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Vietnam to teach Chinese language in primary school from 2017

grey boy 2

Jul 23, 2009
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United States
Vietnam to teach Chinese language in primary school from 2017


Source: Xinhua 2016-09-19 17:04:31


HANOI, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- Vietnam will begin to teach Chinese language in primary school from 2017, according to the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) on Monday.

The MoET is building a general education program for Chinese, Japanese and Russian languages and the three languages will be taught as the first foreign language to local students from grade three to grade 12.

Nguyen Minh Chau, deputy head of education and training department of Vietnam's northern Lang Son province, said on local Dan Tri (People's Knowledge) online newspaper on Monday that as his province borders China, it will be favorable to develop Chinese language teaching.

Lang Son will continue to teach English as the first foreign language in schools and teach Chinese as the first foreign language in some classes to meet with pupils' demand.

In the 2016-2017 academic year, Korean, French and German will be taught as the second foreign language.

Good, Vietnam was Chinese territory in the past. They should learn Chinese.

They are not learning Chinese.

Chinese is being introduced as a foreign language to them along with Russian.

And frankly, if russian is included along with Chinese as a language, they are hardly paying any attention to teaching Chinese.
They are not learning Chinese.

Chinese is being introduced as a foreign language to them along with Russian.

And frankly, if russian is included along with Chinese as a language, they are hardly paying any attention to teaching Chinese.
They should. Doesn't mean they will do it.
They are not learning Chinese.

Chinese is being introduced as a foreign language to them along with Russian.

And frankly, if russian is included along with Chinese as a language, they are hardly paying any attention to teaching Chinese.

It'll be the pupil's choice, and East Asians and really people in general are very practical despite all the nationalistic rhetoric. Chinese will catch on there because it's likely to be useful, just like how the Chinese bought so many Japanese goods before they could produce them themselves and how English caught on in China.
The rationality and pragmatism of the VCP is shown here. Being a neighbor of China, if Vietnam misses out on the world's greatest development achievement, that would be a mistake of historic proportions.
Chinese and Russian languages, both.
I think the reason is that the Ministry do not want to propose to add Chinese language alone.

As China is our largest trading partner for a long time to come, it is foreseeable that if given the choice, most parents will want to see their children to study Chinese and neglect Russian.
They are not learning Chinese.

Chinese is being introduced as a foreign language to them along with Russian.

And frankly, if russian is included along with Chinese as a language, they are hardly paying any attention to teaching Chinese.

Have you ever been to Vietnam?

In Hanoi, language centers which teach Chinese are abundant. For Russian, I do not know anyone, except the Russian culture center near Lotte tower (I studied Russian for 9 years and still like its culture. However, it is no use now). If given the choice, most parent will prefer their children to study Chinese. I myself want my children to study Chinese more than English. English should be second one.

In addition, Chinese characters are still used in old and new company / shop names and increasingly used in various other aspects of daily life.
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