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The Need for Peaceful Political Struggle For the Solution of Kashmir Issue


Nov 8, 2013
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Most Pakistanis have sheer pain in their heart when we read the news of Indian atrocities in Kashmir everyday. In past few months, due to merciless pellet gun shootings by Indian Army, about a thousand Kashmiris have suffered eye injuries and more than 150 Kashmiris have died. It is evident that Indian government is trying to suppress the voice of Kashmiri freedom again by use of sheer force. This raises the question whether it is possible in 21st century that governments could squash the will of people by use of brutal force. I believe the answer to this question depends upon what path Kashmiris choose in their struggle for freedom. One thing is however very certain that nobody including mighty India can deny the rights of Kashmiris for long if Kashmiris choose their steps wisely. A land truly belongs to her inhabitants and Kashmir only belongs to Kashmiris and if they want independence, they can never be subjugated by force forever.

Here the question arises what steps Kashmiris have to take in order to make sure that destiny of Kashmir is decided by themselves. In order to make it a success, Kashmiris would have to make sure that they make well thought out and organized steps towards asserting themselves. Despite unwillingness of most Kashmiris to accept legitimacy of Indian rule, their efforts for freedom have been sporadic with irregular bursts of activity that started as a reaction of Indian brutalities. The reason for current unrest in Kashmir was the killing of popular Kashmiri separatist Burhan Wani by Indian security forces. Kashmiris have to step back and ask themselves whether their sacrifices of thousands of young men over the decades have brought them any closer to freedom from Indian rule. The answer is that if there is no concerted and organized effort at every grass root level towards freedom from India, irregular outbursts of popular anger against India will never result in victory in Kashmiri struggle for freedom.

When we look back at the history of political struggle for the rights of Kashmiris, we recall the elections for state assembly in 1987. Muslim United Front (MUF) knew they could win the elections in Kashmir and therefore MUF decided to participate in general elections. Those elections are still known in Kashmir for legendary rigging by Indian government. When disgruntled Kashmiris were asked to go for elections again two year later in 1989, the official polling rate in the Kashmir valley was less than ten percent because Kashmiris had lost faith in elections held under Indian control. This rigging of elections in 1987 by Indian government paved way for armed struggle in Kashmir. Though armed struggle brought Kashmir issue to forefront again, India was able to suppress the Kashmiri efforts for freedom by sheer use of force under governor rule that lasted seven years from 1990 to 1996.

I strongly believe derailing of democratic process in 1987 was a turning point in the history of Kashmir. At this point historians would like to ask the question whether turning of a peaceful democratic process into an armed struggle for freedom was a judicious decision. Was it worth the sacrifices of thousands of Kashmiri youth that died as result of armed conflict. Leaving the search for right answer to historians, Kashmiris however, can do justice to thousands of lives given for the cause of freedom of Kashmir by making wise choices today that in fact result in freedom of Kashmir from India. I believe all Kashmiri parties opposed to Indian rule should make an effort towards a robust and enduring peaceful political struggle again. By robust and enduring struggle, I mean a struggle that continues despite any possible setbacks, occasional problems and deliberate election rigging. Even if pro-independence parties are not politically organized enough to win the state elections right away, they must continue to struggle and continue to assert themselves on all possible forums. Look at Scottish National Party (SNP) which unlike pro-independence Kashmiris (who have a very large following in Kashmir) was never considered a major force in Scotland but they continued to make efforts to present their message to Scottish people and finally became the most formidable force in Scotland. Why can Kashmiris who have given thousands of lives for the cause of freedom not organize themselves as a political force and struggle on all possible levels to achieve their cause.

I would like to stress one point that Kashmiris should organize their struggle for freedom in a way that preserves the sanctity and dignity of human life both Kashmiri and Indian. They should make sure to avoid the forms of conflict that result in any undue loss of human life and choose the methods of struggle that are politically most effective. Look at the struggle for freedom of Pakistan from British Raj, our leader M.A Jinnah never took a step that would result in violation of laws at that times by his party and always made strong denunciation of violence throughout his struggle for freedom. It was only through his wisdom we were able to get a separate country for Muslims in India. Even Nelson Mandela was a great fan of Jinnah and said that he learnt political struggle for freedom from life of M.A Jinnah whom he called his hero. If Kashmiri leadership has to look for an ideal to follow, they should look at peaceful political struggle of M.A Jinnah.

At the end, I would like to say again that Kashmir belongs to Kashmiris and let there be no doubt if Kashmiris choose the mode of their struggle for independence wisely, nobody could deny them their rights. But the path to freedom demands constant and persistent political struggle. At times, the path to freedom also asks for restraint and regard for the dignity of human life. Only when this political struggle becomes popular at every grass root level through a determined and lasting effort that we could see our struggle bear real fruit. If Kashmiris decide to take the path of determined peaceful political effort on all possible fronts, it will still be a decade or two before we could see freedom for Kashmir that remained elusive for seven decades. But make no mistake, no country can impose its rule on Kashmiris against their will in twenty first century.
Whatever kind of struggle Kashmiris do, there will be no independence for Kashmir. No powerful country will agree to part with its territory. China will never agree to part with Tibet nor Russia Chechnya. Yes, there is considerable number of Kashmir Muslims from valley that have problem with India. Any solution for those disaffected will be under Indian constitution.
Whatever kind of struggle Kashmiris do, there will be no independence for Kashmir. No powerful country will agree to part with its territory. China will never agree to part with Tibet nor Russia Chechnya. Yes, there is considerable number of Kashmir Muslims from valley that have problem with India. Any solution for those disaffected will be under Indian constitution.
Well if that's the case then india should expect more militant attacks in Kashmir and around India itself. Because currently Pakistan is in final stages of defeating Indian backed TTP and BLA. And currently Pakistani Military Establishment is extremely angry and pissed off at India for supporting non state actors against us for last 10 years. So we will make sure that india also suffers for same amount of time or maybe more. If it does not agree to hold referendum
Good Luck with your thinking. There is no political solution of Kashmir. There is only one language Indians understand and its "Force" Kashmiris have the right to protect them from indian aggression by lifting weapons and fight back. I still curse Musharraf who ruined the kashmir policy of Pakistan.
And currently Pakistani Military Establishment is extremely angry and pissed off at India for supporting non state actors against us for last 10 years.
So we will make sure that india also suffers for same amount of time or maybe more.
Indians claim that they have been suffering for past 27 years from cross border Terrorism.

And Doval is equally angry and pissed off at your establishment for supporting non state actors against India for decades

Mr Doval has just started this game of destabilizing Pakistan which Modi has loudly proclaimed from the rampart of Red Fort on August 15th.

Therefore both countries should brace themselves for an ugly covert war.
Pakistan has to decide between CPEC or Kashmir.

Tensions are quite high and if Pakistan is found doing something that irks India, it could well blow up into a war and well while damage will be severe on both sides, we know which side can sustain and recover from it. And also the factor that it could put CPEC at risk.
Indians claim that they have been suffering for past 27 years from cross border Terrorism.

And Doval is equally angry and pissed off at your establishment for supporting non state actors against India for decades

Mr Doval has just started this game of destabilizing Pakistan which Modi has loudly proclaimed from the rampart of Red Fort on August 15th.

Therefore both countries should brace themselves for an ugly covert war.
Well as I mentioned in my earlier comment we have already bracing ourself for last 10 years and the indian proxy groups are already beaten back. Now it's turn of India so indian government and Establishment needs to figure out if they want to continue the covert war or want to bleed and destroy it's economy

Pakistan has to decide between CPEC or Kashmir.

Tensions are quite high and if Pakistan is found doing something that irks India, it could well blow up into a war and well while damage will be severe on both sides, we know which side can sustain and recover from it. And also the factor that it could put CPEC at risk.
Hahah come on man Pakistan don't have to choose from any options it is rather India that she has to choose either to choose either economy or referendum in Kashmir.

And as far as war is concerned India cannot launch any war against Pakistan. It does not havevthe overwhelming ratio of troops to sustain and cause severe damage to Pakistan. And as I have mentioned previously. If india wanted to attack then it would have after Mumbai attacks. But it choose not to . So chill out and be prepared for ugly covert war . And as Americans and Even your NSA doval has accepted we Pakistanis are masters of this war so not looking good for india
Most Pakistanis have sheer pain in their heart when we read the news of Indian atrocities in Kashmir everyday. In past few months, due to merciless pellet gun shootings by Indian Army, about a thousand Kashmiris have suffered eye injuries and more than 150 Kashmiris have died. It is evident that Indian government is trying to suppress the voice of Kashmiri freedom again by use of sheer force. This raises the question whether it is possible in 21st century that governments could squash the will of people by use of brutal force. I believe the answer to this question depends upon what path Kashmiris choose in their struggle for freedom. One thing is however very certain that nobody including mighty India can deny the rights of Kashmiris for long if Kashmiris choose their steps wisely. A land truly belongs to her inhabitants and Kashmir only belongs to Kashmiris and if they want independence, they can never be subjugated by force forever.

Here the question arises what steps Kashmiris have to take in order to make sure that destiny of Kashmir is decided by themselves. In order to make it a success, Kashmiris would have to make sure that they make well thought out and organized steps towards asserting themselves. Despite unwillingness of most Kashmiris to accept legitimacy of Indian rule, their efforts for freedom have been sporadic with irregular bursts of activity that started as a reaction of Indian brutalities. The reason for current unrest in Kashmir was the killing of popular Kashmiri separatist Burhan Wani by Indian security forces. Kashmiris have to step back and ask themselves whether their sacrifices of thousands of young men over the decades have brought them any closer to freedom from Indian rule. The answer is that if there is no concerted and organized effort at every grass root level towards freedom from India, irregular outbursts of popular anger against India will never result in victory in Kashmiri struggle for freedom.

When we look back at the history of political struggle for the rights of Kashmiris, we recall the elections for state assembly in 1987. Muslim United Front (MUF) knew they could win the elections in Kashmir and therefore MUF decided to participate in general elections. Those elections are still known in Kashmir for legendary rigging by Indian government. When disgruntled Kashmiris were asked to go for elections again two year later in 1989, the official polling rate in the Kashmir valley was less than ten percent because Kashmiris had lost faith in elections held under Indian control. This rigging of elections in 1987 by Indian government paved way for armed struggle in Kashmir. Though armed struggle brought Kashmir issue to forefront again, India was able to suppress the Kashmiri efforts for freedom by sheer use of force under governor rule that lasted seven years from 1990 to 1996.

I strongly believe derailing of democratic process in 1987 was a turning point in the history of Kashmir. At this point historians would like to ask the question whether turning of a peaceful democratic process into an armed struggle for freedom was a judicious decision. Was it worth the sacrifices of thousands of Kashmiri youth that died as result of armed conflict. Leaving the search for right answer to historians, Kashmiris however, can do justice to thousands of lives given for the cause of freedom of Kashmir by making wise choices today that in fact result in freedom of Kashmir from India. I believe all Kashmiri parties opposed to Indian rule should make an effort towards a robust and enduring peaceful political struggle again. By robust and enduring struggle, I mean a struggle that continues despite any possible setbacks, occasional problems and deliberate election rigging. Even if pro-independence parties are not politically organized enough to win the state elections right away, they must continue to struggle and continue to assert themselves on all possible forums. Look at Scottish National Party (SNP) which unlike pro-independence Kashmiris (who have a very large following in Kashmir) was never considered a major force in Scotland but they continued to make efforts to present their message to Scottish people and finally became the most formidable force in Scotland. Why can Kashmiris who have given thousands of lives for the cause of freedom not organize themselves as a political force and struggle on all possible levels to achieve their cause.

I would like to stress one point that Kashmiris should organize their struggle for freedom in a way that preserves the sanctity and dignity of human life both Kashmiri and Indian. They should make sure to avoid the forms of conflict that result in any undue loss of human life and choose the methods of struggle that are politically most effective. Look at the struggle for freedom of Pakistan from British Raj, our leader M.A Jinnah never took a step that would result in violation of laws at that times by his party and always made strong denunciation of violence throughout his struggle for freedom. It was only through his wisdom we were able to get a separate country for Muslims in India. Even Nelson Mandela was a great fan of Jinnah and said that he learnt political struggle for freedom from life of M.A Jinnah whom he called his hero. If Kashmiri leadership has to look for an ideal to follow, they should look at peaceful political struggle of M.A Jinnah.

At the end, I would like to say again that Kashmir belongs to Kashmiris and let there be no doubt if Kashmiris choose the mode of their struggle for independence wisely, nobody could deny them their rights. But the path to freedom demands constant and persistent political struggle. At times, the path to freedom also asks for restraint and regard for the dignity of human life. Only when this political struggle becomes popular at every grass root level through a determined and lasting effort that we could see our struggle bear real fruit. If Kashmiris decide to take the path of determined peaceful political effort on all possible fronts, it will still be a decade or two before we could see freedom for Kashmir that remained elusive for seven decades. But make no mistake, no country can impose its rule on Kashmiris against their will in twenty first century.

Jammu division and Ladakh have never shown any inclination for independence from India.

The media on both sides has often misappropriated the Kashmir valley as the entire region, for TRP ratings.

Let's examine some numbers of the valley:

Area = 15,948 square km
Population = 2.9 million approx in 2011

Now the corresponding numbers of India:

Area = 3,287,263 square km
Population = 1.22 billion approx in 2011

Doing some simple math, we can see the following.

Area of valley is less than half of one percent the area of India. Means more than 200 valleys can fit into India area wise.

Population of valley is less than a quarter of one percent of India. Means more than 400 valleys can fit into India population wise.

I'm just laying out these figures to illustrate the gargantuan size of India compared to the valley. To put it in perspective, my city Delhi, has about seven times the population of the valley.

How can the valley be separated from India?

Through international pressure? The U.N. has already washed it's hands of the matter along with all the major powers. Their firm stated position is that it's an internal bilateral matter between two countries and needs to be resolved peacefully through talks. This is also the stated position of China - Pakistan's biggest ally. Why would any India ever give up valley through bilateral talks, when all it has to do is keep talking till eternity without ceding an inch?

Through overt wars? 3-4 wars have already been fought without any benefit. We can fight 30-40 more with no different result. India already outweighs Pakistan by around 2:1 in conventional strength. And nuclear threats are just that. Threats, that no one takes seriously to even lose a minute's sleep over in India.

Through covert wars? India has crushed much bigger insurgencies in Punjab and the North East, when they wanted to. They allowed them to fester, till it was politically expedient to do so, and when it was not politically expedient then the political will was formed to eliminate the desired insurgencies.

It's a well known fact among people who are actually in the know, that the insurgency in the valley, if you can even call it an insurgency as of today, is completely coordinated by the Indian establishment for two reasons.

First, they don't know what to do with a million plus army, and find Kashmir and the North East the easiest modes of keeping them busy, and away from the heartland. Remember India has no history of military coups, and the political establishment would like to keep it that way. Better to keep the army occupied in remote corners, than to be sitting on their heads, challenging their authority.

Second, to keep the masses from questioning the corruption and inefficiency of the political classes beyond a certain limit, they use unrest in the valley to divert the attention of the masses from the actual critical issues, by first stoking unrest and then feeding the news cycle till people lose interest and move on to the next news cycle. The puppet masters thus repeatedly fool the gullible masses in this manner. This has been happening for many decades and will happen for many more.

The question I would hence pose to my Pakistani friends is that what is their concrete plan to separate Kashmir from India if they even have any in the first place. What would work that hasn't been tried by them earlier repeatedly without any success. I mean every objective needs some logical plan, else it's only a pipedream. I would be most interested to know, any idea that my Pakistani friends feel would actually be successful..
if You 100% sure kashmir is yours then why not you let the people decide with power of vote under the UN watch if people more then 50% people want to decide to live in india then keep it let your heart open and b a true human and clear this matter once for all

We dont argu anymore let the kashmiris decide where they want to go

I m Sure you people are scared inside your heart you know the fact you can only covert yourself in kashmir by force

And thats why you dont let anybody in kashmir to see what actual ground reality is it
if You 100% sure kashmir is yours then why not you let the people decide with power of vote under the UN watch if people more then 50% people want to decide to live in india then keep it let your heart open and b a true human and clear this matter once for all

We dont argu anymore let the kashmiris decide where they want to go

I m Sure you people are scared inside your heart you know the fact you can only covert yourself in kashmir by force

And thats why you dont let anybody in kashmir to see what actual ground reality is it

It is not matter if we are not sure or not, rather it is about why should we do it? What are the compelling reason for a nation to cede its territory?...

Even also, any Gov of India try to make a descison, the same question will be asked by our public to GOV? And no gov just cede its territory just because some people do not want to be part of any nation.

Think practically, did you give indepence to BD in a political peaceful way? ...Every one knows the reality, but no one openly accepts it...The only way Pakistan can get Kashmir is through a war that Pakistan has to initiate it...India will never ever initiate any war with Pakistan as we do not have interest to occupy any land from your nation....And now after both nations has nuclear weapons, even the war options are gone from the hand of Pakistan army too.
in case of BD u might better know what yr Pm modi said in BD what he did lol and for you the fact Bangali people dont want freedom the matter was there is 2 leader got the majority from there own backyards boths want to become of prime minister which cant b possible and 2nd The Bangali Shieks was supported by india to break the pakistan and u better know it was revenge of 65 war which india will never forgets whoes GEN always says oh in morning we will have a cup of tea in Lahore that day never comes So better know the fact 1st then talk

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