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Iranian long range anti ship ballistic missile in development


May 13, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
This is not news to us as we have known for a while Iran is working on such a systems. however today, the defence minister of Iranian has stated:

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan highlighted the technological advances made in the country’s missile industry, pledging that Iran will develop long-range ballistic missiles capable of hitting maritime targets.
“Today, our long-range missiles can target enemy targets with an accuracy of less than 10 meters,” the defense minister said during an open session of the parliament on Sunday morning.

“In future, with the grace of God, we will develop our ground-to-ground ballistic missiles so that they can hit maritime targets in large distances,” Dehqan stated.


Iran already possesses anti ship ballistic missiles with range of 300km, but these long range missiles will have ranges of 3000 km if not more. They have been in development for many years now so hopefully we will see them ready soon.
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Iran claims many things , like they have there own drones and other stuff a little bit of it is exaggerated as there are no world wide recognition of there achievements

What claims are exaggerated? At least put forward a proper statement.
Who has not recognised Iranian achievements? You? Because for many years countless people have talked about Iranian achievements,.

Iranian missiles for example are the talk of many discussion in the US:

This I suppose it is not considered "recognition" in the eyes of people like you.

As for Iranian UAV, the UAV are being used in Syria but this kid says Iran "claims" to have their own drones:

All these could be seen by even a 1 minute google search but it seems that's difficult for you?
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Iran claims many things , like they have there own drones and other stuff a little bit of it is exaggerated as there are no world wide recognition of there achievements
There are reasons why they still pursue a Missile Program;
Screen Shot 2016-09-25 at 10.12.55 PM.png

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Depends on how may are launched and the payload

No, the most important factor is accuracy of which Iranian missile get as accurate as it gets. Here is some pics from the zolfiqar tests:



Ranges of Iranians missiles go up to 3000km. Warheads are in multiple form, cluster, MRV etc with weights of warheads 500-1000kg. And as for numbers, the missile experts such as Uzi Rubin have testifies to that in the video I posted above. Let me paraphrase to you what he said:

"When a nation has a pin point accurate 2500km range missile, it can paralyse any nation in that radius by striking their strategic sites. You don't need a nuclear weapon".

Thus anyone that claims Iranian missile are "no good" for offence has no idea what they're talking about.

Can Iranian missiles even reach the US?

Why does Iran need to reach the US?
In any case, Iran is developing ICBMs but, such missile would be too expensive to use without WMD's such as chemical weapons, Bio, nukes etc. As of now, Iran has no need to reach them, but if we need to, we will. This is according to them

No, the most important factor is accuracy of which Iranian missile get as accurate as it gets. Here is some pics from the zolfiqar tests:



Ranges of Iranians missiles go up to 3000km. Warheads are in multiple form, cluster, MRV etc with weights of warheads 500-1000kg. And as for numbers, the missile experts such as Uzi Rubin have testifies to that in the video I posted above. Let me quote you what he said:

When a nation has a pin point accurate 2500km range missile, it can paralyse any nation in that radius by striking their strategic sites. No need for a nuke.

Thus anyone that claims Iranian missile are "no good" for offence has no idea what they're talking about.

Why does Iran need to reach the US?
In any case, Iran is developing ICBMs but, such missile would be too expensive to use without WMD's such as chemical weapons, Bio, nukes etc. As of now, Iran has no need to reach them, but if we need to, we will. This is according to them

Yeah but you're undermining the Israeli and American air defence systems, and "no need for a nuke" when your enemy has 200 pointing at you may not be a wise thing to say.
Yeah but you're undermining the Israeli and American air defence systems, and "no need for a nuke" when your enemy has 200 pointing at you may not be a wise thing to say.

Their air defence are good for using against rockets and old scuds, not missiles with manoeuvring warheads such as in Iran's Emad etc. We could go into a long discussion but that is offtopic.

As for zionist nukes, they can have a 1000, but that does not change the fact they're so small that they could be wiped out even without nukes. Their nukes are just survival policy. Besides, who says Iran does not have any nukes?
missiles with manoeuvring warheads such as in Iran's Emad etc.
[it] is the first long-range missile of the Islamic Republic of Iran that can be controlled until the very moment it hits the target.

When the Emad was unveiled, it was clear it is not an all-new missile, but a steerable RV that could be fitted to existing Shahab-3/Ghadr-series rockets to turn them into more accurate weapons.

Put simply, it is a guided warhead.

The maneuverable reentry vehicle (abbreviated MARV or MaRV) is a type of ballistic missile whose warhead is capable of shifting targets in flight. It often requires some terminal active homing guidance (like Pershing II active radar homing) to make sure the missile does not miss the target, because of the frequent trajectory shifts.
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Depends on how may are launched and the payload

Can Iranian missiles even reach the US?

1st off it is absolutely true that the reason Iran is a major Missile Producer is because of U.S. embargos so yes in a way this is a horror of their own making

2ndly Can Armed Pakistani, Israeli or Saudi Fighters reach the U.S.? What does that have to do with anything???

3rndly Iran is not suicidal but if Iran was nuked by the U.S. and really wanted to hit the U.S. it's a lot cheaper to put Iranian missiles on a cargo ship or fire Cruise Missiles on a Sub or build a long range Iranian torpedo armed with nukes fired from Iranian kilo subs 100's of km away! that is a lot cheaper than an ICBM pulse there are far more cheaper, smarter and more covert way's that I'd rather not mention! But Iran's not suicidal and even if U.S. nukes Iran it's more likely that Iran will respond by nuking Israel not U.S. soil as I said we are not suicidal!!!

And if the U.S. attacks Iran with conventional weapons Iran has plenty of U.S. targets that it can take out within it's reach

In terms of cost I've explained this to you once before!

To purchase and maintain a single F-35 for a year will cost at least $300 Million USD the cost for 4 of them will be $1.2 Billion USD at the very least!

How many Zolfaghar missiles do you think Iran can produce with $1.2 Billion USD?
If each of these Zolfaghar Missiles were to cost Iran $500,000 USD to produce Iran could build at least 2,400 of these missiles for the cost of 4 F-35's alone

Now lets say that country is Saudi Arabia

If Iran launches half of these missiles at 12 Saudi Air Bases and their SAM sites and puts 100 missiles on each of them they will be wiped out so what exactly do you think those 4 F-35's could do to Iran?

To top that off an advanced SDB-2 with a 93kg payload costs $250,000 each!

Same with Turkey and same with Pakistan for every 4 F-35 Iran can build 2,400 Zolfaghar missiles

As for Israel those missiles cost a little more so for every 8 F-35 Iran can build ~ 800 - 1200 depending on the missile


What use are these fighter when Iran can take out every Saudi Air base, SAM site, radar, Port, Power plant and Naval port within 650km of Iran in less than 15 min with only $2 Billion USD using only 1 type of missile alone???

and no embargo or naval blockade would even hinder the continued mass production of these missiles

And what threat are they to Iran if they have to fly 700km just to reach our boarders?

An unguided Ballistic missiles with a cep of 1km that targets cities and heresies military bases and damages major installations like power plants that cost over $2 Million USD are a deterrent
ICBM's armed with Nukes is the same they are a deterrent!

Precision guided missiles whether they be $2 million USD cruise missiles or $2 million USD Iranian ballistic missiles are offensive tactical weapons
To purchase and maintain a single F-35 for a year will cost at least $300 Million USD the cost for 4 of them will be $1.2 Billion USD at the very least!

How many Zolfaghar missiles do you think Iran can produce with $1.2 Billion USD?
If each of these Zolfaghar Missiles were to cost Iran $500,000 USD to produce Iran could build at least 2,400 of these missiles for the cost of 4 F-35's alone

So, Iran's most advanced 750km guided ballistic missile costs $500,000 to produce? What is that price quote based on? For comparison:

ATACMS "on 20 December 2010, Lockheed Martin was awarded a contract for $916 million for 226 'tactical missiles' and 24 launcher modification kits for the UAE and Taiwan."
That's a good $4 million per missile.

Back in the 1980s: "The average unit cost of a Pershing II missile is $3.8 million."

"Short range missiles, such as SCUD-B's, cost as little as $1 million to produce. At the other extreme is the Saudi purchase of DF-3 missiles from China, which reportedly cost $2 billion for 30 to 50 missiles and their associated launchers. Even if the missiles in this purchase accounted for only half of the total cost, they would still cost over $20 million apiece. Together with launchers, this begins to approach the unit cost of acquiring advanced strike aircraft"
https://books.google.nl/books?id=B4zSFd8DRWYC&pg=PA228&lpg=PA228&dq=scud+"unit+cost"&source=bl&ots=RJgXUIa0G1&sig=ku87ajOUV5sHZgc63QLtLAGlfAA&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj9l4DIuazPAhVH2hoKHRpkB5wQ6AEIWDAH#v=onepage&q=scud "unit cost"&f=false (1993 prices)

"After signing a contract for the licensed production of the Chinese WS-1A and WS-1B rockets under the name of Kasırga in 1997, a similar contract was signed with CPMIEC (Chinese Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation) for the Chinese B-611 SRBM system in 1998, covering the licensed production of a battery of B-611 with more than 200 missiles, at a reported cost of USD 300,000,000.
The J-600T design is based on the B-611 SRBM developed by CASIC (China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation) as a low cost tactical missile system, with a range of up to 250 km in improved versions such as the B-611M, and as a replacement for the M-11 (CSS-7 and DF-11) missiles in Chinese inventory. CPMIEC officials have confirmed at the IDEF 2007 military fair in Ankara that B-611M, the improved version of B-611, was not a part of the Sino-Turkish cooperation program."
(Like SCUD, this is a comparatively simple missile. Even so, if you allocate only half the $300 million to missiles and devide by 200, unit cost is $750,000 for a straight forward licence production [as opposed to much more expensive indigenous development])

As for generic F-35 unit cost in procurement, it averages thusfar to about $116 million

Let's be generous and make that a round $150 million. Assuming for now that the 'at least $300 million' you quote is correct, are you suggesting the other 'at least $150 million' is operating cost for one year? What's the ínformational basis for that claim?

"One area where the F-35 is still expensive? The cost per hour to fly, which over the lifetime of the plane can amount to more than the plane itself. The F-35A still costs a whopping $42,169 per hour to fly. Assuming a plane flies 120 hours a year, over 20 years that comes out to $100 million. The Super Hornet costs about $17,000 an hour to fly, which comes out to $40 million."
Let's assume it costs $50,000 per hour to fly an F-35 (if you research it, you find figures much lower, more like $30-35k, as compared to 20-25k for the F-16). Then those 'at least $150 million' operating cost for a year represent 'at least 3000 flying hours'.

"As built, Block 40 and 50 F-16s have an 8,000 flight-hour fatigue life. At normal usage of around 300 hours per year, that amounts to 24 years"
See also http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/aircraft/f-16-life.htm

IMHO at least 3000 hours for a year is at least a factor of 10 off.

So, what else has been dumped into that "over $300 million" figure for the F-35?

$116 million + (300h*$35000) = $126.5 million for 1 year. Now, $1.2 billion gets you 9-10 F-35. And that amount may not get you 2400 missiles but rather 300.

Of course, this is all silly accounting, because no one gets a jet for just 1 year, and so procurement cost is spread over the life time. As shown, if $150m gets you an F-35 and $150m gets you 3000 flight hours, you are actually talking a 10 year period under normal (US) number of annual flight hours (while the F-35 would likely last 9000, seeing as how F-16 originally project service life of 8000 hours got extended to 12000). Assuming a missile has a similar shelf life of 10 years, since you can only fire a missile once, you would need multiple missile to a single figher jet for comparable mission capability and flexibility.
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