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India supporting "Terrorists" in Afghanistan against Pakistan

who cares... if Pakistan will support terrorist against india , india will do the same...
its just tit for tat....
India setup 7 consulates in Afghanistan in the cities joining AF-Pak border .
India funded Asma Dam in Afghanistan just to limit the water intake in Pakistan .
Zaranj-Dalaram road built by India to Sack Pakistan Transit route .
India deputed more than 500 army men in Afghanistan , can anyone explain here why ?
Khi Airport Attackers used Indian strategy to attack , still you say that the raw is playing fair , while the core aim of Raw is to destabilize Pakistan.

All of that is speculative nonsense.

There is not a single iota of proof of Indian backing of Taliban against Pakistan.
India setup 7 consulates in Afghanistan in the cities joining AF-Pak border .
Can you name the 7 consulates?? Otherwise you are talking bullcrap......
India funded Asma Dam in Afghanistan just to limit the water intake in Pakistan .

At least get the name right... It is Salma dam which was damaged due to war and we just repaired it. Produces about 50 MW of electricity and irrigates about seventy thousand acres. It does not flow into Pakistan, but flow towards Turkmenistan.
Zaranj-Dalaram road built by India to Sack Pakistan Transit route .
Zaranj-Dalaram road can be made redundant if you guys just open up to Indian trucks. It is your fault...

India deputed more than 500 army men in Afghanistan , can anyone explain here why ?

Afghani army officers get trained in Indian academy in India, just like some who get trained in Pakistan.

Khi Airport Attackers used Indian strategy to attack , still you say that the raw is playing fair , while the core aim of Raw is to destabilize Pakistan.
What kind of Indian strategy??? They all turned out to be central asian countrymen. At least get your facts right.
Don't do it, coz when we actually plan to do it nobody will believe you.That time your situation will be like " landaga aala,landaga aala"
you really have to stop being so angry

India and the Taliban? Even I find it hard to believe it
Well the previous admissions by the Indian MoD, NSA and even by PM about India's involvement is not be ignored neither to be put under carpet but indeed to keep in view and while examining the situations and contexts then it wouldn't be hard to find out that India is indeed supporting the ISIS in this region.

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