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New Introductions

Hi everyone,

I have been following this forum for many years. Hope to have constructive discussions on this forum.
Hi am from India Now settled in UAE Abu Dhabi.

1) Tell your interests
Become very rich indeed and help my country men as much as possible

2) What do you do.

I work in a Company

3) How did you find us

Found when searching about Tejas. I really like to know more after watching fabulous delay demo video

4) What interests you here?

Just logged in yet to surf through page. Will let you know soon. But for obvious reasons To know more about Indian armed forces and others for sure.

5) What is your profession?

Young age yet got this burden of management of my company :( it's boring

6) Future plans?
Fly on Tejas! Why not :D

1) Tell your interests
Pakistan, Military, Defence, Business Intelligence, Bakra Eid, Pakistan, Pakistan

2) What do you do.
Consultant, dealing with database/reporting/security

3) How did you find us
Created it.

4) What interests you here?
Moderation, Pakistan against TTP, Siasat, Foreign Issues, Cricket

5) What is your profession?
BI Consultant

6) Future plans?
Take PDF to new level, grow career
Hello mate. How's you. I thought of creating a I introduction thread but it shows insufficient balance. Am I missing something?

Piper here from land of brave and free. Ex- Servicewoman.

I have made extended trips to S. Asia as a backpacker which has cultivated my interest in the region.

Future Plans - Wine Taster? Just Kidding!!
Hello everyone!

1) I like to play video games and airsoft, and go fishing with friends.
2) I'm a college student currently studying Management Information Systems.
3) While googling pictures of special forces I stumbled upon these forums.
4) Reading up on defense news concerning countries in South Asia, learning about the armed forces of the region and their equipment.
5) I'm currently an accountant assistant at the Impossible Project
6) Graduate with my Bachelors and start a business.
Picdelamirand-oil presentation
Hello PDF, I'm a retired French. I worked in several French and german companies. Dassault, Aerospatial, Matra, Astrium. So I worked in the company making the Rafale and in the company making the Typhoon.
I had a French and Nato clearence at secret level for 33 years, and a German clearence at same level for 5 years.
I was responsible of the development of the ATL2 weapon system and also in charge of the MCO of all command systems of French Armée de l'Air (Air Force), including nuclear systems (including Navy).
I was also responsible for the supervision of Laser Mégajoule and responsible of the development of the military signal of Galileo.
My background is to manage "Complex system" and at the end of my carreer I was considered as an expert for security of military systems.
Picdelamirand-oil presentation
Hello PDF, I'm a retired French. I worked in several French and german companies. Dassault, Aerospatial, Matra, Astrium. So I worked in the company making the Rafale and in the company making the Typhoon.
I had a French and Nato clearence at secret level for 33 years, and a German clearence at same level for 5 years.
I was responsible of the development of the ATL2 weapon system and also in charge of the MCO of all command systems of French Armée de l'Air (Air Force), including nuclear systems (including Navy).
I was also responsible for the supervision of Laser Mégajoule and responsible of the development of the military signal of Galileo.
My background is to manage "Complex system" and at the end of my carreer I was considered as an expert for security of military systems.
Hmm :welcome:to PDF i have a feeling that you will be promoted to Military Professional ;)
Picdelamirand-oil presentation
Hello PDF, I'm a retired French. I worked in several French and german companies. Dassault, Aerospatial, Matra, Astrium. So I worked in the company making the Rafale and in the company making the Typhoon.
I had a French and Nato clearence at secret level for 33 years, and a German clearence at same level for 5 years.
I was responsible of the development of the ATL2 weapon system and also in charge of the MCO of all command systems of French Armée de l'Air (Air Force), including nuclear systems (including Navy).
I was also responsible for the supervision of Laser Mégajoule and responsible of the development of the military signal of Galileo.
My background is to manage "Complex system" and at the end of my carreer I was considered as an expert for security of military systems.
Welcome sir
Adding one more to our french list including @Vauban and @Taygibay :enjoy:
Picdelamirand-oil presentation
Hello PDF, I'm a retired French. I worked in several French and german companies. Dassault, Aerospatial, Matra, Astrium. So I worked in the company making the Rafale and in the company making the Typhoon.
I had a French and Nato clearence at secret level for 33 years, and a German clearence at same level for 5 years.
I was responsible of the development of the ATL2 weapon system and also in charge of the MCO of all command systems of French Armée de l'Air (Air Force), including nuclear systems (including Navy).
I was also responsible for the supervision of Laser Mégajoule and responsible of the development of the military signal of Galileo.
My background is to manage "Complex system" and at the end of my carreer I was considered as an expert for security of military systems.

@Slav Defence @Icarus @WebMaster @Oscar @WAJsal @HRK @Horus
I request you to check for a Military Professional Tag for Picdelamirand.. He has been in other forums too in India and outside given a similar title... You all can check with him to ascertain that he qualifies for the same.. (But his introduction does point to the professional side)

He is a welcome addition to PDF and it will be beneficial to have someone like him among our ranks..

@halloweene Can confirm his credentials.....
So can perhaps other french members...

Once again welcome to PDF... We hope with your experience and expertise, you will raise the quality of forum even higher..

Exciting times for PDF in coming days and months..
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That sounds suspiciously like an advert but hey welcome anyhow, do tell us of your interests ...

More seriously, welcome Pic! I cannot vouch for your credentials directly as we haven't met but
having read you extensively, I'll confirm your specialized knowledge and more importantly my idea
from the quality of your expression, French and logic that you are sound and reasonable at a pro level.

That's rare enough in and of itself to welcome you with open arms!

And for all our PDF members that might have missed it, with oil as a wink to the cause of modern wars,
Pico della Mirandola, first name Giovanni, is the man reputed as last to have had all encompassing knowledge ...
before the scientific exploration extended such beyond what a single encyclopedic mind could hold.
Halloweene will confirm that our new friend chose that nickname out of irony and is in fact humble enough. :happy:

@45'22' I'M guessing you'll like Pic for his soft sound posts.

I'm late in answering a thread question so read you all soon, Tay.
Picdelamirand-oil presentation
Hello PDF, I'm a retired French. I worked in several French and german companies. Dassault, Aerospatial, Matra, Astrium. So I worked in the company making the Rafale and in the company making the Typhoon.
I had a French and Nato clearence at secret level for 33 years, and a German clearence at same level for 5 years.
I was responsible of the development of the ATL2 weapon system and also in charge of the MCO of all command systems of French Armée de l'Air (Air Force), including nuclear systems (including Navy).
I was also responsible for the supervision of Laser Mégajoule and responsible of the development of the military signal of Galileo.
My background is to manage "Complex system" and at the end of my carreer I was considered as an expert for security of military systems.

You seem to be a man of impressive credentials, it is an absolute pleasure to have you on board. We will look forward to your analysis on various threads and particularly in the aviation section!
@WebMaster @Slav Defence @Horus

Here is the confirmation from @halloweene


Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2] | Page 129

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