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I am not Malala: Teachers release novel against Nobel Peace winner

Old Pakistani trick to defame someone.
Labeled him/her Traitor or Blasphemous, un padh awam or Jahil mulla tolla esclarate it further and job is done.
Old Pakistani trick to defame someone.
Labeled him/her Traitor or Blasphemous, un padh awam or Jahil mulla tolla esclarate it further and job is done.
or simply see what they say if it fits what they do then fine if not....
Pakistanis hate Malala and support Mumtaz Qadri.

These things define Pakistanis and show us why so many Pakistanis are inclined towards terrorism.
I hope Malala never comes back to Pakistan. The people of my country don't deserve her.

I also strongly believe that she would be treated differently if she was a boy and not a girl.
Malala and his father are nothing but western stooges. Real heroes are APS martyrs and Gazis who were attacked and killed still returned to same school and defied the Taliban. Malala book is co authored by famous enemy of Islam and Pakistan. @Akheilos
Malala was attacked because she had become a stooge of Pakistan army according to Taliban. And APS students were killed because they were children of western stooges according to Taliban. Neutral assessment of any sane human being is, that Pakistan army is indeed a stooge of America. So dear Zarvan, Malala is as much agent of west as is Pakistan army, her patrons.

I am Not Malala, I am a Muslim, I am Pakistani is an account of Pakistanis who take pride in their country.

The All Pakistan Private Schools Federation (APPSF) launched a rebuttal to Malala Yousafzai’s novel ‘I am Malala’ by releasing a book titled ‘I am not Malala, I am a Muslim, I am a Pakistani’ at the National Press Club in Islamabad.

“The book is written with the aim to reveal the truth and counter anti-Islamic propaganda and expose the nefarious designs of anti-Islam forces,” said the author of the book, Mirza Kashif Ali, President All Pakistan Private Schools Federation (APPSF).

“I am Not Malala, I am a Muslim, I am Pakistani” was introduced in a ceremony chaired by Ali at National Press Club in Islamabad.

“I am Malala” describes Malala’s life under the Taliban’s brutal rule in the Swat valley in the mid-2000s and hints at her ambition to enter Pakistani politics.

Some private schools banned it from their premises last year due to what they called its “anti-Pakistan and anti-Islam content”.

APPSF which comprises of a total of 173,000 private schools termed the Nobel Peace Prize winner’s book ‘controversial’, banning it in all private schools and colleges as a result.

According to the organisation, the book contains offensive text regarding Islam, Quranic teachings, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Pakistan’s ideology, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Pakistan Army, thus cannot be added in the curriculum.

Earlier in a statement, Adeeb Javadani, the central president of All Pakistan Private Schools Management Association (APPSMA) said that the book, the book was meant for the Western audience and did not receive much appreciation in Pakistan – a fact that had already decided its fate.

Further, APPSF announced its decision to take the matter to court on November 13, in order to ban the book across the country.

“Malala is a darling of the west and Shiv Sena, the same people who created al Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS), have created Malala,” Ali said.

The book, “I am not Malala”, aims to tell the readers that Malala, by comparing the Army with militants, the young literati is actually bashing the Army under the garb of female education.

Further, while the book praised Aitizaz Hasan, the young student who sacrificed his life to save his schoolmates by tackling a suicide bomber, it also questions her indifference towards Israeli aggression or the ongoing brutality in Gaza, which she did not mention in her book for while she spoke against the atrocities of Boko Haram in Nigeria, thus concluding that Malala is loyal to the Jews and the west.

“She has formed strong nexus with Salman Rushdie and Bangladeshi writer Tasleema Nasreen, and also believes in their ideology,” he alleged. “Malala says that she does not fear the Taliban any longer but will she return to Pakistan if she has no fears?” he questioned. “She will never do so because she will lose support of her masters and the easy money flowing in,” he further alleged.

The rebuttal of Malal’s book also portrays her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai as a ‘double agent’, electricity thief and a traitor based on his demand to hand over Shakil Afridi, the man who allegedly ran a fake vaccination campaign with CIA’s help to gather information in order to assist the US trace Osama bin Laden.

However, Ali stressed that the organisation went on a countrywide strike in order to show solidarity with Malala when she was attacked.

“We are not against her but the ideology being imposed on us by such traitors and billions of dollars of Malala Fund are being used for this to introduce secular curriculum.”

This article originally appeared on The Nation

I am not Malala: Teachers release novel against Nobel Peace winner - The Express Tribune

It's delusional to think that medals and prizes are given to people for the recognition of ones talent, contribution and cause.
I really don't know how come a teenager , shot at a point blank range in the head and bullet travels through her ugly skull, can survive?

By the will of Allah of course, so who are you to question his choice?

Her fault is that she survived? Had she been dead by taking the bullet, she would have been called a martyr, people would remember her for 2 days and then case closed. Tsk, i see so much hatred for a 18 yr old girl on the thread :(

Not hatred fear. Fear of an educated Pakistan where people think for them selves and have the education to make their own choices rather than being told what to think by the local boss. 182,000,000 voices saying no to rule but a few in a cozy relationship with the religious fanatics. Of course they bash any one that wants to shake the status quo. That they are so afraid of a little girl speak volumes.
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By the will of Allah of course, so who are you to question his choice?
Congratulations man.....you just won the RETARD of 2015 award:victory::yahoo::taz:
If we go by your logic, then no murder can be investigated because we believe it is will of Allah, I think you should tell the supreme so that it can drop all the murder cases...because it was will of Allah...and that makes very clear that you are not Muslim and have very little knowledge of Islam and little knowledge is always very dangerous my loser friend...sorry my "winner" friend.
Rest of your comment is needless to answer since you already won RETARD of 2015 award and we don't have anymore awards for you this year so come back in 2016.
that is sad :(

No one knows who they are what they are doing what their names is....You can only pay to make 1 famous!

What a retard these info can be googled, did you google? If you did 10 names...I am sure you can find 10 and dont need to memorize them like your syllabus....If you can find 10 names good....We can talk more after that...If not then bugger off and quit trolling!
You claimed she helped 100s so you need to produce 10 of the 100 girls!
Could if their name could be connected to internet.
Less than 10% of Pakistani population is connected to internet. Forget about those poor girls.
Also, nor Pakistani government uses much internet or e-commorce.
Anyway, why you only need those 10 names. Go to the tribal areas of Pakistan which is under the influence of taliban.
Count how many girls are educated there and note their names.
Tell them to me also so that I could explain them to some more guys like you.
Could if their name could be connected to internet.
or if they existed :agree:

I see - Denial at full blast

Less than 10% of Pakistani population is connected to internet. Forget about those poor girls.
I will ignore the 10% as we all know indians are lack knowledge on different fronts and love to make their own statistics!
Where the poor girls are funded by international bodies, I am sure the international bodies would be proudly showing where their money is being used or do international bodies not have access to the internet?

Also, nor Pakistani government uses much internet or e-commorce.
Not many govt on the planet uses e- commerce...Again the lack of knowledge of a typical indian is no secret ...On PDF daily they display it!

Anyway, why you only need those 10 names. Go to the tribal areas of Pakistan which is under the influence of taliban.
When did you last visited those areas that you are so convinced that I will find 10 names from there?

Trolling detected

Count how many girls are educated there and note their names.
Tell them to me also so that I could explain them to some more guys like you.
Shows denial and stupid levels of trolling ...Hallucinating and self convinced something exists coz the indian mind cant accept truth...RIP!

I hope Malala never comes back to Pakistan. The people of my country don't deserve her.

I also strongly believe that she would be treated differently if she was a boy and not a girl.
Shame on such thinking!

She is being questioned for promises she made and never kept....When she talked about educating "Pakistani girls" in her village...she ALMOST IMMEDIATELY received some millions to do so...This was some years back...Till date we dont see a cent used on her village! Just facts you can dig up the articles to see for yourself what caused her to be hated than applauded!
Pakistanis hate Malala and support Mumtaz Qadri.

These things define Pakistanis and show us why so many Pakistanis are inclined towards terrorism.

Wow!! What a stupid, sweeping statement you have made.

Pakistanis dont hate Malala, but Pakistanis are not fools that they cant see Malala as being used by the west as a poster girl and a vehicle to promote their values.

If Malala cause was so much Pakistani, her book would not have made fun of Islam, Pakistan and army. Girls like Malala and many nameless Pakistanis are struggling and working hard to improve the lives of Pakistani girls by being in Pakistan, not giving rousing interviews and hogging the limelight in the west.

We can see that she is being used by west in their fight against 'extremism' of their version. If the educated, so called liberal class in Pakistan cant see, its because the liberal in Pakistan are mentally slave to the west. For them, everything that comes from west is gospel. They ape them, follow them and even try to speak and dress like them.

Remember. A true liberal is always an independent thinker. People brought up to be enthralled by the west, its values and its education can never be liberals, they will always be mentally slave.

As for Mumtaz Qadri, he is a killer and deserves death by hanging. He was on duty to protect the governor. He had an official weapon. He is no one to judge a fellow Muslim as our faith strictly tells us not to judge people based who they are and how they look. For only Allah knows whats in the heart and apparently devious human being is closer to Allah than the seemingly pious one.
Wow!! What a stupid, sweeping statement you have made.

Pakistanis dont hate Malala, but Pakistanis are not fools that they cant see Malala as being used by the west as a poster girl and a vehicle to promote their values.

If Malala cause was so much Pakistani, her book would not have made fun of Islam, Pakistan and army. Girls like Malala and many nameless Pakistanis are struggling and working hard to improve the lives of Pakistani girls by being in Pakistan, not giving rousing interviews and hogging the limelight in the west.

We can see that she is being used by west in their fight against 'extremism' of their version. If the educated, so called liberal class in Pakistan cant see, its because the liberal in Pakistan are mentally slave to the west. For them, everything that comes from west is gospel. They ape them, follow them and even try to speak and dress like them.

Remember. A true liberal is always an independent thinker. People brought up to be enthralled by the west, its values and its education can never be liberals, they will always be mentally slave.

As for Mumtaz Qadri, he is a killer and deserves death by hanging. He was on duty to protect the governor. He had an official weapon. He is no one to judge a fellow Muslim as our faith strictly tells us not to judge people based who they are and how they look. For only Allah knows whats in the heart and apparently devious human being is closer to Allah than the seemingly pious one.
Sorry as for judging people you are not on the point if some one is going against Quran and Sunnah he would be judged and also stopped. Stopping evil and and spreading good is order in Quran and Sunnah and duty of every Muslim and biggest is of those in power. Their failure is pushing people to take law in their own hands . As for Mumtaz Qadri he should have not taken law in his own hands but Government also did nothing against Taseer when scholar pointed out his mistake and Government did nothing.
Finally for Malala she was short bad thing to happen but now she is being used by west as you said as their poster Girl. For me real heroes and role models are APS Peshawar students.
The more the give awards to malala the more she is disliked in pakistan. It seems their malala strategy is back firing. She will never become the PM of pakistan.
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