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Attack on CRPF bus in occupied J&K, 8 jawans killed; 2 freedom fighters shot dead

Regardless many muslims believe in the ummah theory. If Pakistan would be an economic power or military victor Muslims all over Lucknow would flock to it. I have been told so by muslims themselves including loyalists to India. It is Pakistan's poor policies and dismal failure as a (Muslim?) state that has led muslims of the subcontinent down including the break up of Bengal as mentioned by guy next door. I acknowledge Pakistan's mistakes and problems but I strongly support the said country. You would too if a country gave your parents an identity and refuge. Many muslims in Mewar support Pakistan. The reasons are common history (partition and vote for AIML), common heritage (relatives on both sides) and common belief in what you mentioned-the ummah.

India is growing more and more like crypt for muslims where the needs of the common muslim are barely understood. We are not accepted and told to go to Pakistan. So what wrong did the families do by going to Pakistan when their own countrymen asked them to? I have nothing against hindus and believe in both living together as there are good hindus too. But I am not impressed with RSS and Shiv Sena type groups trying to impose things on us. I wish you luck in integrating the muslims but will not believe in India as my homeland.

Two things - I am personally committed to struggle to ensure that Muslims - and Christians, and Sikhs, and Buddhists, and the Dalit, and tribals - live in India as absolutely equal citizens, with constitutional protections like the Dalit, if necessary, and that they are actively protected (the corollary being that I would condemn irresponsible behaviour just as readily, irresponsible behaviour such as the shameful riot in Mumbai during an agitation in support of the Rohingyas, the various agitations against Taslima Nasreen, who was herself not accorded the protection and the liberty of free speech that is a matter of such concern to Muslims).

The second is that I quite understand your sentiments about adhering to Pakistan, I understand the feelings of those Muslims who think of themselves as part of the Ummah, but while respecting your inner faith and belief, I insist that there should be a voluntary and a complete acceptance of and loyalty to the constitution. Supporting Pakistan is absolutely not acceptable, not while remaining an Indian citizen. So for those who are loyal to the constitution and to the rule of law, I would defend furiously their complete equality with all others; for those who are unable to be loyal from their hearts, they must go.

As per what oscar said above I did not insult any dead in my post. However I do feels that the death of soldiers serving their country should not be celebrated. Maybe you need to read again what I wrote in my post above.

Oscar was talking about those who celebrated the deaths.

I think he implied also, without mentioning them, those (Indians) who abused the dead 'insurgents' (I call them something else, but am calling them 'insurgents' in acknowledgement of Pakistani sentiment about them and their activities). You will agree that to abuse those who gave their lives for a cause is wrong. So while in real life, or in print, while they are alive, we may - in my own case, I should - oppose and condemn them, once they are dead, no matter how misguided and harmful their way of death, we should cease to condemn them. Not praise them, cease to condemn them. I believe that this is a necessary response from all of us Indians to encourage similar respect for the dignity of our own dead. This is my personal view and each of us must take his own decision in this regard.

burn the body's of the killed terrorists ,hell to these B@$t***$ and their supporters .

RIP to the brave soldiers

The actions of the terrorists are to be condemned. However, once they have died, there is no reason to abuse them or their dead bodies.

You will agree that to abuse those who gave their lives for a cause is wrong. So while in real life, or in print, while they are alive, we may - in my own case, I shall - oppose and condemn them, once they are dead, no matter how misguided and harmful their way of death, we should cease to condemn them. Not praise them, cease to condemn them. I believe that this is a necessary response from all of us Indians to encourage similar respect for the dignity of our own dead. This is my personal view and each of us must take his own decision in this regard.

They aren't LET rather local Kashmiri youngsters .. Fighting an occupation (as accepted by the UN).

On a point of fact, the UN position is exactly the opposite. If you wish, I can explain.

To hell with your warning,I am not shaken its my matter, You are mourning its yours... uniform does not make everything right. Your reason for negative rating is as valueless as your warning

It was my duty to put you on the right path, and I did so. For the rest, it is between you and your conscience. I shall not mark you negative; I have already said so, and will not go back on that.

What you did in 1971 is not related to us, it is directly related to the people of Bangladesh. Who effected the most Bangali or us?
Same for Kashmir who is suffering the loss, Kashmiri or we? Think about it.

If in your opinion it is the Kashmiri suffering the most loss, then you are guilty of the major part of it. It is your irresponsible actions, indoctrinating, training and pushing your young people into Kashmir, which have caused Kashmiris the most harm. You stop your irresponsible behaviour, the situation will immediately ease up.
The actions of the terrorists are to be condemned. However, once they have died, there is no reason to abuse them or their dead bodies.

You will agree that to abuse those who gave their lives for a cause is wrong. So while in real life, or in print, while they are alive, we may - in my own case, I shall - oppose and condemn them, once they are dead, no matter how misguided and harmful their way of death, we should cease to condemn them. Not praise them, cease to condemn them. I believe that this is a necessary response from all of us Indians to encourage similar respect for the dignity of our own dead. This is my personal view and each of us must take his own decision in this regard.
I am sorry sir i would like to disagree ,these are not Pakistani soldiers who where killed,they are terrorists.we respect thier soldiers ,we gave them respectful burial when their own country refused to take thier dead bodies.
Two things - I am personally committed to struggle to ensure that Muslims - and Christians, and Sikhs, and Buddhists, and the Dalit, and tribals - live in India as absolutely equal citizens, with constitutional protections like the Dalit, if necessary, and that they are actively protected (the corollary being that I would condemn irresponsible behaviour just as readily, irresponsible behaviour such as the shameful riot in Mumbai during an agitation in support of the Rohingyas, the various agitations against Taslima Nasreen, who was herself not accorded the protection and the liberty of free speech that is a matter of such concern to Muslims).

The second is that I quite understand your sentiments about adhering to Pakistan, I understand the feelings of those Muslims who think of themselves as part of the Ummah, but while respecting your inner faith and belief, I insist that there should be a voluntary and a complete acceptance of and loyalty to the constitution. Supporting Pakistan is absolutely not acceptable, not while remaining an Indian citizen. So for those who are loyal to the constitution and to the rule of law, I would defend furiously their complete equality with all others; for those who are unable to be loyal from their hearts, they must go.

Oscar was talking about those who celebrated the deaths.

I think he implied also, without mentioning them, those (Indians) who abused the dead 'insurgents' (I call them something else, but am calling them 'insurgents' in acknowledgement of Pakistani sentiment about them and their activities). You will agree that to abuse those who gave their lives for a cause is wrong. So while in real life, or in print, while they are alive, we may - in my own case, I should - oppose and condemn them, once they are dead, no matter how misguided and harmful their way of death, we should cease to condemn them. Not praise them, cease to condemn them. I believe that this is a necessary response from all of us Indians to encourage similar respect for the dignity of our own dead. This is my personal view and each of us must take his own decision in this regard.

The actions of the terrorists are to be condemned. However, once they have died, there is no reason to abuse them or their dead bodies.

You will agree that to abuse those who gave their lives for a cause is wrong. So while in real life, or in print, while they are alive, we may - in my own case, I shall - oppose and condemn them, once they are dead, no matter how misguided and harmful their way of death, we should cease to condemn them. Not praise them, cease to condemn them. I believe that this is a necessary response from all of us Indians to encourage similar respect for the dignity of our own dead. This is my personal view and each of us must take his own decision in this regard.

On a point of fact, the UN position is exactly the opposite. If you wish, I can explain.

It was my duty to put you on the right path, and I did so. For the rest, it is between you and your conscience. I shall not mark you negative; I have already said so, and will not go back on that.

If in your opinion it is the Kashmiri suffering the most loss, then you are guilty of the major part of it. It is your irresponsible actions, indoctrinating, training and pushing your young people into Kashmir, which have caused Kashmiris the most harm. You stop your irresponsible behaviour, the situation will immediately ease up.

Great post. I have nothing to add to this.
So to say Kashmiri Mujahideens are still alive and active !
Every terrorist everywhere in the world need to killed in the most inhumane way possible.

Their deaths must be celebrated in the most elaborate way as possible. In fact I would suggest feeding of these terrorist dead bodied to pigs, shoot a video of it and send the video these terrorist groups orgs..

The fact is.. these vermin target innocent citizens all over the world, kill these innocents brutally and celebrate the deaths in macabre fashion.
Look at what these guys have done to Yezdi woman.

Anyone who says after death, these terrorists need to be accorded respect since they have a "cause" need to seriously introspect.
There is no "cause" that justifies the crippling fear these terrorist cause to innocents and anyone even sympathizing these scum after they die are.........:crazy:
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Every terrorist everywhere in the world need to killed in the most inhumane way possible.

Their deaths must be celebrated in the most elaborate way as possible. In fact I would suggest feeding of these terrorist dead bodied to pigs, shoot a video of it and send the video these terrorist groups orgs..

The fact is.. these vermin target innocent citizens all over the world, kill these innocents brutally and celebrate the deaths in macabre fashion.
Look at what these guys have done to Yezdi woman.

Anyone who says after death, these terrorists need to be accorded respect since they have a "cause" need to seriously introspect.
There is no "cause" that justifies the crippling fear these terrorist cause to innocents and anyone even sympathizing these scum after they die are.........:crazy:
And the armed forces in Kashmir targeting,killing etc innocent civilians should also be considered terrorists. Then, as per you, their deaths should be celebrated. Both sides have their own story to tell. It is better you keep quite.
Very idioic of HMO to use ordinary transport buses in Kashmir.
Only difference between CRPF bus and ordinary state transport bus is colour and a net to prevent stones thrown by protesters from breaking the glass.There is absolutely no armour or bulletproof glass anywhere in the buses.
I am sorry sir i would like to disagree ,these are not Pakistani soldiers who where killed,they are terrorists.we respect thier soldiers ,we gave them respectful burial when their own country refused to take thier dead bodies.

My dear sir, when we kill the militants in valley, we have no hate for them, irrespective of the casualties sustained by our own forces. Indeed we give these militants a decent enough burial in unmarked graves with proper religious services by maulvi of the local mosque.

The people died for a cause they believe in. There is no right or wrong in any armed struggle. If the people who are fighting win, then it becomes a revolution and if they loose, its an insurgency, either way, there are humans involved and only seriously retarded or inhuman criminals will celebrate the other dying.

Very idioic of HMO to use ordinary transport buses in Kashmir.
Only difference between CRPF bus and ordinary state transport bus is colour and a net to prevent stones thrown by protesters from breaking the glass.There is absolutely no armour or bulletproof glass anywhere in the buses.

Are you sure there is no amor plating there?
I am sorry sir i would like to disagree ,these are not Pakistani soldiers who where killed,they are terrorists.we respect thier soldiers ,we gave them respectful burial when their own country refused to take thier dead bodies.

That is all right. I felt I had to point out the correct path, and I have done my duty by all of you by doing that. Now it is up to you to follow that path or not.
This doesnt seem an ISIS type attack, they cause mass killing/destruction. This seems a retaliatory attack by Kashmiri fighters.

I followed the link to see news about CRPF and found :
1.Suicides committed by CRPF personnel including an assistant commandant of training academy and soldiers.
2. CRPF soldier committing anti state crimes, CRPF Havaldar held in cheating/fraud
3. CRPF engaged with Maoists, kashmiris, Naxalites etc and seems the force doesnt hold good name in certain areas for the opressive tasks it undertakes.

and the list goes on

However, the extreme would be Suicide cases, which is demoralising and sets a negative trend and name for the force.
Clearly an LeT attack. Already worse relations between India and Pakistan will become further worse. Now forget about any talks between India and Pakistan until Modi is at helm.
They couldn't hear from inside the high quality hermetically sealed body bags we pack them in so that they don't spill out.
neither the ashes following in polluted Ganga .

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