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Kashmir: Displaying the wrong map and showing it as part of India

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Jan 20, 2013
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India is aggressively pursuing a policy of banning and suing those media organizations who show Kashmir either as a disputed area or Azad Kashmir + GB as part of Pakistan. Google, Facebook, Aljazeera, several international universities have been penalized.

I make a petition and request that PDF should take a very hard stance here and reprimand all those Indians (or any posters for that matter) who in anyway display maps where Kashmir is depicted as a part of India. Be it in posts, or in avatars or any other visual form. Repeat offenders should face temporary bans.

Kashmir should be shown either as part of Pakistan or as a disputed area.

Thanks and hope we put our case aggressively before the international community.
India is aggressively pursuing a policy of banning and suing those media organizations who show Kashmir either as a disputed area or Azad Kashmir + GB as part of Pakistan. Google, Facebook, Aljazeera, several international universities have been penalized.

I make a petition and request that PDF should take a very hard stance here and reprimand all those Indians (or any posters for that matter) who in anyway display maps where Kashmir is depicted as a part of India. Be it in posts, or in avatars or any other visual form. Repeat offenders should face temporary bans.

Kashmir should be shown either as part of Pakistan or as a disputed area.

Thanks and hope we put our case aggressively before the international community.
India is aggressively pursuing a policy of banning and suing those media organizations who show Kashmir either as a disputed area or Azad Kashmir + GB as part of Pakistan. Google, Facebook, Aljazeera, several international universities have been penalized.

I make a petition and request that PDF should take a very hard stance here and reprimand all those Indians (or any posters for that matter) who in anyway display maps where Kashmir is depicted as a part of India. Be it in posts, or in avatars or any other visual form. Repeat offenders should face temporary bans.

Kashmir should be shown either as part of Pakistan or as a disputed area.

Thanks and hope we put our case aggressively before the international community.
Pakistan should show Kashmir as Pakistani Area, Uronchal pardesh as Chinese area and asam as an independent country ,west Bengal as a part of BD in our maps.
All Pakistani friends, please report all those Indian posters along with their posts where they are provocating by showing mythological or delusional maps.
India is aggressively pursuing a policy of banning and suing those media organizations who show Kashmir either as a disputed area or Azad Kashmir + GB as part of Pakistan. Google, Facebook, Aljazeera, several international universities have been penalized.

I make a petition and request that PDF should take a very hard stance here and reprimand all those Indians (or any posters for that matter) who in anyway display maps where Kashmir is depicted as a part of India. Be it in posts, or in avatars or any other visual form. Repeat offenders should face temporary bans.

Kashmir should be shown either as part of Pakistan or as a disputed area.

Thanks and hope we put our case aggressively before the international community.

But we only have access to this map.

Can't help it, sonny. That's what a .in domain gives.
A deliberate provocation, your post is reported. Keep on believing in whatever mythology, we live in a real world, where mythologies are good only for movies.
no bro its all about where you stand,from here we believe your nation too was formed based on Mythology.
thank god now we have finally settled Kashmir ,now that you got what you wanted, congrats

Could have told that to your own insecure govt who is banning organizations for showing Kashmir as disputed area or Azad Kashmir + GB as part of Pakistan.
Feel free to copy this map to post on PDF:


And right now, you are standing on Pakistan Defence Forum.

Go figure, :-)

Doesn't matter.

Not happening.

If we are not allowed, fine ask the forum owners to ban Indians by default. India's map will remain what it has always been.

We prefer it that way.
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