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Cuba's Fidel Castro, former president, dies aged 90

Cuba is inching closer to being an official unofficial US state.

RIP El Jefe

Maintaiend his country and People's Sovreign status
what can you say

Faced tremendous pressure economically but stood for the ideals of self identity

We hope that the Cuba as a country is welcomed into world economy similar to other nations who have faced one sided discrimination on global level

Cuban people face the hurrlcane weather every year yet they keep standing up after every natural disaster as a nation , they have also faced economic sanctions

But they have maintained their own Unique Identity

Setting up of a illegal Torture camp on their land was perhaps the gravest of crimes in recent times, if you think about it a country that depands heavily on Tourism you setup a "Torture" camp on their soil , while the country itself is a symbol of fighting against corruption. It is interesting becasue the party who commited the crimes of Torture obviously proven by independent reserchers. They could have setup the same facilities inside their own country but they decided to destroy the name of another country by building the most controversial Prison on cuban land and ruining their history as a country known for social rights of poor

But the people of Cuba have managed to get thru difficult times and hopefully they regain their past glory as a tourist desination
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He was very much fond of young girls and he need one to two girls every day. He survived many US assassination plans.
It really would be interesting to see how a New Cuba would emerge on world map after decades of sanctions and other stuff
Rest in Peace.

Another communist dictator gone. Good times ahead for Cuba.
You were a commie? LOL. The immaturity of youth :D

Deeply involved with it....psychologically. Mr. Sivaji Pattnaik a communist leader won from Bhubaneswar constituency consecutively three times. My heroes were Breznev, Yuri Andropov, Tito and of course Gorbachev (after which I gradually drifted from that ideology.). Now I get it, when you start earning for yourself or you raise a family, you embrace capitalism.
Was watching CNN when the story broke. they showed people ecstatically celebrating on the streets of the Little Havana neighborhood in Miami. like you would think the Dolphins just won the Superbowl.
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First Published: Saturday, November 26, 2016 - 12:55
New Delhi: President Pranb Mukherjee on Saturday, condoled the death of Cuba`s revolutionary leader and former President Fidel Castro, who died on Saturday at the age of 90.

"Heartfelt condolences on sad demise of Cuba`s revolutionary leader, former President and friend of India, Fidel Castro," Mukherjee said.

Castro, who ruled Cuba as a one-party state for almost half a century before handing over the powers to his brother Raul in 2008, died, Cuban state television announced.



Vice President's Secretariat
26-November, 2016 15:44 IST
Vice President condoles the passing away of Fidel Castro

The Vice President of India, Shri M. Hamid Ansari has condoled the passing away of former President of Cuba, Mr. Fidel Castro. In a message, he said that the people of Cuba have lost the architect of their revolution and the developing countries of the world a champion of equality and justice. He was a dear friend of India, and would continue to be remembered here, particularly for his role in the Non-Aligned Movement, he added.

Following is the text of Vice President’s message:

“I am profoundly saddened at the passing away of Commander Fidel Castro of Cuba, a heroic figure and an influential personality on the world stage.

In his death, the people of Cuba have lost the architect of their revolution and the developing countries of the world a champion of equality and justice.

He was a dear friend of India, and would continue to be remembered here, particularly for his role in the Non-Aligned Movement. I had the privilege of meeting him during my visit to Havana in October 2013.

In this time of sorrow, I extend my sympathies to the government and the friendly people of Cuba and pray for eternal peace for the departed soul.”


Prime Minister's Office
26-November, 2016 13:31 IST
PM condoles the demise of Fidel Castro

‪The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has expressed his condolences on the sad demise of Cuban Leader Fidel Castro.‬

"I extend my deepest condolences to the Government & people of Cuba on the sad demise of Fidel Castro. May his soul rest in peace.

We stand in support with the Cuban Government and people in this tragic hour.

Fidel Castro was one of the most iconic personalities of the 20th century. India mourns the loss of a great friend", the Prime Minister said.
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A brave and true human being gone who helped Pak in dire need at the time of earthquake.
He was symbol of resistance against western persecution.

We as Pakistani's should honor him properly as we gave our national award to every Tom, Dick and Harry including US puppets. Despite limited resources under his guidance the Cuban teams helped Pak earthquake victims.

The world still needs another power to balance undue US aggression.
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