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Pakistan rubbishes Indian claims of Surgical Strike inside Pakistan.

Two Pakistani troops killed as India launches cross-border strike against Kashmir militants
Published 5 hours ago
This file photograph taken on December 4, 2003, shows Indian soldiers as they patrol along a barbed-wire fence near Baras Post on the Line of Control (LoC) between Pakistan and India some 174 km northwest of Srinagar. (AFP Photo)
Two Pakistani troops were killed during an hours-long clash with Indian border guards, the Pakistani army said Thursday.

The fresh round of shelling and firing continued from late Wednesday night to Thursday morning at different points of the Line of Control (LoC), the de facto border that divides the disputed Kashmir valley between the hostile neighbors.

India's Director General of Military Operations (DGMO) Lt General Ranbir Singh said India had carried out a "surgical strike" to stop attempted infiltration over the LoC.

Pakistan's army however called the shelling unprovoked and it had responded "befittingly" along the border, near the villages of Bhimber, Kel and Lipa.

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif condemned "Indian aggression" and said while his country wanted regional peace, it was prepared to respond to any attacks.


The battle followed heightened tensions in recent weeks after the killing of 18 Indian soldiers at their base in Indian-held Kashmir two weeks ago, which India blamed on Pakistan.

The two neighbors have fought three wars -- two of them over Kashmir -- since 1947 and Islamabad last Tuesday warned it would not refrain from using its nuclear arsenal in case of war with India.

Pakistan and India often trade fire in Kashmir, which is split between the two countries and claimed by both in its entirety.

The incident comes a day after Pakistan said India will "disintegrate" when Kashmir gains independence.

India is trying to isolate Pakistan diplomatically after a recent militant attack in Indian-controlled Kashmir that killed 18 Indian soldiers. New Delhi blames a Pakistan-based militant group for the attack. Pakistan denies that.

Those are normal skirmishes...

Wendy, with all due respect (and you are one of the very few people I truly respect on here), this is bullshiit by the ISPR!! I don't want to write more, as one, I shouldn't, and two, no one here really appreciates if someone actually tells them the reality. But I can even pin point location of what, where, when and how!!

Also, Indian stock market outside of the entire Asian economic eco-system was down a lot. Even the Western companies have started to pull money out due to potential war (as Pakistan is now wanting counter strike and investors fear it would turn into a full war). Here's a little proof for you too, as obviously, everyone will have a tummy ache by Viper's posts coming true yesterday!!


I have ONE sentence for effing idiots. Go F**K yourself :enjoy:. This is when low lives try to become "defense analyst" :rofl::angel:

Just curiousity.

What percentage of your vocabulary consists of emoticons? You have had problems with articulation before, I suppose.
cummon everyone was waiting for a indian responce saying that they are well prepared and what not and now that you have seen some on your face you keep rejecting that nothing of this sort ever happened accept some cross order firing.. I KNOW I KNOW where are proofs and all well if every indian leadership in thanking each other then something must have happened you will soon realize once you see lot of pak rallies telling gov to retailiate.. I posted yesterday only you don't have to wait long terroists will be pynished for their menanvce
Nobody can EVER produce any EVIDENCE which can CONVINCE someone of ANY FACT.

It is better for Pakistanis to rely on ISPR and their Media till they change their narrative themselves

Nearly 10 days after the Uri attack that claimed 18 jawans, India carried out surgical strikes in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, inflicting heavy casualties on terrorists and 'those protecting them" and indicating a change of stand on the rules of engagement on the disputed line of control.
Indian DGMO Lt Gen Ranbir Singh announced that Pakistan had been informed about the strikes and that India has no intention of continuing the operations but is ready for any reaction from the Pak side.
The response, first of its kind across the Pakistani border during peace time, was based on specific intelligence, claim reports.
Here's what happened in 4 hours, according to reports:
1. Operation begins around 12.30 am on Wednesday. According to reports, paratroopers from Special Forces were involved.

2. The commandos were airdropped at the LoC, from where they crossed over to the Pakistani side.

3. According to sources, Indian commandos entered three kilometres across the Line of Control to conduct the 'surgical strikes'

4. The strikes were carried out in Bhimber, Hotspring, Kel & Lipa sectors, on Pak's side of LoC, according to reports.

5. The location was 500 meters-2 Km across LoC, sources said.

6. 7 terror launch pads were destroyed during the surgical strike.

7. 38 terrorists and 2 Pakistani soldiers were killed in Indian Army surgical strikes, no Indian casualties. Those killed included terrorists, their guides and handlers.

8. Helicopters were used. Mission, according to reports, ended at 4.30 am.

Why did India go for this
The option of surgical strikes was taken in the wake of increase in infiltration bids , the DGMO informed. Terrorists had begun gathering in large numbers along the LoC with the objective of crossing the border and targeting locations in Jammu and Kashmir, as well as other metros. In such a scenario surgical strikes was considered the best option to deal with the threat.
Surgical Strikes Does Not Mean War
Surgical strikes are military operations undertaken by forces across the world to move on the offensive, hit enemy targets and installations, and return to primary positions, all with lightening speed and with the added precaution of suffering limited casualty.
Surgical strikes require not just detailed and exhaustive planning but need to be carried out with absolute precision to achieve the objective of taking down targets with either no or minimal collateral damage.
A TV channel is running it, it didn't came from ISPR.

I see one of the two video was uploaded in 2014. What about the other video? Is that recent? Regardless of new vs old, it is sure that Indian soldiers are hitting the ground.
The second video is from 2010 LeT's Kashmir maarka jihad.flv
The people who need to know, already know, irrespective of their public statements and publicly available press releases. I am sorry that we have the DGMO in front of press people; this is not a position ever meant for such presentations. I am also sorry that there was any information given to the media at all, because sections of the Indian media have already proved that they are irresponsible and immature.

As far as these incidents are concerned, the only people who need to get the details are the respective leaders of the military, and their reporting authorities in civilian positions of responsibility.

Not you. Not I.

I am sorry but this day and age proofs are required, give us the location where surgical strikes were done, Pakistani media and people are free to travel anywhere in Pakistan to confirm it. Otherwise, OK you did it <wink>
Yes, the whole world should take Indians for their words, no proof is required. I am supposed to believe they came inside 2km and had nothing to show as a proof, your special forces are not that special. Unless they got high and went into some ganja induced trance and went flying like aeroplanes.
Just curiousity.

What percentage of your vocabulary consists of emoticons? You have had problems with articulation before, I suppose.

Go get some education and make some connections in the Indian defense establishment. I have more by sitting here. That is what is in my vocabulary and I won't respond to you anymore as you've proven your little, tiny worth to me (NOT)!! What a FI!!
I am sorry but this day and age proofs are required, give us the location where surgical strikes were done, Pakistani media and people are free to travel anywhere in Pakistan to confirm it.

That is precisely what they are not free to do. Unlike our irrepressible idiots.
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