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Afghanistan: the Catastrophic Quagmire

I am at peace.

Don't need your help, I guess nobody does.
Try your anti-Pakistan BS somewhere else, may I suggest BR forums, you will find more support there.

Listen, have you even heard of something called the Afghan War? Do you even know what happened there? Do you even go to school, for that matter, or just stole someone's phone/computer and are playing with it all day?
Listen, have you even heard of something called the Afghan War? Do you even know what happened there? Do you even go to school, for that matter, or just stole someone's phone/computer and are playing with it all day?

Afghanistan is next door to us, we have cultural, linguistic and historical ties. I am sure we know more about Afghanistan than you.

As far the bold part.
No, I don't go to school any more. I did that some time back, actually quite some time ago. But you Mr are still going to your school everyday, don't you.
Aah my mistake, all this time I was assuming that I was in discussion with a grown-up literate person. Turns out to be a school kid.
Afghanistan is next door to us, we have cultural, linguistic and historical ties. I am sure we know more about Afghanistan than you.

So your ancient ties with Afghanistan insure you from knowing against the Afghan War in the 80s and the joint CIA/ISI program? And also from knowing that Pakistan incubated, armed, trained and funded the Taliban? Awesome!!!
So your ancient ties with Afghanistan insure you from knowing against the Afghan War in the 80s and the joint CIA/ISI program? And also from knowing that Pakistan incubated, armed, trained and funded the Taliban? Awesome!!!

Listen school kid I have tried to engage you in constructive conversation. But you seem only to be interested in slogans, but I don't blame you, school kids like you do behave randomly some time and adults need to be patient with them.
But please do some research and try asking specific questions related to the current thread and I will help you broaden your knowledge.
Now what happened in the 80's, how the Taliban came to power and the current phase of US/NATO occupation of Afghanistan are all very different phases of this tragedy.
The three lines that you just posted is a mesh-mash gibberish, neither a question nor a statement. If you want to make a statement bring proof to back it up. If you want to ask question then ask like a question and open your mind to learning new things. I will help you.

But first learn how to write.
Now what happened in the 80's, how the Taliban came to power and the current phase of US/NATO occupation of Afghanistan are all very different phases of this tragedy.

What happened in the 80s was that CIA/ISI created the Mujaheddeen. These mujahedeen wrecked Afghanistan. Taliban was born out of this wreckage, and was used by Pakistan for further destroying what remained of Afghanistan. As for proof, google "Afghanistan War" and read. Then google "Taliban" + "Pakistan sponsorship" and read. Stop playing these "give me proof" games with me.

And I have already told you that I am not interested in any more conversation with you. You are a dim-wit moron without even half-a-brain, and not worth 5 minutes of anyone's time. Good bye.
The collective shadenfreude from a nation that has played a pivotal role in the destruction of Afghanistan is beyond belief. Pakistanis should reflect upon their policies in Afghanistan, and learn some lessons. Of course, I suppose that is too much to ask from people who remember everything, but learn nothing.

Well since we are in the business of throwing "charges" without producing anything pertaining to be evidence I feel I need to add a additional "charge".

India is guilty of having almost destroyed Pakistan with the blowback hitting Afghanistan and attendant destruction. India's responsibility therefore is even greater in what has happened.

I suppose this is too much to ask to accept from a people who make up everything like Bollywood.
What happened in the 80s was that CIA/ISI created the Mujaheddeen. These mujahedeen wrecked Afghanistan. Taliban was born out of this wreckage, and was used by Pakistan for further destroying what remained of Afghanistan. As for proof, google "Afghanistan War" and read. Then google "Taliban" + "Pakistan sponsorship" and read. Stop playing these "give me proof" games with me.

And I have already told you that I am not interested in any more conversation with you. You are a dim-wit moron without even half-a-brain, and not worth 5 minutes of anyone's time. Good bye.

The CIA weaponized the Mujahideen to take revenge for their humiliation in Vietnam. As the saying was to give the Ruskies their Vietnam.
Once the Soviet Union withdrew, the Americans got disinterested and left Pakistan to sort out the mess.
The Taliban were an answer to this chaos and they brought stability back and defeated most of the Indian sponsored warlords. Hence the reduction in crime and opium cultivation.
But you don't know this coz in Indian Schools you are taught only one thing. All the worlds problem is because of Pakistan.

My suggestion to you, when you go to school tomorrow ask your teacher about zbigniew brzezinski and the great game. Hopefully they will be able to answer your questions. But then again being an Indian school I won't hold my breath.

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The CIA weaponized the Mujahideen to take revenge for their humiliation in Vietnam. As the saying was to give the Ruskies their Vietnam.

And who liased with the Mujahedeen for the CIA? THE ISI did.

Once the Soviet Union withdrew, the Americans got disinterested and left Pakistan to sort out the mess.
The Taliban were an answer to this chaos and they brought stability back and defeated most of the Indian sponsored warlords. Hence the reduction in crime and opium cultivation.

And who sponsored and abetted the Taliban? The ISI did.

Hopefully they will be able to answer your questions. But then again being an Indian school I won't hold my breath.

So now we have to enter into a contest about your spittoons called schools vs Indian schools?


Well since we are in the business of throwing "charges" without producing anything pertaining to be evidence I feel I need to add a additional "charge".

There we go. Ignore the entire history of CIA/ISI operations in Afghanistan from the 80s onwards. Ignore ISI support for Taliban since inception. And ask for proof. Why? Does the internet lack for proof? Or you cannot read?

India is guilty of having almost destroyed Pakistan with the blowback hitting Afghanistan and attendant destruction. India's responsibility therefore is even greater in what has happened.

Pakistan has been nearly destroyed due to its rabid hatred towards India. No rocket science there. Almost every piece in an international news source today puts that in somewhere.
And who liased with the Mujahedeen for the CIA? THE ISI did.

And who sponsored and abetted the Taliban? The ISI did.

So now we have to enter into a contest about your spittoons called schools vs Indian schools?


I told you before my school days are long gone, it's your time now. Now come on be a good boy, go to bed. you don't want to get late for school again, do you

And make sure you ask your teacher the questions I gave you. Once you get the answers then we can talk. Otherwise don't bother.

Dobra Noc
I told you before my school days are long gone, it's your time now. Now come on be a good boy, go to bed. you don't want to get late for school again, do you

And make sure you ask your teacher the questions I gave you. Once you get the answers then we can talk. Otherwise don't bother.

Dobra Noc

I thought this conversation had ended...you still wasting my time? Show yourself out. Cheers.
There we go. Ignore the entire history of CIA/ISI operations in Afghanistan from the 80s

Look Shatdeshi, I did not ignore anything. Your rabid Pak hater as much as I am rabid Gangadesh hater. If you had bothered to look at the facts America, Pakistan, the wider West and Saudia were behind the Afghan jihad. That is where the roots of the present Taliban were laid. That is where the word "Jihad" joined the lexicon of many languages. That is where Jihad was industrilized. The Mo-jihad-een have morphed over time into the present Taliban. Go read about Operation Cyclone. The fact is America was the lead planner and financier. Given these facts you conveniently miss out the complicity and blame of other. It was a group enterprise including Afghans but you dump it all on Pakistan. That is why I said look at the facts. The facts are Pakistan is only one of the perpetrators. So why blame only Pakistan?

I guess you coming from Gangadesh explains why the one tracked thinking by blaming everything on Pakistan. By the way I know India is not destroyed. We all know it is shining but have a look at the Shatdeshi below. Is that Pakistan's fault also?




What a filthy disgusting people you guy's are. You came here and pontificate yet have millions of your citizens tethered to these rickshaws like bloody draft animals. And I know we also have some of this garbage although even most of that from your Gangaland. Even then such hideosity is limited to very small numbers.

However in India 100s of millions live in abject poverty. This is testament to human genetic imprint which demands survival. Or else all these 100s of millions would be better considering the words of the great bard.

To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them: to die, to sleep
No more; and by a sleep, to say we end
The Heart-ache, and the thousand Natural shocks
That Flesh is heir to? 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep,
To sleep, perchance to Dream; aye, there's the rub.
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Look Shatdeshi, I did not ignore anything. Your rabid Pak hater as much as I am rabid Gangadesh hater. If you had bothered to look at the facts America, Pakistan, the wider West and Saudia were behind the Afghan jihad.

Very convenient to place the blame on everyone and their mom. In the past 30+ years, Pakistan's only major policy gambit has been the use of non-state actors (read "terrorists") to further non-existent geo-political goals. Pretty scummy behaviour, wouldn't you say?

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