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Pakistan could turn into a transit trade hub


May 17, 2015
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CPEC to facilitate economic and trade links with Tajikistan, others. PHOTO: FILE

ISLAMABAD: Hard on the heels of a recent trans-Pacific trade pact involving the US, Japan and 10 other countries, the South and Central Asia are making strides in the search for regional integration.

This partnership between the two close regions will lead to economic development in many countries, especially Pakistan, which may turn into a transit trade hub. Tajikistan, on the other side, is emerging as a gateway between the South and Central Asian nations and is working with Pakistan on developing economic and transit trade corridors.

During a visit to Pakistan in the middle of this month, Tajikistan President Emomali Rahmon praised the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), insisting the project would facilitate economic and trade links between Pakistan and Tajikistan as well as other Central Asian states.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, on his part, made an offer to Tajikistan to use Pakistan’s seaports for imports and exports as these provide the shortest route for movement of goods.

The premier backed Tajikistan’s request for being part of the Quadrilateral Agreement on Traffic in Transit among China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan – an arrangement that will further improve regional connectivity.

Both the leaders were satisfied with the steady growth in bilateral ties and agreed to tap the vast potential in the fields of trade, energy, defence, agriculture, industry and regional transport communication networks.

In an attempt to promote energy partnership, they reviewed the progress on the Central Asia-South Asia (Casa) 1,000-megawatt power supply project and voiced hope that it would be completed by 2018. They instructed the Joint Commission on Energy and Infrastructure to hold its first meeting to explore and identify new schemes for the export of electricity to Pakistan.

In a bid to give a push to trade and transportation ties between the two countries and the regions, they resolved that the two sides would work with Afghanistan for an early finalisation of a trilateral transit trade agreement. However, it would not come easy as Kabul was insisting on including India in the partnership.

The prime minister has, of late, expressed concern over the dwindling exports from Pakistan and directed different ministries to scout for markets in Central Asia.

Energy links

Pakistan is working with Central Asia on two energy projects – one with Turkmenistan for gas import and another with Tajikistan for electricity purchase.

For power supply, Pakistan and Tajikistan have decided to form a new commission that will work on cooperation in this field. Tajikistan has surplus electricity in the summer, a season when Pakistan faces acute shortages.

Work on the Casa-1,000MW power project is close to getting under way as all necessary agreements have been signed. The commission will also work on a planned power transmission line from Tajikistan to the northern areas of Pakistan.

“The Casa-1,000 power import project will help Pakistan get cheaper and clean energy to minimise electricity shortages and also build close economic links with Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan,” Tajikistan Ambassador Sherali S Jononov told The Express Tribune.

Among other sectors of the economy, the area of energy has been showing sustainable growth in Tajikistan over the last 15 years. During the period, hydroelectric power generation has remained stable.

Apart from big plants, Jononov said, there were 20 medium and 40 small hydroelectric power stations in the remote mountainous areas, with capacity ranging from 5 kilowatts to 1,500 kilowatts.

“Hydroelectric power generation accounts for 76% of the total energy output in Tajikistan,” he added.

Chinese interest

Beijing also wants to reach Central Asia through the CPEC. As Afghanistan is not willing, China and Pakistan are working on an alternative route – the Quadrilateral Agreement on Traffic in Transit. This route will deprive Afghanistan of an opportunity to cash in on the benefits that will emerge from the CPEC.

Before the agreement on the $46-billion CPEC, Pakistan gave control of Gwadar Port to a Chinese company for developing and running the facility. China also plans to establish an oil refinery at the port.

Tajikistan, which is seeking oil imports from Kuwait via Pakistan, has been offered access to the port. Tajikistan may also have the facility to bring goods from Middle Eastern states and other countries.

Tajikistan is the only country among Central Asian states which is keen to give road and energy access to Pakistan. This can make Pakistan a trade hub as it will provide access to other Central Asian nations as well.

In such a scenario, Balochistan will win a substantial share in economic development and will be able to stave off negative consequences of the insurgency. Economic prosperity will overcome the threat of terrorism and ensure stability in the entire country.

the writer is a staff correspondent
source:Pakistan could turn into a transit trade hub - The Express Tribune

CPEC to facilitate economic and trade links with Tajikistan, others. PHOTO: FILE

ISLAMABAD: Hard on the heels of a recent trans-Pacific trade pact involving the US, Japan and 10 other countries, the South and Central Asia are making strides in the search for regional integration.

This partnership between the two close regions will lead to economic development in many countries, especially Pakistan, which may turn into a transit trade hub. Tajikistan, on the other side, is emerging as a gateway between the South and Central Asian nations and is working with Pakistan on developing economic and transit trade corridors.

That's the vision behind the infrastructure development project that NS has. Pakistan will become a major transit and trade hub for the entire Western China, Pakistan herself, and a few Central Russian States, including for some Russian trade also. Its almost like Pakistani ports will be doing trade for 5 time the population of Pakistan, but without having responsibility for these additional half a billion consumers as they are Chinese, Russian and Central Russian States citizens.

This project ALONE can put Pakistan into the top 15th economy over the next few years. This would add (in the long run after Phase III of the CPEC), over 300-400 billion dollars worth of trading activity inside Pakistan. Now add the new Tax revenue generated by new Cities with serious Residential growth, Businesses, Shopping, Industries and Business Parks, that will pop up across the trade route. The estimate leads to over a $ 500-600 billion additional revenue into the Pakistani system. So go google the top economies and see how many are within $ 1 - 1.5 Trillion. This is JUST one project. Add other business and trade initiatives with the rest of the world. Pakistani economy should be right below or at the same level as Australia is within the next 10-15 years.

The Political Stability, NO terrorism, Religious Tolerance, and a Democratic system are a MUST have, to achieve these goals!!
All we are listening is sounding good about pakistan progress.. Need to invest more in education and literacy rate should be increased to 100% than only our nation will rise and lead muslim world.. inshallah..
Pakistan must first cleanup all terrorist and criminals from the country. Business wants peace, stability and rule of law.
I think the operation is successfully progressing. The hub has been destroying and now the scattered pockets are being eliminated.

Every single article leads to one thing that there is no economic activity in gawadar yet. Previous government halted the projects under US pressure hence no activity took place in past 5 years. I dont know how many times it needs to be explained that currently all the money is being spent of transportation network establishment and upgradation of rail networks to support massive economic activity for future. Any sane analyst would know that it will take at least a decade for gawadar to show potential economic activity and at least a decade more to be fully functional. It is a long term project.

Chinese didnt become successfull just by making random investments.
‘CPEC a win-win opportunity’ - The Express Tribune

I doubt that these so called analysts can trumph IMF and their analysis on the project.
IMF mission chief says CPEC critical to Pakistan’s economic development | Pakistan Today
Every single article leads to one thing that there is no economic activity in gawadar yet. Previous government halted the projects under US pressure hence no activity took place in past 5 years. I dont know how many times it needs to be explained that currently all the money is being spent of transportation network establishment and upgradation of rail networks to support massive economic activity for future. Any sane analyst would know that it will take at least a decade for gawadar to show potential economic activity and at least a decade more to be fully functional. It is a long term project.

Chinese didnt become successfull just by making random investments.
‘CPEC a win-win opportunity’ - The Express Tribune

I doubt that these so called analysts can trumph IMF and their analysis on the project.
IMF mission chief says CPEC critical to Pakistan’s economic development | Pakistan Today
Why r u even trying to explain these things to him?
Why r u even trying to explain these things to him?

You got a point. I think the cold i had yesterday made me forget that you can throw the carrot to rabbit but whether it eats that carrot or sticks it in his own a$$ is his own decision.
Chinese didnt become successfull just by making random investments.

China's only major foreign investment exposure so far has been sub-Saharan Africa. Not saying that it is nothing, but also not that much.

I doubt that these so called analysts can trumph IMF and their analysis on the project.

Look, I don't want to rain on anyone's parade. But truly meaningful foreign investment comes in the form of direct investment where companies are set up and capitalized and then floated on the stock exchange. China is giving loans at 18% sovereign guarantee, and then siphoning off most of the money as payment for construction, labour and technical fees. Even the labour is being imported from China. Pakistan may get relief from power shortage, and some decent infrastructure. But it will be left holding a steep bill for that, IMO. Of course, something is better than nothing, but don't put all your eggs in the CPEC basket, all I am saying.

Use burnol...:chilli:

CPEC is already a success....

Very first result by 2016 all road linking will be completed and energy generation will be surplus by 2018...

Pakistan has always been just on the brink of economic super-stardom. Unfortunately yet to materialize. There is always hope for the future, though.
Pakistan must first cleanup all terrorist and criminals from the country. Business wants peace, stability and rule of law.

that is what Army is doing, you dont need to repeat same every time you post
China's only major foreign investment exposure so far has been sub-Saharan Africa. Not saying that it is nothing, but also not that much.

Look, I don't want to rain on anyone's parade. But truly meaningful foreign investment comes in the form of direct investment where companies are set up and capitalized and then floated on the stock exchange. China is giving loans at 18% sovereign guarantee, and then siphoning off most of the money as payment for construction, labour and technical fees. Even the labour is being imported from China. Pakistan may get relief from power shortage, and some decent infrastructure. But it will be left holding a steep bill for that, IMO. Of course, something is better than nothing, but don't put all your eggs in the CPEC basket, all I am saying.

Pakistan has always been just on the brink of economic super-stardom. Unfortunately yet to materialize. There is always hope for the future, though.
You fail to understand..It is already success... go have a burnol plzzzzzz
That's the vision behind the infrastructure development project that NS has. Pakistan will become a major transit and trade hub for the entire Western China, Pakistan herself, and a few Central Russian States, including for some Russian trade also. Its almost like Pakistani ports will be doing trade for 5 time the population of Pakistan, but without having responsibility for these additional half a billion consumers as they are Chinese, Russian and Central Russian States citizens.

This project ALONE can put Pakistan into the top 15th economy over the next few years. This would add (in the long run after Phase III of the CPEC), over 300-400 billion dollars worth of trading activity inside Pakistan. Now add the new Tax revenue generated by new Cities with serious Residential growth, Businesses, Shopping, Industries and Business Parks, that will pop up across the trade route. The estimate leads to over a $ 500-600 billion additional revenue into the Pakistani system. So go google the top economies and see how many are within $ 1 - 1.5 Trillion. This is JUST one project. Add other business and trade initiatives with the rest of the world. Pakistani economy should be right below or at the same level as Australia is within the next 10-15 years.

The Political Stability, NO terrorism, Religious Tolerance, and a Democratic system are a MUST have, to achieve these goals!!
I feel you are missing a something chabhar port Iran, where India alone is planning to invest @35billion $, Iran's stability compared to problems in baloch, the Afghanistan support for Chabhar project, Russia and other post soviet countries also more near to India and Iran . Would have an affect
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