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End of ISIS? Putin 'sending 150,000 soldiers to Syria to WIPE OUT evil Islamic State'

Economy to support such action = no Russia don't have

First of all Russia is not financing the entire war herself, but Syrian President Bashar ul Asad is paying for everything. How is he paying is a separate debate. So, their is no extra economical burden on Russia after Western Sanctions.

Massive troops quick action results quick results but heavy losses

So far Russia's every single strategy in Syria has proven to be a counterproductive of what West has had predicated, so lets not jump into early conclusion that whether or not Russia will face heavy loss. As this hasn't happened so far despite of Russia's ground forces presence and despite of their combat engagement, yet, Russian forces are fighting alongside Syrian Army and Iran's backed rebels.

Many nations involved with sympthy with different groups can Russia ignore all ?

I believe the way Russia has gained success in Syria we shouldn't be debating on this matter that whether or not Russia would give a dam about the other Nations interests, instead we should be debating on when the rest of the Western Countries will join Russia against ISIS in Syria and as well as in Iraq?

Nato why they may kill Turksmen which will be violently replied back by Turks and counter attack then NATO

No one said that NATO should kill Turksmen, but NATO can certainly pressurize Turkey in this matter under current circumstances.

No sir this is just bogus and bully news to buy an apology for face off from turkey which is unlickly when NATO backing Turks.

I don't think it is a bogus news, Putin is not going to back off, you will see in probably couple of weeks that the Russian ground forces will be directly engaged in fighting against ISIS. And one more thing, remember Russia is not alone in this, there are many Countries who are supporting Russia without being publicized.
I fully support putin we need asad regime once asad gone USA will take another pin in coffin for israel so israel have arab leaders be their slaves which we dont want ISIS was a toy so we divert from reality time for countries like turkey stop supporting US evil games which will take u also down when ur number in list arrives better are muslim stand together with Russia and china US cant do anything once we have support of two heavy weights of the world

Putin u rock man of steel
Lol... you should be the last one talking about similarities....

Don't you own a Toyota Pajero ??

(For those who don't know pajero is Mitsubhishi but this so called "rich" kid has among other 'premium cars a Toyota Pajero as well) @Rain Man @ranjeet @Mike_Brando :rofl:
HQ is nothing but a cheap knock off of the original S-300(S-300P):coffee:.Heck,even the Pakistani establishment has repeatedly refused to buy that crap from China:D;)
After declaring that HQ scored perfect 10 in all testing and turkey has given 3 bn USD order and declaring that HQ is better than S300 and S400 mow china itself has bought S400 accepting indirectly that their HQ 1 to 100 is a crap. Now when china buy that from Russia, How can Turkey buy their AD from China. Now They are buying submarine and S35 from russia revealing their the true stuff of their weapons

Chinese only bought them to reverse engineer: particularly the 35s.
LOL SERIOUSLY, Some people really believe this news is actually true and that Russia will deploy 150,000 troops to Syria??
Jeez...... some people can believe anything in this world.:disagree:
This is obviously just political posturing/diplomatic talk. Every world power does that sometimes.:hitwall:
Soviet's 40th Army was 1,25000 at its peak in Afghanistan and although it met almost all its military objectives but ...
150,000? Lol 15,000 they issue will not solve terrorism. Russia even more mired in this trap.

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