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Refuting feminist Western propaganda and perception of the realities of Saudi Arabian women

Saif, your world view makes my skin crawl. But thanks for wasting so much time pompously posting links. You might note that Zenobia went out and kicked *** *after* hubby passed away. :D ;D :D
so what ? lol I'm not trying to be an ambassador here, just a random individual poster on an open international forum, and as such, do not represent a people or culture, or view discussions here from an "Indian" prism.

and where did you get these "facts" ?

I see.

I don't care, and I find your projecting your fears and insecurities on a whole other group of people and then trying to throw me in that mix quite pathetic. Clearly, you have no understanding of the concept of freedom of thought or individuality, but that probably shouldn't surprise anyone.

The rest of your tripe isn't even worth responding to, but did you know that when ISIS ran out of schoolbooks they ordered from Saudi Arabia ?

because you lot follow the same version.

You are doing a marvelous job at being an Indian (of all things, lol) Uncle Tom. Did you know that one of your compatriots was burned alive in Australia recently in a racially motivated attack? You are one of the last people that those that you support will accept as equals let alone respect.

Are you really this ignorant or do you pretend to be that? It does not take a genius to figure out what the media narrative is. Unlike you I live in the West and know both Europe and US from personal experience.

I already told you that there is nothing to fear from my part. I am solely echoing my views. No, poor me. I have a different point of view. I guess that this in your view equals "lacking individuality". How dumb are you again?:lol:

Did you pull that "fact" out of your rear end? Yes, and ISIS read the same Qur'an that 1.6 billion Muslims use as a guide in their life. Your point, Einstein?

Here came the ISIS comparison. Exactly the kind of ignorant waste of space that I was arguing against. You confirmed my theory, not that I was ever in doubt. Now get lost.

Saif, your world view makes my skin crawl. But thanks for wasting so much time pompously posting links. You might note that Zenobia went out and kicked *** *after* hubby passed away. :D ;D :D

I hope that my views prevented you from crying. Poor thing. Yes, and she was an Arab queen something that you are not thus your views here are completely irrelevant. I could not care less what some sissy believes in. We will simply not tolerate your kind. Find other playground where you can act as an Uncle Tom and spread your "marvelous" ideas. You are a nobody to dictate us what to do.

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Also, what/who are keralis and biharis?
Variety of Indians.

This is the number 1 problem I have with the middle east allowing these sadists in their country.
As they say 'their country, their rules' so if GGC want to be the biggest beneficiary to India it is their choice. By doing so GCC actively support, finance and strengthen India which posits a danger to Pakistan. As I said it is their choice but problem I find is so many Pakistani's like @Zarvan worship these guy's not realizing the help they provide to their enemy.
Variety of Indians.

As they say 'their country, their rules' so if GGC want to be the biggest beneficiary to India it is their choice. By doing so GCC actively support, finance and strengthen India which posits a danger to Pakistan. As I said it is their choice but problem I find is so many Pakistani's like @Zarvan worship these guy's not realizing the help they provide to their enemy.
What enemy if you want to have a debate Sir please contact me on facebook. We can have debate there. Enemies LEJ and other groups have support from your own public when Iranians supported Shias after Iranian revolution than yes Arabs also jumped in but that is over now. LEJ and other Groups have supporters from your own ranks so stop putting everything on Arabs. Secondly Muslims give a dam what west has to say and what delusional dumb feminists have to say about so called human rights.
Variety of Indians.

As they say 'their country, their rules' so if GGC want to be the biggest beneficiary to India it is their choice. By doing so GCC actively support, finance and strengthen India which posits a danger to Pakistan. As I said it is their choice but problem I find is so many Pakistani's like @Zarvan worship these guy's not realizing the help they provide to their enemy.
Thanks buddy.
Are they Muslims or something?
Thanks buddy.
Are they Muslims or something?
Kerala and Bihar are states in India. Keralites and Biharis are people belonging to that state. nothing to do with Hindus or muslims

But Fact of the Matter is majority of the Indians who migrate to Saudi Arabia are muslims
No worries

No offence, to me a Injun is a Injun, dead or alive or circumcized - yeh minority probably are Muslim.

Ask the Pakistan Army. The only one they have had wars with. India.
Got it, thanks buddy.

Kerala and Bihar are states in India. Keralites and Biharis are people belonging to that state. nothing to do with Hindus or muslims

But Fact of the Matter is majority of the Indians who migrate to Saudi Arabia are muslims
But some are Hindus?
I mean, they cannot all possibly be Muslims.

@Saif al-Arab what you think bro? Are they mostly Muslims or not?
But some are Hindus?
I mean, they cannot all possibly be Muslims.

I said majority (almost 70%) of the people who migrate to Saudi Arabia are Muslims. Yes there are Hindus, and Christians too

Almost 25% population in Kerala is Muslim and 19% christian

In Bihar the muslim population is around 19%
They are south indians and they are hated by marathis indians.

The ban that you are taking about was removed by kuwait,I was there few months ago and saw some Pakistanis there.
OP is refuting their propaganda,Feminists like to use proxies to claim victim hood.

Who told you that they are hated by marathis?:sarcastic:

Reality is striking .Because we Indians didnt face any such issues
Sorry, but Queen of Sheba was a Yemeni/Arabian queen. Even her name is Arabian/Semitic.

"There is agreement among scholars that Sheba refers to the South Arabian kingdom of Saba, which is located in present-day Yemen. The Queen’s visit to Jerusalem may have been a trade visit, as it was common to trade spices by horse and camel around the 9 th and 10 th centuries B.C."
Her name accepted by Muslims is Bilkis, which means concubine in Greek. Why name a Queen of Sheba a Greek name that means concubine? She was an Ethiopian, Queen of the Arabs. I'm not saying she wasn't the Queen of South Arabia, but that doesn't make her Arabian.

She was Makeda Queen of Sheba. Don't try White Washing it.
Bro, may I ask the reason for your name? Do you have ties to Banu Hilal?

Bismillah ir Rahman ar Raheem

Sorry no, my mother is Qureshi descended from Umar ibn Al Khattab (Razi Allah u Unhu). My patrilineal grandfathers were actually descended from Brahmin pundit-rajas and reverted to Islam at the hands of Aurangzeb (and were martyred for that).

The Hilal is related to my name, has significance to the flags of Muslim armies from the past (and incidentally, after the fact of choosing my nom de guerre, I realized I was a supporter of Al Hilal over Al Nasr during the Zico days).

Thank you for clearing up the Saba part. I did not want to say anything on that because I was not clear on whether parts of Ethiopia were also under her domain at that time.

Hifz u kum Allah

We consider Wahabism and moderate Islam as different. There are 180 Million muslims in India which is 6 times your population. Very few follow Wahabi Islam. Majority follow moderate version of Islam.

You may consider Islam as one but we want to clearly differentiate between moderate and extremist Islam

What you consider "destruction" of traditional western values is nothing but adaptation to modern times
Bismillah ir Rahman ar Raheem

Then why did your governement ban Dr. Zakir Naik's organization for five years. He is moderate, a patriot of India, discourages violence (despite what you might twist his words to mean), and does not invite anyone to any sect but to follow what is common between the Bhagavad Gita, the Quran, and the Old and New Testaments.

Then why did your governement ban Dr. Zakir Naik's organization for five years. He is moderate, a patriot of India, discourages violence (despite what you might twist his words to mean), and does not invite anyone to any sect but to follow what is common between the Bhagavad Gita, the Quran, and the Old and New Testaments.
He is not moderate. He preaches Saudi Funded Wahabi Islam.

This is not a thread to discuss Zakir Naik, There is another thread running. Please ask your questions in that thread
He is not moderate. He preaches Saudi Funded Wahabi Islam.
Bismillah ir Rahman ar Raheem

No such thing as 'Wahabism' brother. It was just one of the terms coined by the British to malign the Azadi movement in the sub-continent in the nineteenth century (when both our fore-fathers fought together).

I have lived a long time in Saudi Arabia, never met a person who called themselves 'Wahabi'. They might have followed Hanbali, Shaf'i, Maliki, Hanafai fiqhs, or none of the above. But they all called themselves Muslims. Same was the case in the United States wen I was there.

This is brother Saif al Arab's position which i was re-iterating.

Thanks for the reply,
Best of Regards
women in "Saudi" Arabia are second class citizens, and that is an irrefutable fact.

sorry brince, no way for you to spin it otherwise @Saif al-Arab

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