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What is Kashmir Worth to Pakistan?

What would Pakistan be willing pay to have India controlled Kashmir and Jammu??? everything has it's price.

IMO India should just sell it to Pakistan before war breaks out. The demographics alone are favoring Muslims over Hindus,Buddhists, and others.

How about $100 billion dollars?? paid over 10 years, can use a portion of this to pay the Hindu families that will have to be resettled, and the rest fighting poverty in the other states of India, and on strengthening the military.

Wouldn't work. Want a detailed explanation, or will that do?
Its not about Pakistan or India.

Its about Kashmiris who are suffering from Indian Brutal Occupation for over 70 years.

They should be given the right to choose their future , A PLEBISCITE .

I don't think there is any rocket science in that.

This is one of the reasons that it wouldn't work. Officious Pakistanis deciding who is suffering, why they are suffering, what they are suffering from, how long they are suffering, and what should be done to them, to end their suffering.

If these busybodies had not been there in the first place, the suggestions they make would never have been made.

AND considering who has done what with rocket science, perhaps that was not the best analogy to use.

Why does any one have to be resettled at all, Hindus/Buddhists can stay on in Kashmir. The prize is that India will join the regional economic partnership, get access to Central Asia, buy permanent peace, maybe even become a super power if they can grow up. The economic dividends will cover all the costs.

This is never going to happen. There is no possibility of the Pakistani establishment taking an axe to the branch that they all sit upon, a necessary hostility to India, a natural enmity with India.
It's a major lifeline for Pakistan, as a majority of fresh water flows from the region. Simply put, if Kashmir goes, Pakistan will likely collapse.

Like it did these past seventy years.
Like it did these past seventy years.

That is an important point for those who claim Pakistan cannot be a success without Kashmir, because its record clearly shows that it can be hugely successful even with only the part that it holds already. A bird in hand .......
That is an important point for those who claim Pakistan cannot be a success without Kashmir, because its record clearly shows that it can be hugely successful even with only the part that it holds already. A bird in hand .......

What annoys me is the flat-out denial that India has stuck scrupulously to her part of an unfavourable treaty, and that Pakistani comment is full of speculation of what will happen if India overnight turns rogue.

Obviously Aesop is taught very early in Pakistan. The story of the Wolf and the Lamb has gone deep into the psyche of some of those posting.
What annoys me is the flat-out denial that India has stuck scrupulously to her part of an unfavourable treaty, and that Pakistani comment is full of speculation of what will happen if India overnight turns rogue.

They have a Huge SENSE of Entitlement

Which originates from religion and the Often quoted Centuries of Muslim rule

They Believe and think - How can these Hindus behave like this with us
since we are " superior" ( They may not say that openly )
Like it did these past seventy years.
That is an unfair statement. Pakistan's current geopolitical position forces it to make sure that Kashmir goes fully challenged.

East Pakistan was different in its very nature. If Kashmir goes, it would have a rippling affect on whomever loses it, yes that includes India as well.
What annoys me is the flat-out denial that India has stuck scrupulously to her part of an unfavourable treaty, and that Pakistani comment is full of speculation of what will happen if India overnight turns rogue.

Obviously Aesop is taught very early in Pakistan. The story of the Wolf and the Lamb has gone deep into the psyche of some of those posting.

The problem is that each side sees the other as the Wolf and itself as the Lamb.
The problem is that each side sees the other as the Wolf and itself as the Lamb.

If Pakistan's only concern is water then we have NOT done anything YET
to hurt it ; inspite of all the acts of terrorism

But we see Pakistan's Kashmir obsession as Territorial expansionism
If Pakistan's only concern is water then we have NOT done anything YET
to hurt it ; inspite of all the acts of terrorism

The problem is not water or even Kashmir. The problem is a power structure that must keep its population terrified just enough to put up with its blatant exploitation. If it is not water, it will be onions or something else.
The problem is not water or even Kashmir. The problem is a power structure that must keep its population terrified just enough to put up with its blatant exploitation. If it is not water, it will be onions or something else.

Then We South Asians are simply unfortunate

This conflict is nothing but Destiny or God's will
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