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The Coming War on ‘Radical Islam’

Trump will feed the problem like Bush did but worse

In the 1980s the might of the Soviet Union couldn't defeat the Mujahadeen and they morphed into the Taliban and AQ

After 9/11 the U.S and Nato went into Afghanistan to take on AQ and the Taliban

AQ just morphed into ISIS, Boko Haram, AQ on Yemen or AQ in the Magreb

ISIS wont be defeated just their working space in Syria and iraq reduced

and as Trump/Right wing European governments cause more trouble the reason for these groups to exist will only get stronger

It will be upto individual and groupings of countries from Pakistan to Turkey to Iran GCC Egypt Indonesia etc to get stronger and fight back
It's Arabization that we need to prevent, not Islam.

Lets not get caught up in the semantics.

It will be upto individual and groupings of countries from Pakistan to Turkey to Iran GCC Egypt Indonesia etc to get stronger and fight back

Good to hear that. Because liberal Islam today has a global perception problem.
Lets not get caught up in the semantics.

Good to hear that. Because liberal Islam today has a global perception problem.

There are 1.7 billion muslims and growing and it will become the largest faith group in the world in the coming decades going past 2 billion

Power cones and goes, the muslim world and individual countries have all it takes to become powerful individually or as a unit/groupings

When I say Muslim countries have to get stronger I mean against a Europe or Trumpland that is lurching to the right

Whats the point of Muslims becoming liberal and being easy on Minorities when Trump and the European's are goingthe ither way or you have butchers like Modi in power or Rohingya issues
There are 1.7 billion muslims and growing and it will become the largest faith group in the world in the coming decades going past 2 billion

Power cones and goes, the muslim world and individual countries have all it takes to become powerful individually or as a unit/groupings

When I say Muslim countries have to get stronger I mean against a Europe or Trumpland that is lurching to the right

Whats the point of Muslims becoming liberal and being easy on Minorities when Trump and the European's are goingthe ither way or you have butchers like Modi in power or Rohingya issues

It started with Sayyid Qutb in the Egyptian prison against the secular govt of Nasser. Interesting times ahead. There are so many angles to this. Some muslims want strict sharia law. Some want only sunnis. Some want only shias. Some want muslim only world. Also there are those whose only concern is to maintain control over the oil. The world is not enough to cater to everybody's desires.

The only solution, as the history has shown, are the strong dictators who will rule the muslim countries with iron fist. Like Saddam, Nasser, Bashar - Asad, Gaddafi. These people dominated the mullahs and are necessary to prevent fallout globally. The strong secular dictators are the solution to this problem.
Lets not get caught up in the semantics.

Good to hear that. Because liberal Islam today has a global perception problem.

The respected member didn't say that. He said that Islamic countries will be required to work together more closely than ever. That is indeed a good development. We don't need to be lectured by Western countries about radical and liberal Islam. We know how "radical Islam" came into existence. We also know what our religion requires from us.

There are 1.7 billion muslims and growing and it will become the largest faith group in the world in the coming decades going past 2 billion

Power cones and goes, the muslim world and individual countries have all it takes to become powerful individually or as a unit/groupings

When I say Muslim countries have to get stronger I mean against a Europe or Trumpland that is lurching to the right

Whats the point of Muslims becoming liberal and being easy on Minorities when Trump and the European's are goingthe ither way or you have butchers like Modi in power or Rohingya issues

You are right. I think the Trump development will push and even force many non-Western and Islamic countries to forge a meaningful cooperation on all fronts. I think China will take note of this development and play a key role.
The respected member didn't say that. He said that Islamic countries will be required to work together more closely than ever. That is indeed a good development. We don't need to be lectured by countries about radical and liberal Islam. We know what our religion demands from us.

You are right. I think the Trump development will push and even force many non-Western and Islamic countries to forge a meaningful cooperation on all fronts. I think China will take note of this development and play a key role.

Yes the respected member clarified.

China would deal with radical Islam much like Russia would.
Yes the respected member clarified.

China would deal with radical Islam much like Russia would.

China won't support certain rebel groups and bomb others. China won't interfere in the internal affairs of other nations. China won't occupy countries and impose regime change. China will remain neutral and work on the economic front.
I think a Trump in the White House could possibly have a positive outcome for the Islamic world. You can call it a blessing in disguise.

You guys have found another hauwaa. Now that Modi has lost his shock value.

Remember Putin. He needs neither Trump nor Modi nor Xi. And definitely not May or Merkel. He wrestles bears bare-chested.
Trump will hurt America far more than anyone else. This is something Lee Kuan Yew predicted.


Lee sees the 21st century as a “contest for supremacy in the Pacific” between the U.S. and China. In his view, “America’s core interest requires that it remains the superior power” there. But he worries about America’s ability to sustain its strategic focus. About the Obama administration’s much-touted, recent “pivot” toward Asia, this observation of his comes to mind: Americans think of international relations like a movie, imagining that we can hit the “pause” button when we focus elsewhere and push “play” when we return to Asia. But “it does not work like that. If the United States wants to substantially affect the strategic evolution of Asia, it cannot come and go.”


By torpedoing TPP, Trump has proven Lee Kuan Yew right and this is just the beginning. As for Flynn and his lot, the harder they push, the more unity among Muslims they will create because previously the West could hide behind "democracy" and "freedom". With the rise of far right in Europe, Islamophobia is all out in the open.
The thing is the world is multi polar although the U.S is the clear world power

Europe for decades has perched itself upon the advantages it accumulated during the colonial period, it no longer has any particular ability to project power, it is divided and falling to populist politicians and parties who have no comprehensive idea on how to run a country except for some anti migrant or Muslim fluff

Alot of the influence of the U.S.A is based on its economic and military clout but alot is also based on historic factors, respect for its democratic, moral, libetal clout (real or imagined)

The U.S is losing that authority
Who is going to accept being lectured on womens rights by a misogynist Trump
Or on minority rights by a bigoted Trump

Or on anything by right wing European states

Pakistan is growing, us, Turkey, GCC iran, Egypt and beyond we are all AGITATED by the world around us and are investing in military and other facets the best we can and we will need to do more to take on the hostike world around us
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