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Ideological blowback of the Talis into Pakistan

Just curious if some of the members here at PDF remember when the Talis governed Afghanistan how strong was their ideological blowback on the Pakistani society. When Talis were on the move in Afghanistan I remember very well that parts of Pakistan especially NWFP were getting inspiration for the Talis and were breaking up TVs, and asking for Sharia in NWFP.

Thus I wonder if people in Pakistan still think that after Tali take over ( which will never happen ) in Afghanistan you guys can just shut your borders, and receive no ideological blowback ? You think their brethren’s in Pakistan will sit idle and won’t want same thing in Pakistan??

@Zarvan @Rasengan : How is it going ?
Pakistan had no Taliban until dumbo Musharraf decided to be USA puppet and sent Army into tribal areas after 3 years of operation TTP was formed and they went on rampage killed thousands and thousands
Pakistan had no Taliban until dumbo Musharraf decided to be USA puppet and sent Army into tribal areas after 3 years of operation TTP was formed and they went on rampage killed thousands and thousands

wronge story and only half of the story my friend ! Clashes and Terror did start even before Army went in tribal areas !
wronge story and only half of the story my friend ! Clashes and Terror did start even before Army went in tribal areas !
No it didn't the crap was started after Army went in and even USA was shocked why Musharraf is sending Army in tribal areas even they didn't told him to do so but to be more loyal to USA he made this blunder and after that Pakistan forgot what is peace.
Haqqani group has been faithful to Pakistan since 70s and has not carried out a single attack against Pakistan. Here on Pakistani soil they behave like harmless saints even though they might be blowing up innocent people in Afghanistan.
Wah bhai kamaal hai, terrorism ko openly support karte hai aap.

but is not ruling over the possibility that Taliban might take over again. So has not acted against Afghan Taliban, dont believe ISPR statements. Sirajudin Haqqani on numerous occasions, has reportedly tried to convince TTP that they should give up their war against Pakistan like Hafiz Gul Bahadur and instead focus entirely on Afghanistan. This has earned them trust of ISI.
Yes they will subservient to you until they come to power bcos they need your support. Once they come to power they are your equals and why in the world will they listen to you? What makes you think wont aspire to take over pakistan and impose sharia ?

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
Abraham Lincoln
There WILL be blow back when they capture Kabul, but that is not happening ever again. But they will capture rest of Afghanistan , prolonging the war until there is nothing to fight for and Afghanistan will loose 5th time in a row to Pakistan in this war.
Pakistan had no Taliban until dumbo Musharraf decided to be USA puppet and sent Army into tribal areas after 3 years of operation TTP was formed and they went on rampage killed thousands and thousands
The fact of the matter is Pakistani -Taliban were already in FATA before September 11 terrorist attacks.

No it didn't the crap was started after Army went in and even USA was shocked why Musharraf is sending Army in tribal areas even they didn't told him to do so but to be more loyal to USA he made this blunder and after that Pakistan forgot what is peace.
Okay, here’s a question for you, on what DATE Musharraf sent troops into the FATA?
The fact of the matter is Pakistani -Taliban were already in FATA before September 11 terrorist attacks.

Okay, here’s a question for you, on what DATE Musharraf sent troops into the FATA?
There were no Pakistani Taliban before 9/11. It was 2003 mid of it when he made this disaster all tribal leaders and others warned him but he was too arrogant to listen
Wah bhai kamaal hai, terrorism ko openly support karte hai aap.

Yes they will subservient to you until they come to power bcos they need your support. Once they come to power they are your equals and why in the world will they listen to you? What makes you think wont aspire to take over pakistan and impose sharia ?

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
Abraham Lincoln
Dont behave like a fanatic, i dont have to call names to Haqqani network or saying false things about them to appear anti-terrorist on online forum..Read my post again, carefully and with attention. It was directed to @A-Team and i am sure he gets it, you dont. In the post, i have explained to him why some Pakistanis (excluding me) have soft corner for Haqqani network and other Afghan Taliban. I have different reasons for opposing Taliban, 1) Their actions and beliefs are destructive to Pashtun qaum on both sides of border 2) Personally i am not into religious extremism and bigotry

The point is, you people shouldnt be so surprised when some Pakistanis show their soft corner for Afghan Taliban. Kabul governments are consistently anti-pakistanis and is in bed with your India.This makes the Pakistanis uncomfortable and they put their hope in Afghan Taliban , whose leaders have families in Pakistan and have not acted against Pakistan even though they were back-stabbed in 2001 by Pakistani military.Surely they, Afghan-Taliban dont trust and love Pakistani military but they do confine themselves to the geographical boundaries of Afghanistan for which they are criticized by ISIS or Daesh. Their this watani approach, makes them palatable to Pakistan, who is fine with them as long as they dont interfere in its internal matters. Yes , TTP itself is, in a way, blow back to backstabbing of Taliban in 2001 by Pakistani military....but with time, different elements of different interests joined this organization and nowadays majority of the ISIS members in Nangarhar are ex-TTP members., and they are killing Afghan-Taliban....

The fact of the matter is Pakistani -Taliban were already in FATA before September 11 terrorist attacks.
Not in the shape , like todays TTP. All of them were attached and related to Taliban in Afghanistan.I belong to a settled area, In 1999-2000, the mullah of our mosque used to specially pray for successes of Taliban in Afghanistan at Juma and he along with other mullahs were involved in recruiting men for war of Taliban against Northern alliance. One of our charsi cousin was ready to go to Afghanistan , but my uncle beat him and he didnt go. Some Taliban from Afghanistan also used to visit our areas. Same was situation in FATA. When Musharaf sided with America after 2001, there was so much protest and anger in Pashtun areas that i thought they might rebel against state of Pakistan.
Dont behave like a fanatic, i dont have to call names to Haqqani network or saying false things about them to appear anti-terrorist on online forum..Read my post again, carefully and with attention. It was directed to @A-Team and i am sure he gets it, you dont. In the post, i have explained to him why some Pakistanis (excluding me) have soft corner for Haqqani network and other Afghan Taliban. I have different reasons for opposing Taliban, 1) Their actions and beliefs are destructive to Pashtun qaum on both sides of border 2) Personally i am not into religious extremism and bigotry

The point is, you people shouldnt be so surprised when some Pakistanis show their soft corner for Afghan Taliban. Kabul governments are consistently anti-pakistanis and is in bed with your India.This makes the Pakistanis uncomfortable and they put their hope in Afghan Taliban , whose leaders have families in Pakistan and have not acted against Pakistan even though they were back-stabbed in 2001 by Pakistani military.Surely they, Afghan-Taliban dont trust and love Pakistani military but they do confine themselves to the geographical boundaries of Afghanistan for which they are criticized by ISIS or Daesh. Their this watani approach, makes them palatable to Pakistan, who is fine with them as long as they dont interfere in its internal matters. Yes , TTP itself is, in a way, blow back to backstabbing of Taliban in 2001 by Pakistani military....but with time, different elements of different interests joined this organization and nowadays majority of the ISIS members in Nangarhar are ex-TTP members., and they are killing Afghan-Taliban....

Not in the shape , like todays TTP. All of them were attached and related to Taliban in Afghanistan.I belong to a settled area, In 1999-2000, the mullah of our mosque used to specially pray for successes of Taliban in Afghanistan at Juma and he along with other mullahs were involved in recruiting men for war of Taliban against Northern alliance. One of our charsi cousin was ready to go to Afghanistan , but my uncle beat him and he didnt go. Some Taliban from Afghanistan also used to visit our areas. Same was situation in FATA. When Musharaf sided with America after 2001, there was so much protest and anger in Pashtun areas that i thought they might rebel against state of Pakistan.

@Samandri, could you shed some light on why there was anger in Pashtun areas and what was the reasoning and sentiments in the Pashtun areas. I guess I could ask the same about Pakistan in general.
There were no Pakistani Taliban before 9/11.
Please read my reply to Samandri.

It was 2003 mid of it when he made this disaster all tribal leaders and others warned him but he was too arrogant to listen
Actually our regular forces were sent there in December 2001, they along with paramilitary Frontier Corps captured 240 Al Qaeda operatives belonging to 26 different nationalities (source, In the Line of Fire, by Musharraf, page 265).

On June 25, 2002 Pakistan launched operation Kazha Punga. (source, In the Line of Fire, by Musharraf, page 266).

I hope you learned something today. lol

Not in the shape , like todays TTP. All of them were attached and related to Taliban in Afghanistan.I belong to a settled area, In 1999-2000, the mullah of our mosque used to specially pray for successes of Taliban in Afghanistan at Juma and he along with other mullahs were involved in recruiting men for war of Taliban against Northern alliance. One of our charsi cousin was ready to go to Afghanistan , but my uncle beat him and he didnt go. Some Taliban from Afghanistan also used to visit our areas. Same was situation in FATA.
That is the crux of the problem, Nek Mohammad, Baitullah Mehsud and Hakimullah Mehsud, just to name a few top terrorists, were all part of thousands of young Pashtuns encouraged and brainwashed by their own country to fight for Afghan-Taliban terrorists.

As they say, when you play with fire, you're bound to get burned. Our rulers never thought seriously about the consequence of their misguided policies.

The Talibanization of FATA and South Punjab may have accelerated but it did not start with the US war on terror.

In 1994 the Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM) led by Sufi Muhammad, a pro-Taliban terrorist, who as a young man fought in the Afghan-Soviet war(reference, Jamestown foundation), inspired by the success of Afghan-Taliban’s started an armed uprising to demand Taliban style Sharia. The revolt was joined by hundreds of Afghan and Pakistani Taliban before it was crushed by the Army. Sufi Muhammad and other members of TNSM then sought refuge in Afghanistan with the Taliban (reference, Taliban, page number 194 by Ahmed Rashid).

We all know what happened in Swat and that Fazlullah his son-in- law is TTP’s leader.

Other Taliban terrorists emerged in Orakzai Agency in 1997, and in 1998 led by Dawar tribe in Mirali, North Waziristan (reference, Asad Munir, a retired brigadier who served in FATA and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa).

In 1998, a Taliban style terrorists the Tehrik-i-Tuleba or movement of Taliban publicly executed a murderer in front of 2000 spectators in Orakzai Agency (References, Taliban, page number 194 by Ahmed Rashid, and BBC).

When Musharaf sided with America after 2001, there was so much protest and anger in Pashtun areas that i thought they might rebel against state of Pakistan.
One can understand Pashtun anger, after all, it was our own rulers who brainwashed these poor people to be used as cannon fodder for their misguided policies.

Even though I’m not a Musharraf fan but I think he made the right decision. Why should Pakistan risk its own well-being for a stupid pathetic terrorist like mullah Omar, he was unreliable, unpredictable and had backstabbed Pakistan many times.

Being a UN member Pakistan had no choice, there were several anonymously passed Security Council resolutions (resolution 1368, 1269) that Pakistan could not afford ignore.

United Nations Official Document

Security Council

Security Council resolutions are binding on member states.

Resolution 1368 adopted unanimously by the Security Council on September 12, 2001.

3. Calls on all states to work together urgently to bring to justice the perpetrators, organizers and sponsors of these terrorist attacks and stresses that those responsible for aiding, supporting or harboring the perpetrators, organizers and sponsors of these acts will be held accountable.

4. Calls also on the international community to redouble their efforts to prevent and suppress terrorist acts, including by increase Corporation and full implementation of the relevant international anti-terrorist conventions and Security Council resolutions, in particular resolution 1269 (19 October 1999).
Please read my reply to Samandri.

Actually our regular forces were sent there in December 2001, they along with paramilitary Frontier Corps captured 240 Al Qaeda operatives belonging to 26 different nationalities (source, In the Line of Fire, by Musharraf, page 265).

On June 25, 2002 Pakistan launched operation Kazha Punga. (source, In the Line of Fire, by Musharraf, page 266).

I hope you learned something today. lol

That is the crux of the problem, Nek Mohammad, Baitullah Mehsud and Hakimullah Mehsud, just to name a few top terrorists, were all part of thousands of young Pashtuns encouraged and brainwashed by their own country to fight for Afghan-Taliban terrorists.

As they say, when you play with fire, you're bound to get burned. Our rulers never thought seriously about the consequence of their misguided policies.

The Talibanization of FATA and South Punjab may have accelerated but it did not start with the US war on terror.

In 1994 the Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM) led by Sufi Muhammad, a pro-Taliban terrorist, who as a young man fought in the Afghan-Soviet war(reference, Jamestown foundation), inspired by the success of Afghan-Taliban’s started an armed uprising to demand Taliban style Sharia. The revolt was joined by hundreds of Afghan and Pakistani Taliban before it was crushed by the Army. Sufi Muhammad and other members of TNSM then sought refuge in Afghanistan with the Taliban (reference, Taliban, page number 194 by Ahmed Rashid).

We all know what happened in Swat and that Fazlullah his son-in- law is TTP’s leader.

Other Taliban terrorists emerged in Orakzai Agency in 1997, and in 1998 led by Dawar tribe in Mirali, North Waziristan (reference, Asad Munir, a retired brigadier who served in FATA and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa).

In 1998, a Taliban style terrorists the Tehrik-i-Tuleba or movement of Taliban publicly executed a murderer in front of 2000 spectators in Orakzai Agency (References, Taliban, page number 194 by Ahmed Rashid, and BBC).

One can understand Pashtun anger, after all, it was our own rulers who brainwashed these poor people to be used as cannon fodder for their misguided policies.

Even though I’m not a Musharraf fan but I think he made the right decision. Why should Pakistan risk its own well-being for a stupid pathetic terrorist like mullah Omar, he was unreliable, unpredictable and had backstabbed Pakistan many times.

Being a UN member Pakistan had no choice, there were several anonymously passed Security Council resolutions (resolution 1368, 1269) that Pakistan could not afford ignore.

United Nations Official Document

Security Council

Security Council resolutions are binding on member states.

Resolution 1368 adopted unanimously by the Security Council on September 12, 2001.

3. Calls on all states to work together urgently to bring to justice the perpetrators, organizers and sponsors of these terrorist attacks and stresses that those responsible for aiding, supporting or harboring the perpetrators, organizers and sponsors of these acts will be held accountable.

4. Calls also on the international community to redouble their efforts to prevent and suppress terrorist acts, including by increase Corporation and full implementation of the relevant international anti-terrorist conventions and Security Council resolutions, in particular resolution 1269 (19 October 1999).

There you go, you have summarized it pretty well.
I think now Pakistan and may be IRAN (but not for coming years) will go inside Afghanistan to hunt the ISIS and Talibans.

Iran has to make up its fleet and then with US permission can go inside but I am sure GCC will not allow them as well.
I think now Pakistan and may be IRAN (but not for coming years) will go inside Afghanistan to hunt the ISIS and Talibans.

Iran has to make up its fleet and then with US permission can go inside but I am sure GCC will not allow them as well.

Dont come to Afghanistan to fight your wars, help us as a neighbour, and we will do the job.

According to Sabiq who is a Taliban fighter in the last 2 months in Helmand 31 Humvee's & 36 Ranger Vehicles, 10 Military Trucks have been captured.


American withdrawal will make the situation even worth. Unless US troops stay, ISIS will overrun each and every city in a week's time.

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