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Attack on CRPF bus in occupied J&K, 8 jawans killed; 2 freedom fighters shot dead

Im trying to understand this , when every citizen of Pakistan knows that their lands are host to Kashmiri militants , then why The Govt of Pakistan not openly and officially acknowledge this to the World?
Government of Pakistan is not related to it. :) They can just control the intensity of it only to maintain good relation with you, for trade and business. I hope you will understand it.
Zayd ibn Aslam, from his father, that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu `alayhe
wassallam) said: "Jihad will remain fresh and green as long as raindrops fall
from the sky
. And there will come upon the people a time when Qur’an reciters
from among them will say: "This is not the time of Jihad." So whoever comes to
that time, then it is the best time for Jihad." They said: "O Messenger of Allah,
would someone really say that?" He said: "Yes, the one whom Allah has cursed,
and the angels and all of mankind,
[Narrated by Ibn Zamneen in Usoolus-Sunnah Mursalan, and narrated by Ibn `Asaakir Marfoo`an from
Anas (radiyallaahu `anhu).]

Elimination of ideology is not possible until some one stops raindrops from sky. :)
I have a better option for your,"Withdraw your troops from holy land otherwise your own bullets are waiting for you."

And Indian Army has sworn Jihad against those who defile the teachings of Quran which encourage the true believer to carry out a jihad against his/her own ignorance and let the disbeliever be .....

You yourself do not know what jihad is ... lol
RIP Jawans.

Neadless to say what needs to be done,i hope NGO's silent today will remain so then too.

So u want NGOS to talk against to speak for occupation forces ? They are getting killed due only due to the fact they occupied the land .
Did you actually think we are soo care about that ?
You have mistaken.

You can call it in anyway you want .But if it serves our national interest we will do that .If a war serves that we will unleash the war .It all depends on our national interest .
Your forces will pay the tribute for your national interests. Don't underestimate and ignore the rise of power.
From Pakistani point of view Sir we are ready for the final Armageddon.

Sir, with due respect, we, that is people like me are bored stiff of this useless nonsense. You have your nukes, you have your first strike, you have an excellent history of running an insurgency in Afghanistan and Kashmir, you have the necessary infrastructure to increase/escalate the level of violence, you have enough volunteers for same. In short, you have all the conditions in your favour to apparently achieve your objective, you have the so called popular support in kashmir valley too, yet you are sitting and twiddling your thumbs, why?

So mere rhetoric on a forum does not eradicate facts which professionals in your armed forces are only too well aware of. You simply do not have what it shall take to achieve your objectives.

You and I know what Guerrilla warfare is .. unlike your thread the other day which had us fighting 'Gorilla Warfare'.

Need I quote Liddell Hart on Guerrilla Warfare? Aren't we, as an armed forces, doing a textbook operation in Kashmir?

A nation decides its political objectives and deploys it military in order to attain them. Costs are insignificant for us. Manpower and finance is never an issue for us, we have time, resources and manpower in our favour. You, on the other hand, have nothing in your favour sir.

Your forces will pay the tribute for your national interests. Don't underestimate and ignore the rise of power.

And if one fall thousands others are ready to pay the tribute ,that even voluntarilly.
Unlike them we have technology .
And if one fall thousands others are ready to pay the tribute ,that even voluntarilly.
Unlike them we have technology .
Same for our side.
USA and allies are more technologically advanced. Result in front of you. :)
Sir, with due respect, we, that is people like me are bored stiff of this useless nonsense. You have your nukes, you have your first strike, you have an excellent history of running an insurgency in Afghanistan and Kashmir, you have the necessary infrastructure to increase/escalate the level of violence, you have enough volunteers for same. In short, you have all the conditions in your favour to apparently achieve your objective, you have the so called popular support in kashmir valley too, yet you are sitting and twiddling your thumbs, why?

So mere rhetoric on a forum does not eradicate facts which professionals in your armed forces are only too well aware of. You simply do not have what it shall take to achieve your objectives.

You and I know what Guerrilla warfare is .. unlike your thread the other day which had us fighting 'Gorilla Warfare'.

Need I quote Liddell Hart on Guerrilla Warfare? Aren't we, as an armed forces, doing a textbook operation in Kashmir?

A nation decides its political objectives and deploys it military in order to attain them. Costs are insignificant for us. Manpower and finance is never an issue for us, we have time, resources and manpower in our favour. You, on the other hand, have nothing in your favour sir.

What you say already happening but what i post it is in response to other post. I said we avoid war on Siachin same on Kargil which proves Pakistan didn’t want war but if war imposed on us (because of Kashmir situation) then we are ready.
Is it a joke???
No not at all Fighter captures Indian abandoned posts (which is Indian Intelligence failure) then Indian starts bombing our positions...which you can say India dragged us on Kargil to get the worlds sympathy. So we have to move our troops in retaliation to help the fighters.
which you can say India dragged us on Kargil to get the worlds sympathy.

With all due respect, I found this piece funny.....And i liked the way you blamed India for even Kargil....... (normally my friends from pakistan other than you have always treated kargil different from other wars)..... Never mind everyone has their own views, some of them would be right, some would be stupid.....
I find the same from Indian side.

That is a universal truth (not specific to you or Indians in general)....and that is not the point we are discussing by the way.....

What he said

Its a FACT that u denied that the NLI was involved, and even denied taking bodies of your fallen soilders
Normally I don't reply to trolls and stupid person but on this thread I have to as I said earlier once Indian started to bomb our posts we have to send our troops / NLI to help the fighters in retaliation..
Normally I don't reply to trolls and stupid person but on this thread I have to as I said earlier once Indian started to bomb our posts we have to send our troops / NLI to help the fighters in retaliation..

There is enough materials in the forum (if you wish to read), some of them are independent, and some are from your own retired military guys.....Spend some time and update yourself......

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