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Why all neighboring countries- China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan, hate INDIA?

For Sri Lanka and Pakistan: These two countries have been the victims of major Indian cross-border terrorism for decades

For Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanamar: These are fed up of constant Indian bullying and threats.

For Chinese: Well they give a shyte about India and care more about their development than wasting time on this non serious country.
Ever wonder, Why all its neighboring countries - China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan, hate India so much?

Except Pakistan, India has cordial and fruitful relations with all the other countries you listed above. The trade between India and China has crossed $70 billion, India and BD settled a long time border dispute, India and SL have never been so close with each other, and Nepal, Bhutan and India are almost one country.
Why Chinese Hate Indians!

Sonal Bhadoria

Washington-based Pew Research Center revealed that roughly 23% have a favorable opinion of India, while 62% offer a negative opinion.

Currently, only 44% of Chinese say their southern neighbour's expanding economy is positive for China, down from 60% in 2010.Meanwhile, those saying India's growing economy is a bad thing has almost doubled over the same period.

And it seem, the feeling is mutual. Hate travels across the borders easily, one might think.

Because the views of Indians are similar, perhaps even more negative than their Chinese counterparts.The report says, ""Only 23% of Indians describe their country's relationship with China as one of cooperation and only 24% think China's growing economy is a good thing for India," it said.


What is surprising, though, is that despite the negative press Pakistan receives from the international media, China's relationship with Pakistan is much brighter.

Nearly half of Chinese see the the Chino-Pak (newly minted term, totally unofficial and certified cheeky)relationship as one of cooperation and only 10% describe it as one of hostility," the report said.

So what can be the cause of these cold feelings?

We can only suggest, but perhaps the 50th anniversary of the Sino-Indian war of 1962 may have made the decades old wound fresh in people's memory.

Or could it be that India's bid to explore oil in South China Sea has caused our neighbours to hate us?

Perhaps India's rise as an economic power is unsettling to the Chinese people.

But do you know what we suspect?

They just couldn't 'digest' the mind numbing theory of Haryana's Khap Panchayats that linked their beloved chowmein with rape.

Borders are O.K. But chowmein is sacred

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Ever wonder, Why all its neighboring countries - China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan, hate India so much?

Success makes so many people hate us(INDIANS). I wish it wasn't that way. It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those around you.
This is what you Indians think.

And it is precisely due to this thinking that they hate you!!!

They are independent countries, let them live their lives instead of thinking they are Indians or belong to India!

Who told you that they hate Indians? Many Nepalese especially from plains intermarry with Indians.

An Indian perspective....because Indians are born to be hated..lol

We don't care whether you hate or love us. This is called Indian subcontinent for a reason.
Ever wonder, Why all its neighboring countries - China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan, hate India so much?

also go to any western countries they will show u how much pakistanis are hated.
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