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Turkey is finished - Pepe Escobar

The only thing lopsided about Pakistan v India is the huge disparity between the two. India has 7:1 advantage in human resources ( population ) and that is almost like tiny Belguim taking on Germany or Romania taking on Russia.

Despite enjoying this huge advantage in numbers India has NEVER defeated Pakistan alone. The only war it won was in 1971. That war was between Pakistan and Bangla Mukti Bahini in which later on India joined in on the Bengali side. Thus Pakistan faced Bangla and India combined forces in what was a "away game" as the battle took place 1,300 miles from Pakistan. Even then the victory was against a small expeditionery force of 55k men. The winners were Bangladesh and India.

In summary the 1971 defeat was Pak versus Bangla+India.

Fact check.

Populations 2015

India - 1,275 miillion
Bang - 160 million
Pak - 195 million

Geography - The defeat took place in what is now Bangladesh. 1,300 miles distant from Pakistan but as India itself lay in between the Pak expeditionery force in Bang had to serviced through the sea by sailing south from Pak through Arabian Sea to Sril Lanka, then north through Bay of Bengal to Bang with consistant danger of India Naval interdiction. The distance is more than 2,500 miles or nearly UK to Istanbul, Turkey.

*The Eastern Command of about 55k men was defeated which was the "Pak occupation force" however most of Pak Army was intact in mainland Pakistan.


Bangladesh Liberation War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dont forget, Dhakka was also blockaded - trooprs in Bangladesh could've faced starvation and ammo depletion if they continued.

Are you seriously questioning our covert capabilities?


Turkey is heavily militarized; there isnt much Russia can do covertly. ISI was able to break the soviet union.
There is never Turkey vs Russia.
It is NATO vs Russia, and that is not in mr Putins interest.
Is this how NATO taught its member to be a cheapshot taker? LOL Have the ball to shoot down an aircraft in someone else territory but when got retaliate, form a pack of wolves to fight the bear? Reminds me of this videol. LOL

Is this how NATO taught its member to be a cheapshot taker? LOL Have the ball to shoot down an aircraft in someone else territory but when got retaliate, form a pack of wolves to fight the bear? Reminds me of this videol. LOL

The technical term of Turkey is 'Nut Swinger'

They get on American nuts and think that makes them powerful. Alone, they are nothing.

Also ,as soon as USA develops commercial cold fusion, they will drop the middle east like a bad habit and these tiny countries will be left on their own.
Yeah, this is what I get for replying to a video game playing kid who thinks he knows about Russia.

I am sure your aware that it is false to look at this through the Turk/Russian prism. What we have here is NATO/Russian potential tangle. Given this I doubt anything more than posturing will happen, well I certainly hope so or I will also be booking a ticket to moon like another member here and watch mushroom clouds over earth.

What I can't understand is it is in everybodies interest to defeat ISIL. So why can't NATO, Russia and the rest just work togather to defeat ISIL? I mean NATO member France would definitely be pleased after the Paris incident.
I am sure your aware that it is false to look at this through the Turk/Russian prism. What we have here is NATO/Russian potential tangle. Given this I doubt anything more than posturing will happen, well I certainly hope so I will also be booking a ticket to moon like another member and watch mushroom clouds over earth.

What I can't understand is it is in everybodies interest to defeat ISIL. So why can't NATO, Russia and the rest just work togather to defeat ISIL? I mean NATO member France would definitely be pleased after the Paris incident.

This has nothing to do with ISIS, Turkey or even Nato. This is all about USA vs Russia. Just like every major event in the world. This is the Americans vs us.

As for Syria

Qatar-Turkey pipeline. That is all this is about.

US wants to build a pipeline to europe to reduce dependence on Russian oil and gas. It can only go through Syria. Russia wont allow that to happen and hence these issues.

ISIS is nothing but a bunch of mentally challenged morons that can be defeated in a week if the US really wanted to.
I hear reports that the rescue chopper was also shot down by US made anti-tank missile.

One Dead as Russian Mi-8 Helicopter Attacked During Rescue Mission in Syria
© Sputnik/ Dmitriy Vinogradov
21:03 24.11.2015(updated 22:59 24.11.2015) Get short URL
Russian Su-24 Jet Downed Over Syria (34)
A Russian Mi-8 helicopter came under attack while conducting a search and rescue operation, searching for the crew of the downed Su-24 in Syria. One naval infantry soldier was reported killed, the helicopter destroyed by mortar fire.

The Russian General Staff said that two Mi-8s were involved in the operation to save the crew of the downed Su-24 bomber jet.

One helicopter was shot down, its crew evacuated to the Russian base at Hmeymim.

"A search-and-rescue operation involving two Mi-8 helicopters was carried out, charged with evacuating the pilots from the landing site. During the operation, as a result of small-arms fire, one of the helicopters was damaged, and forced to make a landing on neutral territory. One naval infantry soldier of contract service was killed," Lieutenant-General Sergei Rudskoi, the head of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, told reporters on Tuesday.

The officer noted that the "personnel from the search-and-rescue team and the helicopter's crew have been evacuated and are now located at the Hmeymim air base. The downed helicopter was destroyed by mortar fire from territory controlled by armed gangs."

"The search-and-rescue operation tasked with finding the crew of the downed Russian bomber continues," Rudskoi added, emphasizing that the territories in which the operation was conducted is believed to be controlled by radical rebel groups.


Downing of Su-24 'Will Have Serious Consequences For Russia-Turkey Ties' - Putin
A Russian Su-24M Fencer jet crashed in Syria earlier in the day with two pilots aboard. Ankara claims that its F-16s shot down the plane because it violated the country's airspace. Russia has countered Turkey's accusations, President Vladimir Putin saying that the aircraft was 0.6 miles away from the Turkish border when it was shot down.

According to the Russian leader, the crashed aircraft was not posing any threat to Turkey when it was struck by an air-to-air missile from the Turkish jet.
One Dead as Russian Mi-8 Helicopter Attacked During Rescue Mission in Syria
If Turkey was not in state of war with Russia, it didnt made a sense to shoot down the aircraft. There are many more ways to control foreign objects in a nations air space.

Turkey had play wrong coins in a game thats between USA and Russia, it will have to pay the price with the long term cost factor. Not a nice move in current situation when its has masses of refuges which can be easily used to ignite proxy wars and converting Turkey in conflict zone. More so over with Russia on table with Iran in Iran, this could have been worst time.
I agree with you
The technical term of Turkey is 'Nut Swinger'

They get on American nuts and think that makes them powerful. Alone, they are nothing.

Also ,as soon as USA develops commercial cold fusion, they will drop the middle east like a bad habit and these tiny countries will be left on their own.
This is why everyone admire Russia. Like Fedor Emelianeko, Denis Cyplenkov, Klitschoko brothers, always being professional and even after they beat their opponents, they show respect and get to business as usual. But then you see arrogant and cocky from the West-influence pro like Mike Tyson, Michael Todd, Brock Lesnar always brag when on top but as soon as getting a beat down, always make excuses and shit. LOL Of all West-influence pro, you probably have 1 out of 10 who are truly professional and humble.
This is why everyone admire Russia. Like Fedor Emelianeko, Denis Cyplenkov, Klitschoko brothers, always being professional and even after they beat their opponents, they show respect and get to business as usual. But then you see arrogant and cocky from the West-influence pro like Mike Tyson, Michael Todd, Brock Lesnar always brag when on top but as soon as getting a beat down, always make excuses and shit. LOL Of all West-influence pro, you probably have 1 out of 10 who are truly professional and humble.

Yep. Shows their true character.

Unfortunately for them, we know exactly how to handle such situations.

Video game playing kid...? I'm referring to history. Dont go to personal attacks.

If you think ISI 'defeated' anyone you need a re-education. With actual history books.
when I heared this news, I was shocked, why turkey did like this? You said Russia is bombing your family?? I want to ask how do you explain it to USA and France? their people is crying. and what you are doing??
In China most of people think that Turkey is stand by ISIS, you are supporting ISIS....
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