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Why all neighboring countries- China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan, hate INDIA?

An Indian perspective....because Indian race are born to be hated....the easiest to be picked and shouted at...lol


Rajee Kushwaha


This question rises time and again in my mind. Yes, Why do India's neighbour distrust and hate India? I am not being negative--I am just wondering about. Can we do some honest introspection?

Ok, I say forget Pakistan. It might be surviving and thriving on anti -India thoughts. What about NEPAL, BANGLA DESH, SRILANKA and CHINA? Bhutan? Well! it is a microdot on the world's map!! Mauritius? Even it is not comfortable with us.

We had open borders with Nepal. But, today, it wants a VISA SYSTEM. The MAOISTS do not trust us at all. Didn't we work continuously, since 50s, against the well established Monarchy by propping up guys like GP KOIRALA and NEPALI CONGRESS? It has today, backfired on us. Why do we work against the interests of our neighbours and also, inadvertantly, against our own interests?

Take the case of China. We had amicable relations with them. Suddenly we permitted DALAI LAMA and his entourage to settle in India and allowed him to carry on with his ANTI-CHINA activities from Indian Soil. Do we think China would have taken it lightly? Our defeat from China in 1962, makes Chinese not trust us? Our this act in 1959 sowed the seeds of 1962 war.

Let us look at BANGLADESH. It should have been ever grateful to us. It should be HATING PAKISTAN for the atrocities of its army in 1970-71. But no, it is the hub of ISI activities against India. Top leaders of ULFA and North East militant outfits openly live in Dacca. In fact ULFA militancy of ASSAM survives because indirect patronage by BANGLA DESH OFFICIALDOM.

Now let us come to SRI LANKA. Who does not know as to who created LTTE and PRABHAKARAN? It is the same people and politicians who had created BHINDRAWALE in PUNJAB. Then, we go to SRILANKA with our army to act as OMBUDSMAN between LTTE and SRILANKAN Government. Finally, we do a U TURN against the LTTE and make them our enemies. Hundreds of Indian soldiers lose their lives and limbs. Then Pakistanis helped Srilankans.. The indian army becomes an object of hate amongst both LTTE and SINHALESE. What more our own politicians in TN ridiculed the poor soldiers who were sent as a national effort. In fact, when they returned from SRILANKA in 1990, they were not even shown basic courtesies. Now again there are voices in Chennai who are wanting India to intervene in SRILANKA to save LTTE. What is worse is the fact that we are allowing such organisations as "Of ERR----ORGANISATION for ELAM REFUGEES REHABILITATION" to function from CHENNAI and allowing them to spread VENOM against SRILANKA. Do we think SRILANKA relishes this? This organisation is, I am sure, supported by LTTE. I draw your attention to OfERR's activities. They might look innocent but their very existence on indian soil creates distrust in Srilanka. see this site:-

My simple point is to highlight the fact that INDIA was a victim of its own LOPSIDED policies. We are a SELF INFLICTED INJURY...too Arrogant We step on our toes because of our poor bureaucracy. Our bureaucracy is to be blamed for such a confusion in our minds. It is this bureucracy which had led RAJEEV GANDHI up the garden path in 1985 when it advised a pact with JAYWAERDENE and despatched our army there to fight SRILANKA's WAR with LTTE. It were these PAPER PUSHERS who formulated this policy. But everyone forgets these "NOTE-WRITING CLERKS", who are behind all our ills.

We ought to have good relations with our neighbours if we want to become a dominant player in world affairs. It is because of our poor standing amongst our neighbours that the WORLD merely shrugs at us when we want to nail Pakistani lies on TERRORISM.

Look at the foreign secretary of UK , who comes to India and advises us to resolve Kashmir problem with Pakistan to end TERRORISM. It means UK agrees with PAKISTAN's view point that TERRORISM in India had roots in KASHMIR. And our loveable FUTURE PRIME MINISTERIAL CAN DIDATE , Sh. RAHUL GANDHI hobnobs with this MILBANDI character in AMETHI VILLAGES.

Do you think we can become a GLOBAL PLAYER by having FRICTION with our neighbours and licking those who kick us on our butts? We should be hobnobbing with our neighbours and shooing away the outsiders. I do think so. What is your take?

Anyway as I said, I don't a care whether you hate or love us. It is your problem.

Come on don't be so morally down, and self-defeating, it does matter, u should care..... have some courage and put some reasons why all the neighbors hate India???
Come on don't be so morally down, and self-defeating, it does matter, u should care..... have some courage and put some reasons why all the neighbors hate India???

How can I give the reason? You are a neighbor of India. You should tell why you hate India. How would I know why you hate India? I don't have supernatural powers to look into you mind.
then why these countries don't hate China since China progressed more than India ? come with better logic

China is the big boss who throws bones at them and sometimes even some meat,India was a peaceful pansy for 50 years not aligning themselves and getting ahead,masters of pussyfooting.

Now that status quo has changed and reality is that only pakistan hate us and wants others to share its opinion.

I can also do some instant psycho analysis and tell you why pakistanis like to believe this theory,thats because pakistan doesnt get accepted in the middle east and doesn't accept that it is indeed a part of south asia.

so,this cognitive dissonance is more interesting than the theory.
Anyway as I said, I don't a care whether you hate or love us. It is your problem.

Yup we know Indians don't care whether all neighbors hate India for all her wrong policies such as exporting cross-border terrorism, bullying, blockade, threats etc.

Just like they tell this to us Pakistanis in almost every thread here on PDF that they don't care about Pakistan and hence ignore us! :agree:
then why these countries don't hate China since China progressed more than India ? come with better logic

China is hated by all the country surrounded by it except may be by NK. Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, SK, Singapore,Taiwan hate China.

I guess when there is a powerful country, countries surrounding it will feel inferior and powerless and this inferiority complex may turn into hate.
Yup we know Indians don't care whether all neighbors hate India for all her wrong policies such as exporting cross-border terrorism, bullying, blockade, threats etc.

Just like they tell this to us Pakistanis in almost every thread here on PDF that they don't care about Pakistan and hence ignore us! :agree:

We are ignoring you. The problem is that Pakistan goes around and complain to everyone that India is not talking to Pakistan.
Well Pakistanis don't hate Hindus or Indians generally - Pakistanis hate Indians, when India does terrorism inside Pakistan, Pakistanis hate when India illegally occupy Jammu and Kashmir, as well forceful annexation of Junagarh and Hyderabad.

Pakistanis hate RSS, BJP types extremists and terrorists who speak venom against Pakistan....Pakistanis hate anti-Pak policies... Pakistani cannot accept Indian hegmony on itself.....Pakistanis hate Indians who like to attack, destroy Pakistan....Pakistan hate you because when you lie, distort history, conduct propaganda, speak filth against Pakistanis.

As I said it is you problem. Anyway I don't see why India should make others love it. India will do what is in its interest even if it means others hate it. We are fine with that hate.
Except Pakistan, We have very good relations with all other countries.
China is the big boss who throws bones at them and sometimes even some meat,India was a peaceful pansy for 50 years not aligning themselves and getting ahead,masters of pussyfooting.

Now that status quo has changed and reality is that only pakistan hate us and wants others to share its opinion.

I can also do some instant psycho analysis and tell you why pakistanis like to believe this theory,thats because pakistan doesnt get accepted in the middle east and doesn't accept that it is indeed a part of south asia.

so,this cognitive dissonance is more interesting than the theory.
or perhaps Indian imaginary world thinking ? lets put Pakistan a side

Tell me why Bhutan have been forced to take permission first from India for International diplomatic matters.
Why India supported Sri lanka's separate group for war ?
why India makes sensation of Nepal's earthquake tragic and now asking Nepal to change constitution from Secular to Hindu ?
why India wants to be bossy over Bangladesh ? even your media recommends to use army to keep a particular BD government over what Bangladeshi wants ? Why India provoked Hilly area conflict of Bangladesh just after death of national father Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1975 which resulted Bangladesh to proke Indian separatist in 1980s and India caught up in the middle.
Now come to reality from Bollyland and TOI dreamland, you will get it.

Except Pakistan, We have very good relations with all other countries.
don't lie :D
Even higher than mountain do not have any favourable view about pakistan

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