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How PAF Prevented an Israeli Attack on Pakistan's Nuclear Assets

Israel was already nuclear power at 80's.
Attackin it's nuclear plant would be a suicide attack by Pakistanies.

Pakistan began development of nuclear weapons in 1972 and Pakistan developing the capability to detonate a nuclear bomb by the end of 1984.
If you have a problem with your wife do you ask your neighbor to come and solve it??
And beside what actual support we are getting from the arabs on Kashmir ?? beside useless OIC resolutions?
As a Muslim, It is my responsibility to help my fellow brothers.

I think its time you put your country first. What has the Palestinian issue given to your country since the creation of your country? Nothing!! While the Saudis, Turks, and majority of other Muslim countries have enjoyed working with the Israelis. Have you solved the Kashmir problem in the past 70 years, even with so many wars and conflicts? Not sure when Pakistanis will learn that the diplomatic relations is the only way to live and get things accomplished in today's globe.

The only fact relevant here is that if there were more Muslim countries friends with Israel, you could use the diplomatic ties to create some solution to this. Israel is a huge military power and it doesn't care about one or ten countries, like Pakistan doesn't care about even the US when it comes to their own national interests. So, the ONLY pressure you use can use, is a pressure through peaceful negotiations and through using diplomatic relations.
So tell me how has our negotiations on Kashmir with India are going? The part of Kashmir we currently have was by armed struggle...FYI...

I am all to set diplomatic ties but doing it now will only weaken the position of Palestine which the UN and the superpower already do not care...
Pakistan will not abandon its support for Palestine or Kashmir...
You can have your own opinion but I think Pakistan Government knows to whom they should have relations and with whom they shouldn't. They will have relations when that seems okay by our FO...BTW Israel and Indian cooperation will not help you to create diplomatic relations with Pakistan.
Pakistan began development of nuclear weapons in 1972
Israel had active nuclear plant according to foreign reports in the 60's and had nuclear warheads by the six day war in 67.
still doesn't change the fact that it would've been a suicide attack by the Pakistanies.
So stop introduce B.S to this thread, there's enough of it
Some Pakistanies are complaining about Israelies selling weapons to India, but yet they don't even acknowledge israel's existence. Why would they expect?

Yea, its funny with the Pakistanis. Sadly, when a nation hasn't seen a real civilian system work in the past 70 years, and just the military rule showing whatever they needed to show through controlled media, you'd have a nation that won't realize the potential for diplomatic relationships, and the potential to grow within themselves as a nation. Because they've gotten so used to the forceful and harsh military rule. While I say this, I would say, that the military of Pakistan has accomplished great achievements in the war on terror in the past 4 years or so. Which tells you everything works well in what they specialize in, i.e. military securing the country and civilians running the country and growing the economy.

Let's hope the current political system which has established a lot of credibility actually continues and soon, the entire country will start to turn democratic (recent poles showed 84% people wanted democracy in Pakistan a few weeks ago). With terrorism being eliminated, there should be more stability and prosperity inside Pakistan for an average person. Hopefully, they'll start to overcome their issues with Israel and other countries soon, and will actually focus on how to benefit from each other through business and trade.
Israel was already nuclear power at 80's.
Attackin it's nuclear plant would be a suicide attack by Pakistanies.

Well dont you know as a nation, suicide it our national industry..we preach it everywhere...from school to military...dying in Jihad is the highest honour..no wonder we are so f/cked up mentally..that we do not cherish life...

What timeframe was this?

Bashar of Syria and Saddam of Iraq..both have been anti-Pakistan...read up history...You as a mod ought to know better...
Yea, its funny with the Pakistanis. Sadly, when a nation hasn't seen a real civilian system work in the past 70 years, and just the military rule showing whatever they needed to show through controlled media, you'd have a nation that won't realize the potential for diplomatic relationships, and the potential to grow within themselves as a nation. Because they've gotten so used to the forceful and harsh military rule. While I say this, I would say, that the military of Pakistan has accomplished great achievements in the war on terror in the past 4 years or so. Which tells you everything works well in what they specialize in, i.e. military securing the country and civilians running the country and growing the economy.

Let's hope the current political system which has established a lot of credibility actually continues and soon, the entire country will start to turn democratic (recent poles showed 84% people wanted democracy in Pakistan a few weeks ago). With terrorism being eliminated, there should be more stability and prosperity inside Pakistan for an average person. Hopefully, they'll start to overcome their issues with Israel and other countries soon, and will actually focus on how to benefit from each other through business and trade.
I don't think Israel nor India is the biggest enemy of Pakistan.
The real enemy it faces is within,the sooner they'll figure it out, the better in my opinion
Israel had active nuclear plant according to foreign reports in the 60's and had nuclear warheads by the six day war in 67
Israel had active nuclear plant according to foreign reports in the 60's and had nuclear warheads by the six day war in 67.
still doesn't change the fact that it would've been a suicide attack by the Pakistanies.
So stop introduce B.S to this thread, there's enough of it

And in this B.S you will not get out that easy either!
And in this B.S you will not get out that easy either!
You can believe that Israel is none nuclear country for all I care.
Whatever You say. I guess only Israel is correct on what it says while the whole world tells a different story.

BTW, do you accept that Israel planned or wanted to attack Pakistan Nuclear Facilities? I bet you are still living in denial i.e. the answer will be no just like you disregard the truth in every matter.
Show me facts, and maybe I will. for now only guesses and speculations were thrown here.
And as for attack Israel after it has achieved it's nuclear warheads.
I don't think Pakistan would risk it, nor should they.
Any sane nation wouldn't
I don't think Israel nor India is the biggest enemy of Pakistan.
The real enemy it faces is within,the sooner they'll figure it out, the better in my opinion
Oh Israel isn't.... But officially India is...
Well The enemy within is supported by the enemies outside...TTP etc..

Show me facts, and maybe I will. for now only guesses and speculations were thrown here.
Oh I wonder will you accept the facts no matter who authentic they might be? Someone who denies the obvious is not easy to be convinced...

Please answer the second part of #414...
Oh Israel isn't.... But officially India is...
Well The enemy within is supported by the enemies outside...TTP etc..
The enemy I was reffering to is the lack of utilizating your most valued resource, your population

Oh Israel isn't.... But officially India is...
Well The enemy within is supported by the enemies outside...TTP etc..

Oh I wonder will you accept the facts no matter who authentic they might be? Someone who denies the obvious is not easy to be convinced...

Please answer the second part of #414...
But it does matter from where they came from, it has to be reliable o_O
The enemy I was reffering to is the lack of utilizating your most valued resource, your population

if you think that is the biggest enemy. You are wrong...Maybe we will know better who is our enemy than you? Wouldn't we?
I don't think Israel nor India is the biggest enemy of Pakistan.
The real enemy it faces is within,the sooner they'll figure it out, the better in my opinion

You see imaginary threat perception can be lethal..and the case of Pakistan will be taught for decades in military academies as a country gone delusional on national scale...breeding its own death by raising suicide terror squads..these kids entered into madrasas were raised their entire life on a fine dose of Jihad, the chance of battle against evil hindo kafir India..and dying in this war for the highest rewards in paradise..but then like all fairly tales..the reality never materialized..and here you have sitting thousands of cadres...on high dose of jihad waiting for their pay day....eventually everyone gives up in frustration and goes crazy!
Bashar of Syria and Saddam of Iraq..both have been anti-Pakistan...read up history...You as a mod ought to know better...
Please keep your smart alec remarks to yourself, bring proofs to your claims. I suggest you read up on history and look at deputations carried out within timeframes to these countries.
So tell me how has our negotiations on Kashmir with India are going? The part of Kashmir we currently have was by armed struggle...FYI...

Are you sure you want me to tell you the truth? 99% of humans get pissed off when they hear the truth. The truth is, there were three times in each civilian government's previous tiny cycle, where this issue came close to a civil resolution (meaning without a war). And it was on equal terms as India wasn't as powerful as it is today. Now, the Pakistani military even knows the massive imbalance that exists between the two nations and its growing by every month and at a very fast race!

India, just last month signed more deals than the entire defense budget of Pakistan for an entire year. So you've lost that "equality" that was there 20 years ago. Now, more than likely, Kashmir will be settled on terms of "as-is" meaning the current boundaries will become permanent. Macho talk is all different, but simply put (militarily), Pakistan has no offensive means to "get Kashmir" anymore. Does that tell you where the Kashmir situation is? Reality is a bi**h and the sooner you wake up to it, the better it is.

Pakistan will not abandon its support for Palestine or Kashmir...

What support..? Pakistani Civil and Military leaders are now constantly asking the US to help put a line in the sand as Pakistan needs to focus on her economy and it has no ability to even come close to a continued arms race in this region. You can't ever get offensive with $ 8-10 billion defense budget compared to a $ 50-75 billion defense budget with 3:1 odds in India's favor.

Similarly, what "support" for the Palestinians? What is it that Pakistan has done that was so great for the Palestinians beyond talking points? The best thing for the Palestinians is if like Turkey, Pakistan became Israel's friend and pursued her towards establishing a two state solution and helped in that process. In both scenarios above, only fools can think about anything but diplomatic option.

IMO, Pakistan has a huge talent base, and Israel can help in pushing that talent base to a better use through offering technology and other stuff. Remember, Israel is all about business and establishing ties with Muslim countries. And like Israel, Pakistan is also a nuke power in the Muslim world (and the only one). So two can join hands and do a lot of good for the world.

You can have your own opinion but I think Pakistan Government knows to whom they should have relations and with whom they shouldn't.

I am glad you said that. When General Musharraff went to his one of the first mainstream tours to the US, who did he address? And spent about 80% of the time with? The American Jewish community and in his words "he was honored to address the "distinguished" American Jewish community" (I witnessed this statement). Now this was the Army Chief of Pakistan and the President......does it show where they were leaning like 10 years ago? Same thing I said above, towards establishing diplomatic relations with Israel. But each time someone tried, they somehow had to surrender to the hardliners inside Pakistan.

I hope I was able to clarify are few things for you. I say its time you take your country back from the hardliners and take her to where the potential for your country exists, way up the ladder from where it is today!!

I don't think Israel nor India is the biggest enemy of Pakistan.
The real enemy it faces is within,the sooner they'll figure it out, the better in my opinion

Absolutely agreed. Pakistan is a nuke power like India and Israel with plenty of "delivery systems" in place. So they need to get comfortable in their skin and realize no one wants a nuke conflict. Once the sense of security settles in, they, then, have to take a holistic look around and realize what have the past 65 years been? IMO, a total mess if you look at the human development, country's infrastructure (till 4 years ago, jobs, education, etc, etc).

Which then takes me back to my core point, focus on expanding the economy and strengthening the civilian system. When average Pakistanis (like average Indians, Israelis and Americans) have opportunities inside Pakistan, and the hard-line mentality you see in some on here or inside Pakistan dissipates, that's progress and it will take this country to places.

Joining hands (even for business and trade) with Israel will allow Pakistan to develop much faster. They don't have to do military cooperation if they aren't comfortable in the beginning, they can start with trade and business and see the results of joining hands. Through Pakistan, Israel can gain influence (Trade wise) to the Middle Eastern markets, and through Israel, Pakistan can work with the EU and the US much beyond where they can ever get to (compare to today's situation). Its a win win for the entire globe.
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