says someone from a country which uses Chinese Mig 21& Eurocopter Dauphin clones....:omghaha:

Beta, develop a god damn autorickshaw in your country before ranting.

He should rather sell 'fishing trawler' technology given the level of technological advancement in your country

Our ships made by western shipyards etc... are bought by European nation for their quality... and whatever tech we have... not adapted from foreign countries with numerous begging like y'all. In house engineers. Also I don't see why we even need anything from y'all when we are making our own stuff. We didn't ask anything from you guys. Y'all sent your defence minister to kiss our @$$

I'll wait a 100 years for Bangladeshi SLBM :lol:

And 20 years for a Bangladeshi two stroke engine.

And don't get ahead of yourself with your 1960s vintage submarine fleet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_submarine_361
And your country is butt hurt if our vintage museum edition 60s sub. You're a joke.
Ps. Junior Mechanics in our country can make a 4 stroke engine. You don't need an engineer for that. XD
Our ships made by western shipyards etc... are bought by European nation for their quality.

Don't get ahead of yourself. Securing orders from Europeans for some coasters is what our tier 2 shipyards do. :lol:

Now get a grip of real shipbuilding. These are made by our very own Cochin Shipyard limited- it is basically 10X the size of your largest shipyard.



In house engineers

Bullshit. It's foreign designs all the way. You needed Danish designers to design a 300 tonne OPV.

Also I don't see why we even need anything from y'all when we are making our own stuff.

What stuff ? The only thing you've been able to build are some patrol boats & LCUs. Given the level of your industrial development you can't do better. Even assembling trucks for your army is too hi-tech for you.

nd whatever tech we have... not adapted from foreign countries with numerous begging like y'all.. Al

Really ? :lol: You've R&D ? Then why do you lag behind Zambia in the number of USPTO patents filed ?


Meanwhile India, which you've accused of 'begging for technology' files over 3300 USPTO patents an year. And has a very successful nuclear & space program, one which swampdesh can only dream of.

Read up https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_research_and_development_spending

Ps. Junior Mechanics in our country can make a 4 stroke engine. You don't need an engineer for that. XD

You know the meaning of R&D ? No you don't.

As I have said before, develop a two stroke moped engine before commenting.

I dont think India itself going to sustain 100 years. Mogulistan in making.

Keep dreaming Iajdani. Bangladesh is going to become lungee superpower in the next 5 years.

And your country is butt hurt if our vintage museum edition 60s sub.

More like you've irritated your masters & are about to pay for that...:lol:
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Says someone from a country which uses Chinese Mig 21& Eurocopter Dauphin clones....

While we are on the subject of insults, you need to be correct...

Those Eurocopter AS365 N3+ Dauphins inducted by Bangladesh Army aren't Chinese clones, they are the real thing. :-).

Although to be honest, the Chinese clones aren't really a lot worse, and a whole lot cheaper to boot.

But good choice by the army for a recon chopper, I must admit.


While we are on the subject of insults, you need to be correct...

Those Eurocopter AS365 N3+ Dauphins inducted by Bangladesh Army aren't Chinese clones, they are the real thing. :-).

You've Z-9s in service with your Navy, right ?
Although your posts are bordering on trolling - I'll still respond to point out some inaccuracies in your understanding regarding shipbuilding. I will assume that you probably don't know a lot about our local shipbuilding capabilities and are taking cues from a few posts here at PDF.

You needed Danish designers to design a 300 tonne OPV.

True - because in that case the buyer wanted it as such (I believe that OPV was built for Kenya and the Kenyans had a Denmark design house design the OPV for them). Buyers can provide a design at will and our shipyards will build to their specs. There are plenty of marine design houses locally and they have been providing designs for building marine craft for ocean, riverine and coastal uses since the sixties. Most of them also test designs on actual wave rigs and use CAD packages and conduct finite element analysis for tweaking stresses on ship designs.

People in India keep forgetting the size of our rivers, which are as formidable as the Amazon and its delta. I do not believe any river in India can compare. Marine craft are needed locally in Bangladesh in great quantity (hundreds every year) and are built to high specs like DNV, Lloyds register or RINA (Italian standards) or without them if the owner requires. It's a question of cost. One cannot judge the maturity of an industry by the lowest common denominator...meaning the image of the low cost 1500 ton tanker that is your favorite...:-)

Now get a grip of real shipbuilding. These are made by our very own Cochin Shipyard limited- it is basically 10X the size of your largest shipyard.

India is a country ten times our size/economy and therefore has many times more of educated shipbuilding talent. We have been a sovereign country for some forty five years and had to basically build things from scratch (most yards were completely destroyed in 1971) while India has been free to develop their shipbuilding capability since 1948...

That being said, however, we have to note that according to a report prepared under the Sagarmala Programme of the Ministry of Shipping, India as of 2016 accounts for only about 0.45 per cent of the global shipbuilding market.

Since you quoted Cochin Shipyard, an article noted that,

"India’s leading shipbuilding company Cochin Shipyard started operations in 1972, the same year that Korea’s Hyundai Heavy Industries launched its shipbuilding venture. Forty years later, the Korean company claims a market share of 15 per cent in the global shipbuilding industry, having delivered more than 1,686 ships to 268 ship-owners in 48 countries ever since its inception. Cochin Shipyard’s total deliveries, on the other hand, are expected to be 107 by the end of 2012."

Given the size of Indian yards and their capability, one would have expected a bit better. One can chest-beat a lot about Indian shipbuilding, but when compared with China, Japan and Korea, where is India. Comparing with the likes of Bangladesh is shameful, really...

The only thing you've been able to build are some patrol boats & LCUs. Given the level of your industrial development you can't do better.

Bangladesh' industrial development is at par with its GDP I'd think. What we've been (or not been, more accurately) able to build is an indicator of defense and govt. purchase policies (influenced by graft) which favor vessels built in overseas yards. India does not suffer from such issues because policies are in place to prevent it. I don't think we are using even 10% of the capability of our yards.

Bangladesh cannot and will not compete with India or China (even Vietnam) on building vessels over ten thousand tons. The strength of local yards are in building vessels with displacements under ten thousand DWT. That is where they are profitable. The number of these capable smaller yards exceed a hundred though. So we will concentrate on building coasters. Nothing wrong with it if it employs our personnel.

You've Z-9s in service with your Navy, right ?

That's a negative. AW-109's are in use for SAR duties in the Bangladesh Navy (BNS Bangabandhu). If we induct ASWs it will probably be AW-159 Super Lynx types.

I think you are confusing BN with PN, PN uses HARBIN Z-9 ASW Helos in their F-22P Zulfiquar-class frigate.
Wow! Comparing yourselves with a nation 30x smaller than you, population 10x smaller, GDP 10x smaller and laughing about besting us? Inferiority complex much? You guys are still dreaming of catching up with China, whereas China's dreaming big, big enough to surpass U.S. Clamouring about sending probe to mars when Europe and China and the rest of the world are first and foremost working their *** off trying to develop their human capital first. Misplaced priorities much?

And comparing against Zambia really? 11 patents before 2002 vs 0 patents. Now in 2015, 11 patents still vs 10 patents. And really you're gonna bring in that as an argument? So tell me, why a country populated by more people than whole Europe combined only have 17 thousand patents?

edit: human not had man
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Wow! Comparing yourselves with a nation 30x smaller than you, population 10x smaller, GDP 10x smaller and laughing about besting us? Inferiority complex much? You guys are still dreaming of catching up with China, whereas China's dreaming big, big enough to surpass U.S. Clamouring about sending probe to moon when Europe and China and the rest of the world working their *** off trying to develop their had man capital first. Misplaced priorities much?

And comparing against Zambia really? 11 patents before 2002 vs 0 patents. Now in 2015, 11 patents still vs 10 patents. And really you're gonna bring in that as an argument? So tell me, why a country populated by more people than whole Europe combined only have 17 thousand patents?

They are a small-minded people. That's what angry nationalism gets them.
Oh Provu please broaden the mind of small minded people.
Oh Provu please broaden the mind of small minded people.

Best thing is not to reply to them like some d*ck-measuring contest. Those kind of nationalist always remain that way - Unable to have a proper discussion.
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