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Dreaming India super power by 2020

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May 4, 2010
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India Vision - Dreaming India super power by 2020

This website is created for discussing strategies for building India a super power by 2020. We should work on fulfilling the dream of Dr A P J Abdul Kalam.

I invite all Indian youths and NRIs to join and share their views.

This vision of developed nation needs to be achieved with Parliamentary democracy, which is the core of our governance system. The basic structure of our Constitution has stood the test of time. I am confident that it will continue to be responsive to the demands of changing situations. The first and foremost task is to respect and uphold the Constitutional processes, in the best interest of our people and our nation, without fear or favour and with fairness and firmness.

India is a Union of States based on the framework of co-operative federalism. Within the co-operative framework, there is also a requirement to develop competitive strengths for the States so that they can excel at the national level and the global level. Competitiveness helps in ensuring economic and managerial efficiency and to be creative to meet new challenges. These are essential to survive and prosper in a fast changing world of today. In addition, in order to strengthen democratic processes and institution, we should all truly strive for substantive decentralisation.

I wish to emphasise my unflinching commitment to the principle of secularism, which is the cornerstone of our nationhood and which is the key feature of our civilisational strength. During the last one year I met a number of spiritual leaders of all religions. They all echoed one message, that is, unity of minds and hearts of our peple will happen and we will see the golden age of our country, very soon. I would like to endeavour to work for bringing about unity of minds among the divergent traditions of our country.

Along with speedy development aimed at elimination of poverty and unemployment, national security has to be recognised by every Indian as a national priority. Indeed, making India strong and self reliant -- economically, socially and militarily -- is our foremost duty to our motherland and to ourselves and to our future generations.

When the child is empowered by the parents, at various phases of growth, the child transforms into a responsible citizen. When the teacher is empowered with knowledge and experience, good young human beings with value systems take shape. When individual or a team is empowered with technology, transformation to higher potential for achievement is assured. When the leader of any institution empowers his or her people, leaders are born who can change the nation in multiple areas. When the women are empowered, society with stability gets assured. When the politcal leaders of the nation empower the people through visionary policies, the prosperity of the nation is certain. The medium for transformation to developed India is the empowerment at various levels with power of knowledge. A roadmap of realising this vision of developed India is in front of us.

At this juncture, I recall a beautiful though of Dr G G Swell, an eminent leader from the North East: "We must have a mental infrastructure. Mental infrastructure means sincerity of purpose, of vision, or purity of heart and mind."

When I travel across our nation, when I hear the sound of waves of the three seas around the shores of my country, when I experience the breeze of wind from the mighty Himalayas, when I see the bio-diversity of North-East and our islands and when I feel the warmth from the western desert, I hear the voice of the youth: "When can I sing the song of India?" What can be the answer? I have so far interacted with over 50,000 school children during the past one year. I would like to share with you my answer to the urge of these children. If youth have to sing the song of India, India should become a developed country which is free from poverty, illiteracy and unemployment and is buoyant with economic prosperity, national security and internal harmony.

To create this transformation we all have to resolve ourselves to work and sweat for the national development. I would like to share the song of youth, which I normally recite with the school children, here at this juncture. I am very happy to see the children present here representing the future generation. Through them I would like to convey the song of youth to all children of our country and the people.

As a young citizen of India, armed with technology, knowledge and love for my nation, I realise, small aim is a crime.
I will work and sweat for a great vision, the vision of transforming India into a developed nation, powered by economic strength with value system.
I am one of the citizens of billion; Only the vision will ignite the billion souls.
It has entered into me; The ignited soul compared to any resource is the most powerful resource on the earth, above the earth under the earth.
I will keep the lamp of knowledge burning to achieve the vision - Developed India.
If we work and sweat for the great vision with ignited minds, the transformation leading to birth of vibrant developed India will happen. This song, when sung in our own beautiful languages will unite our minds for action.
A nice article.

India according to me is doing good at the moment. We are employing the best of techniques to get education to the rural sections through internet and computers.

Unemployment is being fought through govt programs.

What is missing is just the passion in the hearts of the citizens to make this effort succeed. Indians are way to be busy with their own lives to think about their country for a second. They are competing with each other, thinking about themselves, not their nation as a whole.

Its time we as Indians unite and join each other. We need to do every bit and help the needed, if not financially at least socially.
there are 2 indias in the world.

one is the india of the media. prosperous, on the way up, powerful, filled with middle class english speaking IT professionals.

one is the india of reality. a harsh, unforgiving land of merciless landlords, crime, terrorism, 3rd world starvation and disease.

Knowledge Professionals

With India poised to be US$ 70 billion software market in 2009, providing direct employment to more than 2.2 million (and nearly twice the number by way of indirect employment), it is essential to strengthen professional education (through curricula, faculty, infrastructure, pedagogy improvements) in line with the IT industry’s requirements and further catalyze the interface between the academia and corporate/industry.

Two million slum children die every year as India booms | World news | The Observer

Every year, a number of children equal to the number of total IT professionals in india DIE. how many could have become the next generation of computer engineers? who knows. they never had the chance to even understand what a computer was.
India has a broad vision of 2020, But achieving the status of the So called Superpower Is Beyond the vision....

We can become an Economic superpower By 2020, We will have less than 10% poverty by 2020 as per the finance ministers reports submitted along with the budget.....

We have a Huge IT , We are Now an Industrialized Nation, We Are one among the countries Who have progressed In The field of Space Research(Becoming a space Power or Giant) , India as Many refuse to Know about, Is Already on the Path of sharing the Multi Polar world as One among the Major super power's... I would call my country Superpower Only when we have a GDP per capita of 10-15k US$...

We are Not a Sleeping Giant, we are roaring ahead,But Refusal Of others has only made us more faster and move smooth ahead...
india is growing and making progress

but superpower by 2020..

be just a little bit realistic please.
Inclusive growth is more important than being a superpower at present. When the marginalized sections of society are empowered economically and socially, ti will automatically translate to power at the national level
India may be lot more developed by 2020 what does mean by 'superpower'? Military powers? than yes. But if it is a superpower like USA in all way than not possible by 2020.
What can be that vision? It can be none other than transforming India into a developed nation. Can the government alone achieve this vision? Now, we need a movement in the country. This is the time to ignite the minds of the people for this movement. We will work for it. We cannot emerge as a developed nation if we do not learn to transact with speed. I recall the saintly poet Kabir's wisdom to us: "Kaal kare so aaj kar, aaj kare so ab". that means, "What you want to do tomorrow do it today, and what you want to do today do it now.":cheers::china:
Superpower means different for different people. Yes India cannot probably take over the world in the next 100 years probably and while you may disagree with the liberal usage of the word Super - India is and if it continues will become a Power.

It's power projection would definitely adversely affect Pakistan and on a much lesser scale China.

Our foreign policy or India policy makers should give this Indian dream some respect so the future can be managed accordingly.
Kalam Saab's main vision is to see India as super power by 2020 in terms of Knowledge.

This knowledge transforms to the welfare of the society, economics and the world standing.

India never has been a proactive power projector, that is why it is still a country which depends on others for defence needs. Even now it does not want to be seen as defence exporter.

Even in earlier days (refer to all travellers, invaders, ambassadors), India was known for wisdom and wealth.

The main aim in Kalam saab's vision is to reach the same destination.

We do not want to be known as superpower in defence or super power in aggressiveness - majority is against these.

Yes we want to be super power in knowledge (one among many), super power in technology, super power in economics.

Knowledge is the first stepping stone and Kalam saab knows this and so he nurtures the young minds

This 2020 idea by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was given in the year 2000. But we have wasted 10 years specially criminal wastage of last 5 years due to communist partner in govt.

India will have about cent per cent literacy, no person below the poverty line.

By 2020 our economy will be around US$ 3 trillion. :cheers:

Our Army will truly be 2nd largest in the world in all the capacities. :cheers:

Our Air Force will truly be 4th largest in the world in all the capacities. :cheers:

Our Navy will truly be 3nd largest in the world in all the capacities. :cheers:

Indian companies will be ruling the market of the world and there will be dozens of new billionaires. :cheers:

There will be strong and prosperous pool of People of Indian origin all over the world. :cheers:

Biggest pool of scientist, Engineers and Doctors in the world. :cheers:

Our food, yoga, culture, Bollywood will be more and more popular. :cheers:

So, we will have all the indigents of a probable super power economical power, cultural power and military power.

And by the year 2030 India will be superpower for sure.
This 2020 idea by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was given in the year 2000. But we have wasted 10 years specially criminal wastage of last 5 years due to communist partner in govt.

India will have about cent per cent literacy, no person below the poverty line.

By 2020 our economy will be around US$ 3 trillion. :cheers:

Our Army will truly be 2nd largest in the world in all the capacities. :cheers:

Our Air Force will truly be 4th largest in the world in all the capacities. :cheers:

Our Navy will truly be 3nd largest in the world in all the capacities. :cheers:

Indian companies will be ruling the market of the world and there will be dozens of new billionaires. :cheers:

There will be strong and prosperous pool of People of Indian origin all over the world. :cheers:

Biggest pool of scientist, Engineers and Doctors in the world. :cheers:

Our food, yoga, culture, Bollywood will be more and more popular. :cheers:

So, we will have all the indigents of a probable super power economical power, cultural power and military power.

And by the year 2030 India will be superpower for sure.

Quanity is not important anymore in modern warfare.
its about skillz and quality.
something india has far away from it.
also how do you it will have most scienist doctors and stuff?
how do you know bollywood and stuff will be the most popular?
i really wonder where you get these informations
Education and Health infrastructure is the only way to push India on a high growth trajectory with inclusive growth...

Push there and you will see results in 10-15 years time...
Superpower means different for different people. Yes India cannot probably take over the world in the next 100 years probably and while you may disagree with the liberal usage of the word Super - India is and if it continues will become a Power.

It's power projection would definitely adversely affect Pakistan and on a much lesser scale China.

Our foreign policy or India policy makers should give this Indian dream some respect so the future can be managed accordingly.

Nopes they are busy thinking that india is going to broken into 50 independent countries on its own in the coming days. and at the end of day it is always good for us to have a ill informed enemy. media in pakistan has played a major role for India to project India as someone which is powerless and can be taken over easily where as the Indian media has continuously been busy showing all sort of power projections from pakistan and bashing India in terms of missiles to other things. that makes the relevent departments do some introspection because at the end of the day they need to report to government and government to people.
we loose a match and see the Indian media they will the rape the players on TV building so much pressure that loosing is not left with the option.

on the other hand media in pakistan has been busy in false power projection and inducing fake sense of security among the people. so there is no one actually to question the authorities because no one actually knows ..............
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