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No more ship-grounding tricks will be allowed in South China Sea

Despite the western media's portrayal of China as aggressive, we have to really appreciate how calm Beijing and Taipei have been. In fact we should appraise how Beijing's size has restrained Hanoi's own ambitions to the militarily weak position of Manila. I believe that if Beijing did not show military potency , and assertion, then Hanoi would have already taken more islands from the Philipines' in the Kalayaan. Absent of China, there would have already been contingency in the South China Sea.

Perhaps we should find repose in that China has acted with maturity and elegance by rising above petty trifles. Building in her own naval prowess and defense zones .

As for China's PR and Image abroad; it is developing. We must accept the fact that for most of China's modern history under the CPC, China has been internally focused with mandated domestic growth and land frontier security. It has only been recently that China pursues a more direct policy in her maritime frontier since it was only recently that she was able to build an effective naval force capable of projecting Chinese national interests in the East and South China Seas. This is a healthy and Normal evolution for the state and for the arm of the state; the PLAN, PLA, PLAAF.

As China develops further and as her military machine picks up momentum , we can expect an adjuvant development of her Public Image and international respect. As a challenger of US hegemonic position , it is only natural for Beijing to be subject to Washington's angst. It is testament to the ascendancy of China. Baptism under fire, so to say.

@TaiShang , input my brother ?

Agree. Without China's presence, Vietnamese would have taken most if not all of Filipinos assets in SCS, by hook or by crook. In 1975 Vietnamese shipped some prostitutes to Northeast Clay, then invited Filipinos on Southwest Clay to the party. Filipinos returned to Southwest Clay after the party, only to find that Vietnamese had taken their island at their absence.

Vietnam has always been very aggressive in their territorial claims, and they had (may still have) the big dream of annex the whole sub Mekong as one unified country. They hate China, because Chinese spoiled their territorial expansion ambition on both land and sea.

As for the international PR, China used to have a very strong political influence around the world in Mao's era, and it was representing the political correctness and the universal values. Today, China's voice hardly matters. Personally, I believe current Chinese propaganda machine has been infiltrated by western influence, either voluntarily or involuntarily. China should have its own power of discourse in the world if it indeed wants to be one of poles in the new world order.
Despite the western media's portrayal of China as aggressive, we have to really appreciate how calm Beijing and Taipei have been. In fact we should appraise how Beijing's size has restrained Hanoi's own ambitions to the militarily weak position of Manila. I believe that if Beijing did not show military potency , and assertion, then Hanoi would have already taken more islands from the Philipines' in the Kalayaan. Absent of China, there would have already been contingency in the South China Sea.

That's a strong point. It is easy to miss the larger picture in the SCS dispute, which is multi-levelled (ownership, delimitation and exploration/law enforcement) and multi-lateral (multiple actors) with overlapping claims. China, with its size and scale, in fact, keeps in check the smaller, reckless actors from getting engaged with each other in a more disruptive way. If China would decide to withdraw all claims and presence, then, it would not a less precarious situation, on the contrary, the potential threat of war would increase because countries with relatively equal size would have a greater confidence to deal with each other coercively.

And there is a lack of trust between all the rest of actors in the SCS. It was not for a show of solidarity Vietnam and others sent delegates to the Hague, but, to listen to and see if the Philippines' arguments touched in any way on their interests. And the Philippines did every effort to point out its sole target in the Arbitration, which is China.

Perhaps we should find repose in that China has acted with maturity and elegance by rising above petty trifles. Building in her own naval prowess and defense zones .

Despite of its size, China is mostly a reactive power in foreign policy. Or, maybe I should say, it is rather incremental and experimental power. This is probably due to the historical concern of maintaining harmony, even harmony in a chaos. Hence, save outside interference, SCS, despite of all its chaotic appearance, is harmonious in the end.

Similar harmonious approach can be observed in ECS between the three major NE Asian powers. Probably because we are better educated into the Confucius way, we are more capable of managing our policy differences despite of the very heavy presence of the US as a provocative outside actor.

As for China's PR and Image abroad; it is developing. We must accept the fact that for most of China's modern history under the CPC, China has been internally focused with mandated domestic growth and land frontier security. It has only been recently that China pursues a more direct policy in her maritime frontier since it was only recently that she was able to build an effective naval force capable of projecting Chinese national interests in the East and South China Seas. This is a healthy and Normal evolution for the state and for the arm of the state; the PLAN, PLA, PLAAF.

Also, my friend, image can be built via soft or hard ways or a mixture of them. Like Japan, resepct can be accrued thanks to advancement, hard work, diligence, and perfection. China gets respect the way its technology, economic development and infrastructure stand out. This is, I guess, the NE Asian way, we simply do not want to receive symphaty because of our meek or humble nature. That's, in the medium and long run, anti-thetical to success.

As China develops further and as her military machine picks up momentum , we can expect an adjuvant development of her Public Image and international respect. As a challenger of US hegemonic position , it is only natural for Beijing to be subject to Washington's angst. It is testament to the ascendancy of China. Baptism under fire, so to say.

That's very true, and this is why we are convinced that there is simply no way to become the "good citizen of the world" in the eyes of the US other than simply bowing to their supremacy and following their line. If/when Japan further diverts from the US line, it will experience a similar fate; and the US discourse-making apparatus will conveniently gloss over and cross out all the previous rhetoric on Japan as been a cute, manga-loving, super hard-working, obedient nation. Then, maybe on NYT or WaPo we will be shown the imperial flag. It is all about the question of "keeping the line" or "charting your own way as a sovereign nation."

As for the international PR, China used to have a very strong political influence around the world in Mao's era, and it was representing the political correctness and the universal values. Today, China's voice hardly matters. Personally, I believe current Chinese propaganda machine has been infiltrated by western influence, either voluntarily or involuntarily. China should have its own power of discourse in the world if it indeed wants to be one of poles in the new world order.

The difference is, China has forsaken the policy of international solidarity and ideology export and adopted developmentalist diplomacy. I think it worked well so far, keeping China from repeating the Soviet experience. But, apparently, developmentalism cannot serve alone as a foreign policy discourse, we need certain ideas. For sure China should not and cannot act as a charity of the third world, but, it can nonetheless develop a more emancipatory diplomacy to the interest of the rest of the world. And propagate and promote it. It was the right decision to prioritize developmentalism; but, perhaps the time has come to construct a fuller foreign policy theory of China.
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No more Pinoy allowed on planet Earth!

China's supreme rise will leave Philippines an irradiated wasteland!

Then do it! Let's see if you are willing to kill us just to satisfy your bloodlust!
I don't it's necessary to talk like this, my friend. China's national territorially can still be preserved without hostility. We should pay attention to the Filipino presidential election; many of the front runners in Manila seem to have broken away from the hallmark anti-Chinese politic of Aquino. For example Binay -- who is strongly affiliated with the Chinese Filipino Chamber of Commerce, as well as Filipinjin-NIkkeijin Kai, a Japanese-Filipino organization in the Philippines.

I believe that Binay will implement an equidistant policy in context to Beijing and Manila. Secondly he is also aligned to anti-American political forces in Manila. Expect new policies with Binay, who is a domestic patriot.

@HongWu002 , we must conjecture on a more realistic and progressive oriented praxis in regional cooperative dialectic . It should be emphasized that we encourage the dissemination of Neo-Tianxia, my friend.
Viets were spanked silly by China before the VCP realized their foolish ways and kicked out Nguyen Tan Dung. Let's see if Pinoys will do the same to Aquino.
Viets were spanked silly by China before the VCP realized their foolish ways and kicked out Nguyen Tang Dung. Let's see if Pinoys will do the same to Aquino.

Well, the rise of the contender, Jejomar Binay, as the Presidential hopeful in the Philippines , will be an asset to not only China, but to Japan. Clearly the recent anti-China rhetoric from Aquino have led largely to unpopularity in the Philippines. In fact the main contenders for Malacanang Palace (Presidential Palace and symbol seat of power in Philippines) are : Roxas, Bongbong Marcos (the son of the deposed Ferdinand Marcos), Binay, Duterte.

I expect Jejomar Binay to run and win the Presidency, and Bongbong Marcos to win the Vice Presidency.

Both of these guys are actually pro-China. :)

Agree. Without China's presence, Vietnamese would have taken most if not all of Filipinos assets in SCS, by hook or by crook. In 1975 Vietnamese shipped some prostitutes to Northeast Clay, then invited Filipinos on Southwest Clay to the party. Filipinos returned to Southwest Clay after the party, only to find that Vietnamese had taken their island at their absence.

Vietnam has always been very aggressive in their territorial claims, and they had (may still have) the big dream of annex the whole sub Mekong as one unified country. They hate China, because Chinese spoiled their territorial expansion ambition on both land and sea.

As for the international PR, China used to have a very strong political influence around the world in Mao's era, and it was representing the political correctness and the universal values. Today, China's voice hardly matters. Personally, I believe current Chinese propaganda machine has been infiltrated by western influence, either voluntarily or involuntarily. China should have its own power of discourse in the world if it indeed wants to be one of poles in the new world order.

Very good point @Dungeness !!

When does Aquino III term end?

This June 2016.

Let's see if Pinoys will do the same to Aquino.

LOL, China and Japan are their top 2 trading partners. Politic is one thing, but economics is a totally different animal, my patriotic Chinese friend @HongWu002 !

In the end the Filipinos love trade, and let us be frank here, the Philippines occupies a cultural link to China, since 1/4th of the Filipinos have Chinese ancestry. Linked by blood. So let us not be too pessimistic about our Filipino cousins. :)
Then do it! Let's see if you are willing to kill us just to satisfy your bloodlust!
Pinoy ship was sunk at Jackson Atoll. Probably a few Pinoys already died. Next will be the marines on Second Thomas Shoal. Then we will wipe out trespassers on our Zhongye island. One by one, you mixed breeds from colonial invaders and indigenous women trying to steal our island will be extinct.
Pinoy ship was sunk at Jackson Atoll. Probably a few Pinoys already died. Next will be the marines on Second Thomas Shoal. Then we will wipe out trespassers on our Zhongye island. One by one, you mixed breeds from colonial invaders and indigenous women trying to steal our island will be extinct.

Just as expected from a CC; bigot and genocidal.

In the end the Filipinos love trade, and let us be frank here, the Philippines occupies a cultural link to China, since 1/4th of the Filipinos have Chinese ancestry. Linked by blood. So let us not be too pessimistic about our Filipino cousins. :)

I am not linked-by-blood with such people, and will never be! :suicide:
No more Pinoy allowed on planet Earth!

China's supreme rise will leave Philippines an irradiated wasteland!

alright then , bring it on .

all talk just like a girl, your government can't even face the UN tribunal in haque
That was sarcasm since the Chinese here are eager to destroy us Filipinos, along with the Vietnamese and Indians.
See,what to much Red Bull can do to a person?:sarcastic:
That would be 1,5 billion people to kill.
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Now, let's all get back to reality. Looks like the future President of the Philippines is symbolically making rounds. ;)

@TaiShang @bbccdd1470 @Arryn @Tiqiu @Chinese-Dragon et al.


Binay, UNA Team woo Chinese community

United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) presidential standard bearer, Vice President Jejomar C. Binay, has sought the support of the Chinese community in Manila for his presidential bid.

Binay, along with his running mate, Senator Gringo Honasan, and UNA senatorial bets Sulu Princess Jacel Kiram, Parañaque City Councilor Alma Moreno, former Special Action Force Commander Getulio Napeñas, broadcaster Rey Langit, and labor lawyer Allan Montano, visited the Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center (CGHMC) in Sta. Cruz District, Manila, where Chinese community leaders had assembled.

Binay vowed to implement a nationwide the Makati Yellow Card program, like what residents in Makati City, enjoy. “The Yellow card program will also be implemented to the entire nation,” he said.

Binay said the Yellow Card program, which he established in Makati, has been recognized by the United Nations-Habitat as one of the world’s best practices.

It provides beneficiaries free maternal, child and elderly care; free outpatient consultations and medicines; and government- subsidized hospitalization, on top of PhilHealth benefits.

“In Makati, no one is dying of sickness due to poverty. We do not allow it. All that is needed, even if medicines and medical care reaches a million, they are free for the underprivileged that need assistance,” Binay said.

Should he win in the elections, the Vice President said that he will put up more health centers in the country, aside from providing it facilities and medicines.

Binay added that he will work for a 1:1 ratio of one rural health worker for every health center.

Binay, UNA Team woo Chinese community | mb.com.ph | Philippine News


I'm beginning to like this Jejomar Binay... ;)

@HongWu002 , my dear Chinese patriotic brother, let's calm the verbiage.

Let us rest in knowing that the Vice President of the Philippines (and soon to be President) , Mr. Jejomar Binay, was the author of various Chinese-Filipino business delegation and commercial talks recently. All of this happening beneath the politicking.

The future is bright for China and the Philippines, it seems.


Jejomar Binay (front center) , surrounded by Chinese business delegation visiting the Philippines.
All were invited by Binay , who is a friend of the Chinese-Filipino Chamber of Commerce (the strongest and largest eco-political lobby in the Philippines)
Man the chinese here talk with economic status of zombies they be not talking for long Soviet union chinese version is coming up.

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