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Clinton headed to China for economic talks

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Clinton headed to China for economic talks

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is heading to Beijing for high-level economic and strategic talks with Chinese leaders that will be dominated by efforts to win China's support to punish North Korea for the sinking of a South Korean warship.

Clinton, who will co-chair the talks with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, said Sunday that she would also be pushing the Chinese for a "more balanced economic relationship" with the U.S.

Clinton spoke before flying to Beijing from Shanghai where she visited the U.S. and Chinese pavilions at the World Expo and stressed the importance of cooperation between the two countries in solving world crises.

The Associated Press: Clinton headed to Beijing for economic talks
U.S.–China Strategic and Economic Dialogue is not only for N-koean,economic and Strategic things is the main roles,and this is the second time of U.S.–China Strategic and Economic Dialogue,replaced the former Senior Dialogue and Strategic Economic Dialogue~
The U.S.–China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) (simplified Chinese: 中美战略与经济对话; traditional Chinese: 中美戰略與經濟對話; pinyin: Zhōng Měi zhànlüè yǔ jīngjì duìhuà) is a high-level dialogue for the United States and China to discuss a wide range of bilateral, regional and global political, strategic, security, and economic issues between both countries. The establishment of the S&ED was announced on April 1, 2009 by U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao. The upgraded mechanism replaced the former Senior Dialogue and Strategic Economic Dialogue started under the George W. Bush administration. The format is such that high-level representatives of both countries and their delegations will meet annually at capitals alternating between the two countries.[1][2]
The S&ED has both a "Strategic Track" and an "Economic Track". U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo co-chair the "Strategic Track". U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner and Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan co-chair the "Economic Track".


The creation of the S&ED was announced on April 1, 2009 in London at the G-20 summit by President Barack Obama and President Hu Jintao during their first meeting.[3] The upgraded mechanism replaced the former Senior Dialogue and Strategic Economic Dialogue started under the George W. Bush administration. High-level representatives of both countries and their delegations meet annually at capitals alternating between the two countries. The first meeting was held in Washington, D.C. on July 27–28, 2009.
It has been suggested by analysts and media that the S&ED constitutes an important part of the G-2 relationship between the United States and China.[4][5][6][7] Experts say that it can promote political trust, constructive engagement, and collaboration between the two countries.[8]

The S&ED is an ongoing and intensive mechanism for addressing the challenges and opportunities that the United States and China face on a wide range of bilateral, regional, and global areas of immediate and long-term strategic and economic interest. Both President Barack Obama of the U.S. and President Hu Jintao of China have placed the S&ED at the center of the bilateral relationship and are committed to delivering concrete, meaningful, and sustained progress over time on long-term strategic and economic objectives through the S&ED. The 2009 Dialogue will provide an opportunity to establish a framework for those discussions moving forward.[9]

The S&ED is organized around a high-level, cross-cutting structure that addresses the geopolitical nature of mutual concerns in strategic and economic discussions. The S&ED provides a forum for ongoing and productive bilateral engagement between U.S. and Chinese officials with diverse responsibilities for both economic and strategic issues. The structure of the S&ED allows for a plenary session to discuss issues of cross-cutting strategic and economic importance, while maintaining distinct strategic and economic tracks. Each respective track will involve focused discussions on issues of mutual immediate and long-term strategic or economic interest. The S&ED will meet annually to facilitate robust engagement and progress between dialogues through coordination with existing bilateral dialogues and working-level interactions.[9]

The S&ED brings together senior leadership representing the U.S. and Chinese governments. Special representatives are appointed by Presidents of both countries. Various other U.S. Cabinet and sub-Cabinet officials and heads of Chinese ministries, bureaus and commissions will participate in the Dialogue depending on the issues being discussed.

Does the Strategic and Economic Dialogue matter? | The Cable
Does the Strategic and Economic Dialogue matter?
Posted By Josh Rogin Friday, May 21, 2010 - 6:32 PM Share
On Sunday, more than 200 American officials will converge on Beijing for the second round of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue. Asia experts are asking the question: Is it really worth it?

The dialogue, which kicked off last July in Washington, had two basic goals: to provide a high-level forum for the U.S. and China to talk to one another, and to meld the economic and security aspects of America's China policy into one coordinated, joint effort. But as some Asia hands point out, U.S. and Chinese officials at all levels are already in frequent contact, calling into question the need for a grand meeting. And the economic and security sides of U.S. policy on China are still largely divided between, and stove-piped within, various agencies.

"The goals of both sides are to have meetings every year and talk to each other every year. That was a completely reasonable goal 10 years ago, but it's not a reasonable goal now because the U.S. and China talk to each other all the time," said Derek Scissors, a research fellow in Asia economic policy at the Heritage Foundation.

Indeed, U.S. officials are constantly shuttling back and forth to Beijing. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner was just there last in April. Commerce Secretary Robert Locke went there this month. Energy Secretary Stephen Chu has a trip planned just after the dialogue. And the list goes on.

"Why do we have to have a big dialogue and pretend this is the time when the U.S. and China talk to each other, when we talk to each other all the time?" asked Scissors. "If you're going to have the dialogue, it should do something."

Even critics like Scissors will admit that there's value in bringing together low-level officials from each side to build working relationships that could develop over decades. In general, more interaction is better. But some observers worry that expectations are being raised that won't be fulfilled during the session, and that the investment of U.S. government time and resources could be more efficiently deployed.

"It's always good to try to figure out the big questions, and show the Chinese we're really serious about really engaging them at the highest working levels," said Michael Auslin, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. "The problem is, once you institutionalize something like that, neither side wants to back off it and I'm not sure we're getting enough out of it to justify considering it a significant tool in our China relations. That doesn't mean we shouldn't do it."

There's also a sense that even though the Obama administration's various teams of China experts are all generally on the same page, different groups are still working independently from one another to a large degree, dividing issues among themselves rather than coordinating policy to the extent once envisioned.

"Part of the idea of the dialogue is to have perhaps tradeoffs between economic issues and strategic issues, so that giving and taking on one side could lead to giving and taking on the other," but that's not happening, said Dean Cheng, a Heritage Foundation research fellow in Chinese political and security affairs.

On the strategic side, the main issues on the American plate are the North Korea ship-sinking incident, the U.S. drive to press China for firm pledges of support for sanctions against Iran, and climate change. But the three days of dialogue aren't likely to produce progress on these issues. China isn't likely to abandon its position as North Korea's benefactor, isn't likely to go further on Iran than it has so far, and neither side really wants to reopen the climate-change debate after the Copenhagen debacle.

"That pretty much leaves us with the opportunity to share some Peking Duck," said Cheng.

Scissors said that Treasury officials told him privately that they realize the long list of things they claim to want to address during the dialogue is too ambitious from the outset. Treasury has focused publicly on two things: demands that China revaluate its currency and that the Chinese government rethink its policy of "indigenous innovation," which favors domestic firms explicitly over foreign firms doing business in China.

These two issues are really being pushed from outside the administration, however. The currency issue is being forced by Congress, led by Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-NY, and the innovation issue is being pushed by the business community.

On currency, administration officials are convinced that China will announce some upward revaluation of its currency, but they don't know how much or when. That move is unlikely to come next week for several reasons. The crisis facing the euro makes it a risky time for China to tinker with its currency. The Chinese also don't want to be seen as bowing to American pressure, so they might want to wait until the G-20 to announce any move and then portray it as a concession to the entire international community, or simply as a step taken in China's own interest.

The administration tipped its hand on the currency issue in April, when it delayed a Treasury report that was set to classify China as a currency manipulator. Some argue that now's the time to find other ways to tackle global economic imbalances -- such as by reducing U.S. deficits and boosting Chinese consumer spending. But the Obama administration is hardly in a position to press the Chinese, having goosed the U.S. economy with massive deficit spending and monetary stimulus measures in the wake of the 2007-2008 financial crisis.

"It really seems as if the economic side of the S&ED is a dialogue of convenience right now," said Scissors. "The main issue that the administration should be focused on, which is what is U.S. policy doing to balance the world economy and what is China's policy doing to balance the world economy, they're not talking about.
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