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End of ISIS? Putin 'sending 150,000 soldiers to Syria to WIPE OUT evil Islamic State'

150,000 that's a lot of soldiers.. However they are not there for Isis only. They are there to make sure to destroy any anti Assad forces which means that these forces will combat the rebels as well. Remember Russia is there to protect his interest which is Assad and that means eradication all forms of rebellions against him and increasing his control over Syria. Despite this the number is high and sounds a lot like an invasion. Looks like Russia is there to fight till Assad regains control.

With coalition air strike and Russian soldiers ISIS is going to scream kafar crusaders are coming here and they will increase their recruits.
I don't think Putin needs to deploy that many soldiers considering there's already Pro-Regime forces on ground. This sounds more like a political statement. What I don't understand is how could ISIS be this dumb to take on almost every major power at the same time unless establishing Khalifat was never the goal but chaos all over the world.
If true,it has nothing to do with ISIS,he probably made a deal with Iran to turn Iraq and Syria into a Shia/Alewi controlled territory.
That was the plan from the beginning(my view).
Its all about oil and gas.
Yes. We will see persian empire in Iran, Iraq, Syria + surrounding countries.
Either end of ISIS or end of Russia.

If this news is true, then Russians better fasten their seat belts, it's going to be one bumpy ride.
I reckon, the numbers that Putin has mentioned are quite correct according to what he is referring to.
As he said in his statement.

He said: "This mythical state will disappear in a matter of hours once the international community decides to act.

"It won't take very long at all to drive them, if not out of all of Iraq or Syria, then certainly the majority of their territories.

In order to drive the entire ISIS militant wing or wipe them out once for all, 15 Thousand and 20 Thousand troops are not enough when you don't even have the exact figure of ISIS militants, I know they have said that they are around 5 Thousand strong, but than it can be wrong, and even lets say for an instance we agree that they are 5 Thousand even than to wipe them out completely or drive them out of the Raqqa is going to take months. With the help of 150 Thousand the job can be done in probably few weeks if not in hours or days.
I think 15000 Russian soldier is enough to wipe out the ISIS in syria and Iraq. 150000 is over killed unless they want to take the battlefield to Turkey.
not really, Pakistan deploys almost 185000 in our tribal areas against terrorists in op zarb e azb. While Syria n Iraq combined in land mass r bigger then entire pakistan.
Because Turkey supports the Uighurs.
Do they provide weapon or logistic support to them the answer is no , most of the time its just showing sympathy , Chinese do the same in matter concerning other countries, I can understand Russian point of view but its funny to watch Chinese jumping up & down
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I reckon, the numbers that Putin has mentioned are quite correct according to what he is referring to.
As he said in his statement.

In order to drive the entire ISIS militant wing or wipe them out once for all, 15 Thousand and 20 Thousand troops are not enough when you don't even have the exact figure of ISIS militants, I know they have said that they are around 5 Thousand strong, but than it can be wrong, and even lets say for an instance we agree that they are 5 Thousand even than to wipe them out completely or drive them out of the Raqqa is going to take months. With the help of 150 Thousand the job can be done in probably few weeks if not in hours or days.
Economy to support such action = no Russia don't have
Massive troops quick action results quick results but heavy losses
Many nations involved with sympthy with different groups can Russia ignore all ?
Nato why they may kill Turksmen which will be violently replied back by Turks and counter attack then NATO

No sir this is just bogus and bully news to buy an apology for face off from turkey which is unlickly when NATO backing Turks.
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Yallah Crusade :D

The story teller still tell the tales about western crusades in Syria. It will only flame their anger.

Russia needs to remain out of this mess.
Why PDF Chinese so anti turkey is it because they didn't buy your AD system

After declaring that HQ scored perfect 10 in all testing and turkey has given 3 bn USD order and declaring that HQ is better than S300 and S400 mow china itself has bought S400 accepting indirectly that their HQ 1 to 100 is a crap. Now when china buy that from Russia, How can Turkey buy their AD from China. Now They are buying submarine and S35 from russia revealing their the true stuff of their weapons
After declaring that HQ scored perfect 10 in all testing and turkey has given 3 bn USD order and declaring that HQ is better than S300 and S400 mow china itself has bought S400 accepting indirectly that their HQ 1 to 100 is a crap. Now when china buy that from Russia, How can Turkey buy their AD from China. Now They are buying submarine and S35 from russia revealing their the true stuff of their weapons
HQ is S300 u idiot.
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