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Cross-border raid: Strategic analysts laugh off Indian claim

Thunder Bolt

Aug 1, 2015
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ISLAMABAD:The Indian army’s claim that it has carried out ‘surgical strikes’ on the Pakistani side of the Line of Control (LoC) begs the question: Is such a sophisticated and precision-guided operation possible in a highly militarised zone? Or, does the Indian military have the wherewithal to mount such an operation?

The de facto border that divides the Himalayan region of Kashmir into Pakistan and India is around 880 kilometres long. For decades, there has been a huge concentration of troops on both sides of the LoC. In recent years, India taking advantage of the 2003 ceasefire agreement has erected a fence along the LoC and of late employed the latest surveillance devices to stop any infiltration from the Pakistani side.

Since the Uri attack that heightened tensions and sparked fears of a possible military showdown, Pakistani Army has been on the ‘high state of alert’ to deal with any untoward situation. In this situation, was it plausible that special Indian forces intruded deep into the Pakistani side, carried out operation at multiple sites, stayed there for almost six hours, eliminated so-called ‘terror launch pads’ and then went back without even suffering any casualties?


The Indian army provided little insight as to how the entire operation was conducted. The media there, however, said the operation was a combination of heliborne and ground forces. Special forces were para-dropped for the operation, it added. It said alleged terror launch pads targeted were in the range of 2- 3 kilometres from the LoC.

Indian officials claimed that special forces targeted at least seven different places inside the LoC. This means, according to a Pakistani military official, a minimum of 70 Indian troops intruded and carried out the so-called ‘surgical strikes’.

“This looks a fantastic movie script,” said the official, who has the knowledge of LoC and terrain there. “Do you think it was possible that more than 70 Indian soldiers were on our side of the LoC for hours and our forces couldn’t detect them,” asked the official. “This is just unbelievable story created by the Indian side for public consumption.”

Officially, Pakistan rebutted the Indian claim, insisting that there had been cross-LoC fire initiated and conducted by India. This, Pakistan Army pointed out, was existential phenomenon where the two countries often exchange fire at the LoC.

Defence analysts are also astonished at the Indian claim of conducting surgical strikes and that too at a time when relations between the two arch enemies are on the edge and any misadventurism may lead to a serious military conflict.

Maj Gen (retd) Ejaz Awan finds the Indian claims that special forces were para-dropped as unbelievable. “So, if they para-dropped special troops, then how they pulled them out after they completed their so-called surgical strikes,” he questioned. “For pulling out these troops, you need helicopters on the ground,” he explained saying this was easier said than done.

Lt Gen (retd) Amjad Shoaib, who had also served at the LoC during his service, concurred with the assessment. He said intrusion was possible at some mountainous areas along the LoC, but to say that Indian special forces came and carried out ‘surgical strikes’ and went back undetected was “too good a story to be believed”.

India’s claim finds few takers. A current affairs and defence magazine for Asia-Pacific questioned India’s capability to launch such a sophisticated and coordinated attack.

“Surgical strikes can be conducted through airborne or artillery based precision-guided strikes or ground force based assaults; both of which require sophisticated intelligence collection, platforms to conduct collections, and surveillance of target sites and objectives,” military expert Shawn Snow wrote in The Diplomat magazine.

“India is still on the cusp of building a sophisticated and modernised asymmetrical capability to conduct counterterror operations, while much of its forces are still organised and trained on Cold War models,” he said.

“Over the last decade, India has spearheaded efforts to modernise her military to include domestic production of UAVs. Rostum I & II could provide India with an air platform capable of surgical strikes for target surveillance, and intelligence collection. However, these platforms are still in development.”

If this is the case, then it begs a question: why the Narendra Modi government presented a routine exchange of fire as ‘surgical strikes’? The reason, experts say, is that the Indian prime minister was under immense pressure to live up to his own promises that his administration would punish the Uri attackers.

Modi has launched a diplomatic offensive against Pakistan taking a series of steps such as boycotting the Saarc summit, threatening to review the water treaty as well as MFN status for Pakistan. But all those measures, he knew, would make little difference to Pakistan.

“Hence he [Modi] needs face saving,” said Gen Shoaib. By claiming that the Indian military carried out surgical strikes, Modi can now go to the public and hyper-nationalist media that he avenged the Uri attack.

This situation, many observers believe, would help Modi build his election campaign for the crucial state elections in politically important states such as Utar Pradesh next year.

When asked, a senior military official said Pakistan ‘does not foresee’ any escalation in tensions but added that the country’s armed forces were vigilant to face any threat.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 30th, 2016.
Where some are trumpeting it as a master stroke by Modi (i.e. whether it happened in real or the Indian masses are made to believe), there I call it a serious act that lacked consideration of even the (near) future. Not even debating the challenges it has now posed to the way borders (LoC) affairs will be managed ; Modi, by raising the performance bar for his Government and the Indian Army, has just put the fate of peace in the Indo-Pak region as well as his own political career in the hands of any ill wishers who could orchestrate a similar or worst attack in Indian Occupied Kashmir thereby turning all the cameras on Modi to show what else he got. Will he go all out then to appease the masses? Any thing less than that would be seen as weakness of Indian govt and the military.

The rolling effect this fallacy has triggered is only going to sink Modi's own politics, and sooner or later the peace of the region.
The idiots claimed that Pakistan moved the camps 4 days ago lmao.
Just Curious, So many Conspiracy Theories Coming in my mind, May be its just me
> Islamabad Sit In by PTI...................APS Happened
> Rai Wind March..............................So Called Surgical Strikes
> Modi can't start a war despite previous threats that any mishap and we will teach Pakistan a lesson...............So Called Surgical Strike

Win Win Situation for Many..............But again may be its just ME o_O
Anyway it is good, if Pakistan believes that surgical strikes have not happened. This will bring down the escalation.
Actually this will not bring the escalation down ..Surely the revenge of 2 martyred soldiers will be taken
For you people value of human life is nothing but lower than pee of your holy cows and the biggest example is your atrocity in kashmir So surely failed false propaganda of surgical strikes matters none to us but life's of our soldiers matter alot so thinking of escalation to come down is none other than dreaming ....
Anyway it is good, if Pakistan believes that surgical strikes have not happened. This will bring down the escalation.
Lol...You guys even painted your own AIRCRAFT as a war trophy....Your stories are too good to be believed...Because your Forces are doing these kinda dramas to keep people like you happy since a long time...!:lol::lol:
Anyway it is good, if Pakistan believes that surgical strikes have not happened. This will bring down the escalation.

I think its the opposite. If India believes that surgical strikes happened that will result in lowering the escalation as it was not us who made the escalation or was doing the warmongering / chest thumping. So Indians believe surgical strike happened, it will make them happy giving a sense of taking some kind of revenge and cool down their anger and go back to killing more Kashmiris.
Anyway it is good, if Pakistan believes that surgical strikes have not happened. This will bring down the escalation.

Yes, People in establishment are sensible and we are not warmongers as most people think. goodday
Actually this will not bring the escalation down ..Surely the revenge of 2 martyred soldiers will be taken
For you people value of human life is nothing but lower than pee of your holy cows and the biggest example is your atrocity in kashmir So surely failed false propaganda of surgical strikes matters none to us but life's of our soldiers matter alot so thinking of escalation to come down is none other than dreaming ....

Calm down...the minute Pakistani government said there were no 'surgical strikes' means that Pakistani government doesn't want to escalate.
Anyway it is good, if Pakistan believes that surgical strikes have not happened. This will bring down the escalation.

Its not about 'believe' that's truth. Pakistan could had also came up with similar surgical strike claim yesterday morning that her Army went in Indian side and destroyed couple of Indian check posts or thwart an Indian incursion. Would you had believed it without any solid proof? Heck we even have pictures of destroyed Indian check posts which were destroyed in firing exchanged by both the sides.
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Anyway it is good, if Pakistan believes that surgical strikes have not happened. This will bring down the escalation.

When the US attacked abbottabad, there were videos everywhere of the house on fire, and the videos and pics of the crashed US heli. In this case there is nothing, not even the location of the so called launching pads.

So you can't blame us for not believing it.
I think its the opposite. If India believes that surgical strikes happened that will result in lowering the escalation as it was not us who made the escalation or was doing the warmongering / chest thumping. So Indians believe surgical strike happened, it will make them happy giving a sense of taking some kind of revenge and cool down their anger and go back to killing more Kashmiris.

India wants Kashmiris on its side. It is logical that India will exercise maximum restraint especially when dealing with Kashmirirs in the recent unrest. I bet if similar thing would have occurred in any part of the world. The death toll might have been in 1000's. Remember India is dealing with violent mobs armed with stones and petrol bombs.

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