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Attack on CRPF bus in occupied J&K, 8 jawans killed; 2 freedom fighters shot dead

And there we have an answer... U have proved that u yourself have no answer to what you are saying ! Thank you!

As i thought, we have all the brains gathered here, now let me ask you, there are daily rapes taking place in India, why did the Swiss case made such big headlines.....now let me spoon feed you,.....have any Indian performers or players ever threatened in Pakistan, as your people often show your hospitality to the Pakistani artists.....get the drift now. !!!!
My contacts from the Lucknow Peoples Independence Group do not agree with the statistic that 2 militants were killed and are saying Indian forces punished local civilians for the act just as they always take their "justice" from innocent civilians.
As i thought, we have all the brains gathered here, now let me ask you, there are daily rapes taking place in India, why did the Swiss case made such big headlines.....now let me spoon feed you,.....have any Indian performers or players ever threatened in Pakistan, as your people often show your hospitality to the Pakistani artists.....get the drift now. !!!!
But we didnt kill or assassinate them!!!!!
My contacts from the Lucknow Peoples Independence Group do not agree with the statistic that 2 militants were killed and are saying Indian forces punished local civilians for the act just as they always take their "justice" from innocent civilians.
what on earth is that ?
Sadistic animal mind set will go to any length in stick measuring contest.
One wonders, who is paying this price at unprecedented level.


How is it sadistic to measure terrorism based on terror fatalities?

Even established terror indexes use terror fatalities as a metric



Your Govt lites a fire in Kashmir, India is only enduring heat, while the severe burns are being felt elsewhere in your nation.

Also, how is suicides in military equate to paying price? The primary goal of any Counter-terrorism strategy is reducing civilian fatalities. Its the civilian fatalities that matter to any sane Govt.
About time to reignite Kashmir freedom movement with full force. The monkeys in RAW are getting ahead of themselves when it come to sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan. Keep these mofos busy with their own sh|t back home for the sake of peace in Pakistan. Nagas needs to be activated as well.
We have more Allah followers than you and BTW Allah belongs to all including me. So you can't and should not take the name of Allah.
I want your attention towards something only if your are believer otherwise your fate will be similar to those believe on aggression.

“Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors. And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.” [Al-Qur’an 2:190-191]
RIP killed service men....
Any loss of life either kashmiri people or from occupied forces avoidable if Indian Govt accept peblisite.

I have some questions from you. Even if the answers prove unpalatable, try to answer them:
  1. Are you aware that the decision on accession to either Dominion was purely the wish of the sovereign prince concerned?
  2. Are you aware that accession to the British Crown Colony of India had been suggested by the princes themselves in the First Round Table Conference, and that the Instrument of Accession was originally an annexure to the Government of India Act 1935?
  3. Are you aware that Congress wanted this arbitrary right of the princes to be converted to a plebiscite by the state subjects, and that this was rejected by the others involved?
  4. Are you aware that when the Maharaja of Kashmir acceded to the Dominion of India, there was, per se, no question of taking the opinion of the people, but that this was made a condition by India, and was embodied in the letter of acceptance of the accession, written by the Indian Governor-General to the Maharaja?
  5. Are you aware that the reference by India of this act of aggression by Pakistan to the UN included the proposal to conduct a plebiscite?
  6. Are you aware that by recommending that such a plebiscite be held, the UN was effectively confirming the Indian stand?
  7. Are you aware that a Commission was set up to run the plebiscite, and that this Commission, and that its proceedings are available for reference?
  8. Are you aware that Pakistan refused to comply with the terms of the UN Resolution, and refused to withdraw troops as required by the Resolution?
  9. Are you aware that the possibility of a third solution, to join neither Pakistan nor India but be independent was ruled out by no other than the Pakistani delegate, Sir Zafrullah Khan?
This may help you to understand the demand for a plebiscite and what it might involve.
Last time I checked it was your agency that was crying about RAW, India encircling Pak etc.
Last time i checked it was a vegetarian serving "monky" trying to destabilize Baluchistan from Iran caught red handed
salute to the brave mujahideen freedom fighters.... Death to ugly gangaite oppressor and occupiers...

Applauding the deaths of uniformed personnel performing their duties is tasteless. I would have given you a negative rating without hesitation, but refrained due to your otherwise excellent views.
Last time i checked it was a vegetarian serving "monky" trying to destabilize Baluchistan from Iran caught red handed
That not even made news today
Zayd ibn Aslam, from his father, that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu `alayhe
wassallam) said: "Jihad will remain fresh and green as long as raindrops fall
from the sky
. And there will come upon the people a time when Qur’an reciters
from among them will say: "This is not the time of Jihad." So whoever comes to
that time, then it is the best time for Jihad." They said: "O Messenger of Allah,
would someone really say that?" He said: "Yes, the one whom Allah has cursed,
and the angels and all of mankind,
[Narrated by Ibn Zamneen in Usoolus-Sunnah Mursalan, and narrated by Ibn `Asaakir Marfoo`an from
Anas (radiyallaahu `anhu).]

Elimination of ideology is not possible until some one stops raindrops from sky. :)
I have a better option for your,"Withdraw your troops from holy land otherwise your own bullets are waiting for you."

That is not your holy land. You are not even a Kashmiri.
I have some questions from you. Even if the answers prove unpalatable, try to answer them:
  1. Are you aware that the decision on accession to either Dominion was purely the wish of the sovereign prince concerned?
  2. Are you aware that accession to the British Crown Colony of India had been suggested by the princes themselves in the First Round Table Conference, and that the Instrument of Accession was originally an annexure to the Government of India Act 1935?
  3. Are you aware that Congress wanted this arbitrary right of the princes to be converted to a plebiscite by the state subjects, and that this was rejected by the others involved?
  4. Are you aware that when the Maharaja of Kashmir acceded to the Dominion of India, there was, per se, no question of taking the opinion of the people, but that this was made a condition by India, and was embodied in the letter of acceptance of the accession, written by the Indian Governor-General to the Maharaja?
  5. Are you aware that the reference by India of this act of aggression by Pakistan to the UN included the proposal to conduct a plebiscite?
  6. Are you aware that by recommending that such a plebiscite be held, the UN was effectively confirming the Indian stand?
  7. Are you aware that a Commission was set up to run the plebiscite, and that this Commission, and that its proceedings are available for reference?
  8. Are you aware that Pakistan refused to comply with the terms of the UN Resolution, and refused to withdraw troops as required by the Resolution?
  9. Are you aware that the possibility of a third solution, to join neither Pakistan nor India but be independent was ruled out by no other than the Pakistani delegate, Sir Zafrullah Khan?
This may help you to understand the demand for a plebiscite and what it might involve.
Without reading your beautifully written post with due respect I would like to answer you in a very short note that Kashmiri people struggling since Dogra raj long before struggle started for Pakistan / India independence it is their right to choose what they want nobody can impose their decision on them. And refusing them their rights bring more violence more death or the mass genocide by the Army backed by extremely rightwing political Govt which again resulted another war with Pakistan and may be this war will prove last for both nations.

From Pakistani point of view Sir we are ready for the final Armageddon.
Your countries oppression of Kasmiris and Lucknowis is responsible for this. Look at the case of Afzal Guru or any other innocent man framed on false charges of terrorism, tortured, raped, made victim of homosexual sex in jails, cases I know occur in Lucknow to punish perceived militants if not people like us who do not believe in India. What will the family members of these victims do other than raise arms? Will they not be angry. You kill one innocent person like Gawkedal massacre and you raise a family of separatists who would rather die for the cause.

Rather than support your fellow muslims you are cheerleading the evil actions of Indian authorities. Lucknowis will never surrender to RSS no matter how much you traitors cheer-lead them ad no matter how much of our land you steal as land taken since partition riots still hasn't been returned to us muslims. You should be expressing sympathy with the victims who possibly were not militants and were as usual murdered in false encounters. But nationalism is replacing sanity in Muslims of our regions. I hope muslims remember their common ancestry and history with Pakistan. Losing it means forgetting the sacrifices of the muslim league, 90% of which muslims of Malwa supported in the elections of 46.

I think you are completely wrong in your response, and perhaps it is because you think @Syama Ayas is Muslim. He is not.
That is not your holy land. You are not even a Kashmiri.
We don't have boundaries, we will enforce sharia and help those under aggression. This earth belongs to Almighty and those who are on right path we are born to help them.

Don't forget you are still holding major part of Poonch.

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