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Real reason why Modi govt has carried out surgical strike on your pockets

Exposing the "economists" who think it is easy to convert black money to white

Raghav Bahl and the depressing jugaad of Indian journalism

Posted on November 13, 2016

Dance like no one’s watching, Sing like no one’s listening, and Write articles in the mainstream media like no one’s fact-checking: This seems to be the modern mantra. And one devout follower of this mantra is Shri Raghav Bahl, founder of the Bloomberg-Quint, an Indian online “Business and Financial” site, in tie-up with the worldwide giant Bloomberg. Bahl displays his fact-free lifestyle in a particularly obtuse piece titled: PM Modi, Demonetisation ‘Brahmastra’ Could’ve Avoided Hurting Poor

As is fashionable these days, the piece starts with an example of the quintessential maid, who is dumb enough to be conned into giving her Rs 5000 (in notes of Rs 500) to some “friend” shopkeeper for just 5 notes of Rs 100. Maybe this maid studied at FTII, but I have 2 maids (house-helps to be politically correct) at home and 1 at work; and all 3 of them knew exactly what was going on. Hope this maid of Bahl’s fantasies isnt like one of those fake “gau rashaks attacked me” stories.

Bahl’s entire article argues that the government should have given time to people till 31st December. That may sound so good given the reports about inconvenience people are facing due to long queues at banks. But Bahl himself agrees that giving this time could have given an escape route to people with unaccounted cash, who could have indulged in some deals to turn that cash into white money or legal assets. Now they can’t deal with that cash as it’s no longer a legal tender.

So what exactly is Bahl’s point? He essentially says that people can still do some “jugaad” and convert their unaccounted cash into white money. He offers ridiculously simplistic explanations (actually there is no explanations, just fantastical stories) in his article as how this jugaad can happen. If only real life was so simple as if playing a video game with cheat code.

In this video game that Bahl is playing through his article, there is a character called “Rambhai”, the quintessential corrupt businessman. Before we get to how Rambhai actually manages to get rid of his ill-gotten cash through jugaad, let us study his character, through Bahl’s own words:

“At 8 pm on 8 November, Rambhai would have finished a greasy vegetarian meal and settled down to listen to his hero, Prime Minister Modi’s specially televised address.”

You say it best when you say nothing at all Raghav-bhai. What Bahl wanted to say was Rambhai was a Hindu, high-caste Gujju (hence vegetarian), possible gau-sevak, corrupt Modi bhakt, but wrapped it in euphemisms like “Ram” bhai, and “vegetarian meal”.

Now that we know Bahl’s Rambhai, let us enter Bahl’s cuckoo world where all laws cease to exist and only jugaad (which he never cares to explain) reins.

So Rambhai apparently has Rs 1 crore in unaccounted cash, which he has to finish before the deadline of midnight 8th November. How does he do it? Simply pays Rs 60 lakhs to a goldsmith (Shyambhai) for buying gold at 8.45 pm, and subsequently, at an undisclosed time, pays Rs 40 lakhs to a Tata Motors dealer for a sparkling new Jaguar XF.

Forget about the gold for a bit and let’s talk about the Jaguar. In Bahl’s world, Tata Motor’s showrooms are open beyond 8.45 pm at night. Nonetheless, I checked up with the local Mercedes showroom for the procedure to buy a car. They said irrespective of my mode of payment, I would need to submit my PAN. Why, because a PAN is mandatory while buying or selling a four-wheeler that requires registration under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, irrespective of its value. PAN is also mandatory for all transactions above Rs 2 lakhs. And more recently, there is a levy of 1% TDS on sale of all motor vehicles costing over Rs 10 lakhs, which again entails a declaration of PAN.

How does Raghav-bhai imagine Rambhai will avoid all this reporting? Jugaad. Yes, he says that the local auto dealer of Tata Motors would do some “usual jugaad”.

So is Raghav-bhai suggesting that Tata Motors would sell a luxury car worth Rs 40 lakhs without an invoice? And would account for this mysterious disappearance of inventory by claiming “Modiji ne kiya hai”? Or does he suggest Tata Motors does not maintain documentation for purchases and the entire product chain, which is why it is so simple for them to do this magical “jugaad”? Maybe this is why Mistry was sacked then?

Since there was no explanation or hint of this jugaad, I tried to hazard a guess; maybe the dealer puts a dummy guy’s PAN. Cash from Rambhai but PAN of Laxmanbhai (why should only Bahl create characters?). But even in that case, the dealer has to register the car in Rambhai’s name only. So again, it will be a mismatch and this jugaad can easily be spotted as fraud by authorities.

So there is no explanation of how this “usual” jugaad is happening, but we are supposed to believe that it is happening. Going further, Raghav-bhai mentions that “Rs 40 lakh of black money has made its way into the Tata Motors’ balance sheet”, so how does this exactly work? Tata Motors dealer doesn’t do any documentation which incriminates Rambhai, YET, the money is reflected in Tata Motors accounts. Super-Jugaad this.

At this point I was reminded of a post that I saw on Facebook by one of my friends. He claimed that some bankers were taking “cut” of 10% and converting unaccounted cash into white money. How? In the same Facebook post he claimed that he doesn’t know how, but this is happening. I laughed at such rumor mongering, but now I think he should be hired by Raghav Bahl as a senior correspondent at The Quint. He can also drop words like cut and jugaad without any explanation. Poor guy is writing Facebook posts when he could have written editorials.

Coming back to the Bhal’s Rambhai, he gets a car and gold and apparently all his accounted cash is now white, because taxmen are blind not to see a luxury car or glitter of gold. Yes, in Bahl’s story, Rambhai is all cool and safe. Now the story moves to Shyambhai, the person who sold gold to Rambhai and is saddled with the cash now.

How does Shyambhai get rid of this cash in Raghav-bhai’s wonderful lala land? He buys a Harley, an iPhone and an “Italian Jacuzzi”. And just like that Shyambhai’s problems are over too. But what about the sellers of these goods, the other “bhais”? How do they account for this sudden cash without raising invoices in the name of Shyambhai? Unless Multinational companies like Harley Davidson and Apple also practice the “Tata Motors Jugaad” of not maintaining records yet adding to their topline?

But this is the example of just one Rambhai, what about the millions of such Rambhais? Well, Raghav-bhai has an answer for that too:

“They will round up 1 crore poor, unemployed people all over the country, especially in small towns and far-flung villages. For 50 mornings, these 1 crore people will throng banks and post offices, depositing cash in small quantities in their hitherto unused Jan Dhan accounts. Each will deposit an average of Rs 3 lakh, until Rs 3 lakh crore are in the bank.”

Of course, rounding up 1 crore poor people and ensuring 100% secrecy and privacy for such dealings is so easy in the video game real world. I mean if the “Tata Motors Jugaad” is doable, why not this? It’s not as if the Government can not trace and monitor this sudden spurt in Jan Dhan Accounts now, can it?

In a parallel universe

And that is how Indians like Rambhai and Shyambhai would have made their way around Modi’s seemingly impregnable plan. So easy no? And with that, Raghav-bhai proves that while corrupts like Rambhai and Shyambhai are all cool and safe, the poor and honest are inconvenienced by standing in queues and struggling for ready cash.

And why is this all believable? Because the learned Raghav Bahl wrote this all while chewing on his beef steak after signing a petition for PETA (hey, even I can hazard a guess on Raghav-bhai’s dietary habits going by his world view right?). And of course because no Government or media body would ever dare take any sort of action an any of the highly misleading content. Why? Because then Raghav-bhai would scream “Emergency”.

not one Pakistanis commented this thread up to your post :rofl:

Just see how many likes OP's first comment got from many Pakistani members(including some Indians of course). They cannot comment as they know little about this or wish not to comment as they will be trolled (because of fake notes)
I feel the calmness in such posts where they are comfortable that one among them (RSS/Hindutva) is in power and they believe they are experiencing the "best governance" happening. :sick: To give a reality check for Swaymsevaks here - Imagine the happiness of a fanatic Musalman in Hyderabad when Akbaruddin Owaisi become the PM of India and do the dictatorship as per Koran and Sunnah - He will be shouting the rule of Rasool-Allahu is reestablished in India! (This is just to give you people what you are doing is the same albeit a Hindutva version). Can you accept that? Well, that's the case with us also. We don't accept RSS agendas and values. We don't need RSS version of nationalism blended with hatred and the craving for slaughter of non-Hindus. We don't need Indian union go back crippled like in the early years after freedom. Your leaders are the Abhinav Nathu Ram Godse's - Their agenda is clear - They want to bring back Hindu Rashtra. Each steps, even small ones, reflects that. Look at that 2000 RS note - Did you see that Hindi numerals are prominently embossed breaking the earlier code to reflect the RSS view (Hindi-Hindu-Hindustan). You people won't want to accept this. Like I said, like the subjects of Owaisi brothers who believes in Owaisi Khilafat, The Red band wearing knicker army are the blind bhakts awaiting the order of their RSS masters, which unfortunately Indians elected wrongly. BJP never should be in power. A religious party who focusses on establishing Akhand Bharat/Aryavarta with the Brahmin and Aryan people and rule the aboriginals will not go for long.

Thus, for us the sensible people - Your leaders are not mass leaders more like the anti-national element RSS/BJP which wants to alienate non-Hindus and destroy Indian union as per the visions of ancient extremists using propagandas effectively. Cow vigilantes, Patriotism chest-thumping, indirect and direct attack on Muslims and Christians, Oppressing Scheduled class people all are part of the vision of RSS founders.
There are misconceptions in India specially among libtards that only minority religion suffers in any country or that hate by a person belonging to majority makes him communal and hate by a person belonging to minority makes him secular. Libtards fail to see the logic beyond first order, it bothers them when someone is hanged, even if the person is a terrorist who killed hundreds. If Yakub Menon had belonged to majority religion, there wouldn't have been any questions on his hanging or cries, infact they would had lauded it.

I feel your hate very very well. But it might be beyond repair now, every action taken by people you hate will irk you. One thing that can help you overcome this hate is by knowing that things people you hate do is not always against you and that people who support you are not always genuine. But going by your posts on this forum, you have a very rigid stance since years. So I don't think I can help you change your mindset.

BJP is not a Hindu only party as propagated by libtards, its all supporters neither necessarily hate minorities nor they want Hindu rashtr. An anti-BJP person is not necessarily secular aswell. I don't think any Muslim majority nation will allow the kind of mockery of majority religion India allows. In fact in India you can't mock minority religions like you rip apart Hinduism because it goes against secularism. Salman Rushdie was banned, liberals including their sickular supporters hate Taslima Nasrin. People who treat their wives like slaves, consider women a lesser human being, suddenly became liberal on 9th February giving lectures to others how just by calling breakup of India not necessarily make one anti-national. Those same people will go in funerals of terrorists convicted in bomb blasts and beat you up if you call for vegetarian Eid. No one likes this selective liberalism and secularism :-).

The only people who are going bonkers on this simple yet effective move by government are those with huge hoards of cash, corrupt CA, doctors, brokers, rival political parties and usual haters who although show they care about poor but don't want to contribute to the tax. The ones crying crocodile tears did nothing for poors in decades of them being in power. This step is gain for all in long run otherwise there was absolutely no need for BJP to take this huge step and lose votes, but to take India forward towards less corruption (and possibly towards cashless economy someday in future), one needs to start from somewhere. Haters can find excuse in everything :-).
@ashok321 back after a ban and again started spamming threads.

The Indian Political Corner thread had become unreadable because of him. Now this thread also

Request mods to give him another dose

there are lot of other people who oppose BJP but when they do it they do so in a consrtuctive way. They will write posts which give their point of view. Some may also engage with Sanghis in a one on one. But @ashok321 just posts internet memes, tweets, weblinks and articles from JantakaReporter.

I have never seen him actually write a post explaining his point
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You meddled when you replied to my post ! You can go back to do your part. Rumor mongering :lol:
I didn't quote you first, its you who got started... Anyways gonna ignore your baseless rants as always..

He is wrong as always. When he is not wrong !!???

Enough salt in Delhi, no need to panic: Manish Sisodia
I just posted a news source which backed his statement if he had made any. The one you posted has come out to dispel that rumuor. Anyways can I get the tweet over which you are going bonkers...

Here is retraction of the news by news paper.
So who are to be blamed for this? Obviously the news sources who reported this. So where does Yugpurush come into play?

Here is what Delhi Police reported, Yugpurush is just butthurt over hundreds of crores AAM AADMI lost with this single move.
LOL I just posted a news source(A Sanghi at that) spreading these rumuors. The Yugpurush just highlighted them. So if there is anyone to be blamed it should be the News source which first made the claim.
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