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Policemen gang-rape 13-year-old girl

Revolution - A bloody revolution of justice is needed.

What'd be the poor girl's feelings? Her emotions and dreams have been tored away for the rest of her life - she is a living dead now. There are many other cases like these happening all over the country but unfortunately our pathetic Media is busy in showing us this same women dancing or as a model in fashion shows but not her griefs, her problems etc. Pathetic it is and pathetic it will go... May we see wrath from the skies soon.

We need to get rid of this scum-police gangs just like we are doing with those terrorists gangs.
well lets see, the three countries that have/had shria kill rape victims. Iran, Saudi Arabia and the taliban. Each one of them follows their own version of Islam but they all agree on killing the victim.
i agree in most countries where sharia law is used the women who needs a comforting hand in faced with a hand with a whip which further compounds her problems.
Shariah law is the law given by Allah to his Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) So, every body who is taunting Shariah is in fact taunting God. Before Shariah is implemented a change of mindset needs to take place. Its not about the law its the implementation. If you make Zardari Ameer ul mumineen (infact he is Ameer ul munafiqeen) what do u think will be the result? Nothing would change. Change must be brought inside the mind and the heart, that is what the Prophet (s.a.w.) did before finally Shariah was implemented in full on the completion of Deen.

(May Allah forgive me if I have said or interpreted anything wrong.)
Revolution - A bloody revolution of justice is needed.

What'd be the poor girl's feelings? Her emotions and dreams have been tored away for the rest of her life - she is a living dead now. There are many other cases like these happening all over the country but unfortunately our pathetic Media is busy in showing us this same women dancing or as a model in fashion shows but not her griefs, her problems etc. Pathetic it is and pathetic it will go... May we see wrath from the skies soon.

We need to get rid of this scum-police gangs just like we are doing with those terrorists gangs.
you don't need a revolution you need a democratic election to get rid of corrupt politicians and bring in good people who can rein in these rogue cops and bureaucrats.
Shariah law is the law given by Allah to his Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) So, every body who is taunting Shariah is in fact taunting God. Before Shariah is implemented a change of mindset needs to take place. Its not about the law its the implementation. If you make Zardari Ameer ul mumineen (infact he is Ameer ul munafiqeen) what do u think will be the result? Nothing would change. Change must be brought inside the mind and the heart, that is what the Prophet (s.a.w.) did before finally Shariah was implemented in full on the completion of Deen.

(May Allah forgive me if I have said or interpreted anything wrong.)
instead of complaining about how bad your president is y don' you stand for election get like minded people to contest election,show the people the problem your country faces with the current president(if any) if you win use the parliament of you country to solve your peoples problems .
This is a much better option than ranting about how bad you president is
i agree in most countries where sharia law is used the women who needs a comforting hand in faced with a hand with a whip which further compounds her problems.

But it is not sharia, it is those who implement it. I will accept your argument if give me the proof that sharia says to punish victim of rape.
But it is not sharia, it is those who implement it. I will accept your argument if give me the proof that sharia says to punish victim of rape.
hey mate answer this
is the law system being used in Saudi Arabia is it sharia????
if it is so i think i have a few examples
hey mate answer this
is the law system being used in Saudi Arabia is it sharia????
if it is so i think i have a few examples

I do not know if the Law in Saudi is Sharia or not, there might be sharia, but being mis used, who knows. But i surely know that Sharia does not punish rape victim. If you can prove me wrong, i will take my words back.
But it is not sharia, it is those who implement it. I will accept your argument if give me the proof that sharia says to punish victim of rape.

bro give it a rest!
Muslims always say "it's not ..., it's those who implement it."
Even if a 100000 other countries do what Iran, afg and saudi have done and continue to do you will say the same thing. If smtg can be interpreted differently then we have a problem.
Shria is for the bedouins of sandi arabia not anybody else.

well i would suggest you do the same in your country where a lot of your own countrymen are complaining about the same issue.

Either you don't live in this part of the world or you really are totally disillusioned about how this system of third world democracy works.
bro give it a rest!
Muslims always say "it's not ..., it's those who implement it."
Even if a 100000 other countries do what Iran, afg and saudi have done and continue to do you will say the same thing. If smtg can be interpreted differently then we have a problem.
Shria is for the bedouins of sandi arabia not anybody else.

Nima bro, I personally am in favour of Judaye Din Az Doulat, i believe that is the best thing, keep religion in our homes. But in this specific situation the law is clear, if somebody is raped she/he needs to be given proper justice, there is no open interpretation for it. Victim is victim, do you really think other forms of law have been implemented properly in these countires? Shall we condemn the authorities for their short comings(and also corruption) or condemn the law written in the books? It's all corruption and unaccountability which is causing problems.

But again, if i see any peice to suggest Sharia orders to punish rape victim i will accept your arguments.
well lets see, the three countries that have/had shria kill rape victims. Iran, Saudi Arabia and the taliban. Each one of them follows their own version of Islam but they all agree on killing the victim.

i asked you a very simple question.. u should have answered that instead of again ranting..

Its not like that apart from these three countries Saudi Arabia, Iran Taliban (not sure if its ever was a country) rest of the world is paradise.

Hitler killed lot of Jews, tried to conquer the world in a process killed lot of innocent people. He was Roman Catholic.

Benito Mussolini a Roman Catholic, Athiest

Blame their thoughts on christianity.
I dont know how many times do we have to go that line to prove that terrorism does not have religion.

Wrong doings of some individuals cannot be blammed on the religion..\

Get a life get a brain stop trolling

well i would suggest you do the same in your country where a lot of your own countrymen are complaining about the same issue.

Either you don't live in this part of the world or you really are totally disillusioned about how this system of third world democracy works.

well sorry sir thank you we are fine with 2010 3rd world democracy we dont need saudia's middle ages system.

well i would suggest you do the same in your country where a lot of your own countrymen are complaining about the same issue.

Either you don't live in this part of the world or you really are totally disillusioned about how this system of third world democracy works.
yes i live in India.
No im not delusional.
if people my aged(17)and in the 16-30 group in the south east Asian region loose faith that their vote can make a make a difference then they their respective nations and that entire generation and many generations to come face a very very bleak future (assuming democracy is present) .
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