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Here's how US fifth-generation aircraft would win in a war against China

Japan never says she wants to nuke China.

In contrast Chinese posters here and there repeatedly threaten to nuke Japan, wiping out Japanese populace.

as for second strike capability, Japan has enough submarines that can launch missiles through torpedo tubes. Or she can develop nuclear submarines. Considering her industrial prowess that should not be a problem.

I don't bother to mention Chinese idiots here also threatened to nuke Vietnam, exterminating the entire Vietnamese population. So many Chinese posters some days ago.

And Japan also says it will never aquire nuclear weapon. If they don't do what they say, then how relevant is what they've said anyway.

If you think its that easy, then India and Pakistan would already be fielding them. Japan might have industrial prowess, but US has kept crucial military technology from them in case you don't know.

As to Vietnam, how relevant is what people say on the internet? If that's what you go by, then Vietnam would be in war with all of its neighbors.
Are you really a think tank or just a fooling troller?

Why should the Philippines attack China?
the US only comes to rescue if the Philippines are under attack.

a military alliance would loose her credibility if she fails to act decisively against external aggression.

How about you test the NATO?
Why don't you start a war against a weak member of the NATO, let say, the Netherlands?

You forgot we took a lot of islands in Spratlys in return.

Why do you guys always suspect China does not dare to fight USA ?

We had did that for few times . Remember ?

Are you really so naive to believe NATO?

It is just a piece of paper .

Look at Turkey ! It 's a member of NATO and USA tries to topple down Erdogan.

Why don't you start a war against NATO ?

The answer is FK no . They spend huge amount of money to buy made in China.

You should ask Phi "why don't you start a war against China? You have a giant ally called Uncle sam." .
Yes on topic. Have you and other Chinese posters cheered Donald Trump recently? Haven't you read his foreign policy for Asia?

Chinese nationalists with stupid actions and provocations give the US neocons all the reasons to turn East Asia into a place similar to Middle East, with bloodshed as daily bread.

Trump hates everybody except the white male. He is the last chance for the White man to own the US regime. Otherwise, if he loses this time, the US is no longer a happy place for the White.

They will be harassed, checked and pushed aside. Even Michelle Obama yesterday said 'I live in a house built by slaves.'

Race is the new language in the US. And the rhetoric is filled with hate against everybody domestic and foreign. Not just China.

Anytime Trump mentions China, he adds the Japanese and Korean, to ensure fairness. Hence, the rise of Trump has little to do with China.

Trump also hates TPP and, it turns out, Hillary, as well, after she sees anti-TPP and anti-Asia sell well in US politics.

East Asia is without blood and turmoil only because there is China. Otherwise, the US would rein free in the region like it did in Latin America or it does in the Middle East.

You need to appreciate China's presence.

Japan never says she wants to nuke China.

In contrast Chinese posters here and there repeatedly threaten to nuke Japan, wiping out Japanese populace.

as for second strike capability, Japan has enough submarines that can launch missiles through torpedo tubes. Or she can develop nuclear submarines. Considering her industrial prowess that should not be a problem.

I don't bother to mention Chinese idiots here also threatened to nuke Vietnam, exterminating the entire Vietnamese population. So many Chinese posters some days ago.

Do not take internet bravado too seriously.

They are not here, but Japanese ultra-nationalists also share crazy imaginative stuff. Your nuclear Japan theory in fact falls in the same category and defies all the practical and theoretical logic.

The fact is CN is in no mood to fire at anybody, let alone bringing nukes into the debate. All it wants is to ensure second strike capability, which leaves many small countries like VN and medium ones like JP out of equation, which do not own first strike capability, let alone second strike capacity.

China's nuke capability has been built and developed with only one (or two) potential adversary in mind. It is not an instrument for regional geopolitics.

Why do you guys always suspect China does not dare to fight USA ?

We had did that for few times . Remember ?

Are you really so naive to believe NATO?

It is just a piece of paper .

Look at Turkey ! It 's a member of NATO and USA tries to topple down Erdogan.

Why don't you start a war against NATO ?

The answer is FK no . They spend huge amount of money to buy made in China.

You should ask Phi "why don't you start a war against China? You have a giant ally called Uncle sam." .

In fact, Trump is promising to dump the free-riders on NATO if they fail to live up to their fair share of payment.
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Trump hates everybody except the white male. He is the last chance for the White man to own the US regime. Otherwise, if he loses this time, the US is no longer a happy place for the White.

They will be harassed, checked and pushed aside. Even Michelle Obama yesterday said 'I live in a house built by slaves.'

Race is the new language in the US. And the rhetoric is filled with hate against everybody. Not just China.

Anytime Trump mentions China, he adds the Japanese and Korean, to ensure fairness. Hence, the rise of Trump has little to do with China.

Trump also hates TPP and, it turns out, Hillary, as well, after she sees anti-TPP and anti-Asia sell well in US politics.

East Asia is without blood and turmoil only because there is China. Otherwise, the US would rein free in the region like it did in Latin America or it does in the Middle East.

You need to appreciate China's presence.

Do not take internet bravado too seriously.

They are not here, but Japanese ultra-nationalists also share crazy imaginative stuff. Your nuclear Japan theory in fact falls in the same category and defies all the practical and theoretical logic.

The fact is CN is in no mood to fire at anybody, let alone bringing nukes into the debate. All it wants is to ensure second strike capability, which leaves many small countries like VN and medium ones like JP out of equation, which do not own first strike capability, let alone second strike capacity.

In fact, Trump is promising to dump the free-riders on NATO if they fail to live up to their fair share of payment.
Now the big boss wants the protection fee.:woot:
I strongly advice our American friend to stop with the saber rattling, war mongering, or threat of force and get back to the cooperative nature of a win-win situation. This feel-good article will do nothing but bring imaginary victory for the neocon. You know where our house is. It is pretty big, so let stop pretending our house is small, alright?
How come the article only mentions about Chinese SAM systems and not PLAAF? The time frame that the article mentions is relatively the same when China will also have J-20, not to mention other 4th generation (5th Generation of West) programs running like J-31.
So why would China rely only on ballistic missiles to take out enemy bases and deplete its stock as the author believes and not use its air force specially for targets such as Taiwan and South China sea?
America is all talk, no action, just like india. American pdf members needs to stop daydreaming, it's simply embarrassing.

Daydreaming is the only thing US military can do against China nowadays.

As I said in a previous post, China is openly challenging the US in the SCS and the US can't find its balls to stop China from developing those islands and militarising them.

If this was a small country with a weak military, the US would have already destroyed the island facilities. This is China they are dealing with.

The US is too scared to get into a war with China, that's why all the hot air comes from the US all the while China continues to develop and militarise the SCS.

There ain't a damn thing anyone can do to stop China :coffee:
In a conflict it is not just a single platform that makes the difference.

IF the assumption is that China will just sit still let the opponent do whatever it wants and say thank you for your agression is simply stupid.

It is just one of those silly articles that keep coming... there is a lot of money to be made by buildiing more useless weapons.

China threat has never been bad for weapons industry..

Americans must spend money on iinfrastructure, education and healthcare. That is the best for the american peoples.

China can defend itself even iff all the weapons were unleashed on the mainland.

Just non-constructive chest beating article.

When are we going to read an article which says how the cooperation between the two great powers will transform the world?

Obviously, you are not much of a student of military history.

For you -- yes.

Dear Gambit, you are highly valued for your insights and professional knowledge!


Always educational to read your good posts when not bothered by politics.

Certainly, not a student of war. More of economy and development.

What is wrong with cooperation?

When no offence is directed to your good country, why take one.

Bless you for your knowledge and good analyses.

Keep up the good work.

Now back to constructive engagement, shall we?
That would not be contsructive then. Would it?
Yes, it would be constructive if you do not speak of military issues.

It is common sense. I am ignorant of brain surgery so I do not talk as if I am even a regular doctor. On the other hand, I am a gun owner, so absolutely I can talk about guns. I am also a motorcyclist, so I can talk about motorcycles and motorcycling. Do you understand ?
As I said, there are no way China can wage a war that can threaten Mainland United States, to do that, the Chinese either need to conquer the whole pacific and destroy the US Pacific Fleet (Which is itself impossible) or coercer or force Russia to allow to use it land as a spring board and attack via Alaska/Canada (Which have a lot of ground to cover)

On the other hand, US can always wage a limited War with China within or near the Chinese Soil, and if this is the case, even if US lose this war (Which is highly probable) China would still lose the conflict. Simply because such war will draw China back at least 20 years of development given that most developed cities in China lay in their coastal region, let alone the economic support it enjoy by the west now would be gone.

It is quite stupid for any side to start a war with each other, but if it does, China will lose more than just men and equipment. While US mainland would mostly escape unhurt. So for them equipment lose can be quickly replace, where China cannot.
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